Plant names in Oromo and English - Common Oromo Vocabulary
Learn common Oromo vocabulary with this English-to-Oromo list of Plant names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Oromo language skills through popular words and play Oromo quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Oromo language, then the 1000 most common Oromo words will help you to learn the Oromo language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Plant vocabulary words in Oromo.

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List of Plant names in Oromo with English Pronunciation
Learn Plant in Oromo, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Oromo vocabulary for daily conversations.
Plant names - Oromo
Acorn | acorn jedhamuun beekama |
Agriculture | qonnaa |
Angiosperm | anjiyoospermii jedhamuun beekama |
Autotroph | autotroph jedhamuun beekama |
Axilary bud | biqiltuu aksilaarii (axilary bud) jedhamu |
Biennial | waggaa lamatti al tokko |
Blade | qara |
Blossom | daraaraa |
Botany | botaanikaa |
Bract | bract jedhamuun beekama |
Branch | damee |
Bromeliad | bromeliad jedhamuun beekama |
Bud | bud |
Cactus | kaktus jedhamuun beekama |
Calyx | calyx jedhamuun beekama |
Canopy | canopy jedhamuun beekama |
Carpel | kaarpeel jedhamuun beekama |
Clover | clover jedhamuun beekama |
Cork | korkii |
Dicot | dicot jedhamuun beekama |
Endosperm | endosperm jedhamuun beekama |
Epicotyl | epikotaayilii jedhamuun beekama |
Evergreen | yeroo hunda magariisa ta’a |
Fern | fern jedhamuun beekama |
Fertilizer | xaa’oo |
Filament | filaameentii |
Flora | biqiltoota |
Flower | abaaboo |
Foliage | baala baala |
Garden | qe'ee biqiltuu |
Germinate | biqiluu |
Ginkgo | ginkgo jedhamuun beekama |
Grain | ija midhaanii |
Grass | marga |
Grove | grove jedhamuun beekama |
Grow | guddachuu |
Gum | gommaa |
Hardy | jajjaboo |
Hastate | hastate |
Herb | baala mukaa |
Horticulture | horticulture jedhamuun beekama |
Hybrid | walmakaa |
Inflorescence | daraaraa (inflorescence) jedhamuun beekama |
Internode | internode jedhamuun beekama |
Ivy | ivy jedhamuun beekama |
Jungle | bosona |
Juniper | juniper jedhamuun beekama |
Kudzu | kudzu |
Lamina | lamina |
Leaf | baala |
Legume | legume jedhamuun beekama |
Meristem | meristem jedhamuun beekama |
Midrib | midrib jedhamuun beekama |
Monocot | monocot jedhamuun beekama |
Moss | moss jedhamuun beekama |
Nectar | neektar |
Needle | needle jedhamuun beekama |
Node | node jedhamuun beekama |
Nut | muduraa uwwisi isaa jabaa |
Ovary | ovaarii |
Palm | barruu |
Palmate | palmate jedhamuun beekama |
Peduncle | peduncle jedhamuun beekama |
Perennial | kan bara baraa |
Petal | petal |
Petiole | petiole jedhamuun beekama |
Phloem | filoomi |
Photosynthesis | footosinteesii (footosintesis) jedhamuun beekama |
Pinnate | pinnate jechuun ni danda’ama |
Pistil | pistil jedhamuun beekama |
Pith | pith jedhamuun beekama |
Plumule | plumule jedhamuun beekama |
Pollen | pooliin jedhamu |
Pollinate | poolineeshinii gochuu |
Prickle | prickle jedhamuun beekama |
Rachis | rachis jedhama |
Reniform | reniform jedhamuun beekama |
Resin | reezinii |
Reticulate | reticulate jechuun ni danda’ama |
Rings | rings jedhamuun beekama |
Root | hundee |
Sap | sap |
Sapling | biqiltuu |
Seed | sanyii |
Seedling | biqiltuu |
Sepal | seepaal jedhamuun beekama |
Shamrock | shamrock jedhamuun beekama |
Shoot | dhukaasuu |
Shrub | shrub jedhamuun beekama |
Soil | biyyoo |
Spine | lafee dugdaa |
Spore | ispooraa |
Sprout | biqiluu |
Stalk | dhokatanii hordofuu |
Stamen | stamen jedhamuun beekama |
Stand | dhaabachuu |
Stem | hundee |
Stigma | maqaa balleessii |
Stipule | tumaa (stipule) jedhu |
Stoma | stoma jedhamuun beekama |
Succulent | succulent kan qabu |
Sunlight | ifa aduu |
Tap root | hundee tuqi |
Thorn | qoree |
Tree | muka |
Trunk | kumbii |
Tuber | tuber |
Twig | damee |
Understory | muka jalaa |
Vascular plant | biqiltuu vaaskiilaarii |
Vein | ujummoo dhiigaa |
Venation | venation jedhamuun beekama |
Vine | wayinii |
Weed | aramaa |
Whorled | jedhee jilbeenfate |
Top 1000 Oromo words
Here you learn top 1000 Oromo words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Oromo meanings with transliteration.
Daily use Oromo Sentences
Here you learn top Oromo sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Oromo meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | Akkam bulte |
What is your name | Maqaan kee eenyu |
What is your problem | Rakkoon keessan maali? |
I hate you | Si jibba |
I love you | sin jaalladha |
Can I help you | Si gargaaruu danda'aa? |
I am sorry | Dhiifama |
I want to sleep | Rafuun barbaada |
This is very important | Kun baay’ee barbaachisaa dha |
Are you hungry | Beeloftee jirtaa? |
How is your life | Jireenyi kee akkam? |
I am going to study | Barachuuf deema |
Oromo Vocabulary

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