Religion vocabulary words in Pashto and English - Common Pashto Vocabulary
Learn common Pashto vocabulary with this English-to-Pashto list of Religion vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Pashto language skills through popular words and play Pashto quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Pashto language, then the 1000 most common Pashto words will help you to learn the Pashto language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Religion vocabulary words in Pashto.

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar
List of Religion vocabulary words in Pashto with English Pronunciation
Learn Religion in Pashto, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Pashto vocabulary for daily conversations.
Religion vocabulary words - Pashto
Acolyte | اکولیټ |
Adulteress | زنا |
Angel | فرښته |
Anointed | مسح شوی |
Apologist | بخښونکی |
Apostasy | ارتداد |
Atonement | کفاره |
Baptise | بپتسمه |
Basilica | بیسیلیکا |
Beatification | وهل |
Belief | باور |
Canonical | اصولي |
Ceremonial | رسمی |
Chapel | چپل |
Chastity | عفت |
Christian | عیسوی |
Church | کلیسا |
Cloister | کلستر |
Conclave | غونډه |
Confession | اعتراف |
Conformist | موافق |
Congregation | اجتماع |
Consecrate | مقدس |
Contrition | خپګان |
Crucifix | صلیب |
Cult | کلتور |
Damnation | لعنت |
Deceitful | دروغجن |
Deity | خدای |
Demon | شیطان |
Devil | شیطان |
Dignitary | وقار |
Divine | الهی |
Epiphany | epiphany |
Exegesis | تفسیر |
Expiate | کفاره |
Faith | باور |
Faithless | بې ایمانه |
Fetish | فیتیش |
Fiend | شیطان |
Fornication | زنا |
Friar | ډارونکی |
Genesis | پيدايښت |
Gentile | غیرتي |
God | خدای |
Hallowed | مقدس |
Heathen | غیرت |
Heaven | جنت |
Hell | دوزخ |
Heresy | بدعت |
Hermitage | هجرت |
Hindi | هندي |
Holiness | تقدس |
Holy | مقدس |
Hymnal | حمد |
Idolatry | بت پرستی |
Immolation | سوځول |
Incumbent | مسؤول |
Infidelity | کفر |
Inquisitor | پلټونکی |
Interdict | منع کول |
Intone | ټون |
Invocation | بلنه |
Lecher | لیچر |
Lectern | لیکچر |
Legate | میراث |
Legation | مشري |
Litany | litany |
Liturgy | عبادت |
Lord | څښتن |
Majesty | عظمت |
Malefactor | ناروا |
Marvel | حیرانتیا |
Miracle | معجزه |
Monastic | خانقاه |
Mortify | مړ کول |
Mosque | جومات |
Mourner | ماتم کوونکی |
Mundane | دنیا |
Muslim | مسلمان |
Nave | nave |
Nectar | امرت |
Nirvana | نروان |
Nonbeliever | کافر |
Nunnery | غرفه |
Oath | قسم |
Obedience | اطاعت |
Officiate | مامور |
Omen | شګون |
Omnipotent | ټول ځواکمن |
Oracular | اوریکولر |
Oratory | ویناوال |
Ordination | تنظیم |
Orthodoxy | ارتودوکسي |
Pantheon | پینتیون |
Papal | پوپل |
Papist | papist |
Parish | پاریش |
Patriarch | سرپرست |
Patriarchate | سرپرست |
Penance | توبه |
Pilgrimage | زیارت |
Pontiff | پوپ |
Porch | پورچ |
Prayer | دعا |
Preach | تبلیغ |
Preacher | مبلغ |
Priest | پادری |
Primate | پریمیټ |
Priory | priory |
Profane | ناپاک |
Prophesy | نبوت |
Proselytize | متلول |
Providence | پروډینس |
Psyche | رواني |
Pulpit | منبر |
Rapt | غضب |
Rebirth | بیا زیږون |
Recant | تکرار |
Recluse | جلاوطن |
Rectory | ریکوری |
Refectory | ريفريکټري |
Relic | اثار |
Religion | مذهب |
Religiosity | مذهب |
Reliquary | معتاد |
Remission | معافیت |
Repent | توبه |
Reprobate | ردول |
Requiem | غوښتنه |
Resurrect | بیا ژوندی کول |
Resuscitate | بیا ژوندی کول |
Reverend | درناوی |
Revivalist | بیا ژوندي کوونکی |
Rite | رسم |
Rosary | ګلاب |
Sacrifice | قرباني |
Secular | سیکولر |
Seminarian | مدرسه |
Sermon | خطبه |
Sermonize | واعظ کول |
Shroud | کفن |
Sin | ګناه |
Spirit | روح |
Supplicant | غوښتونکی |
Surplice | سرپلس |
Synod | synod |
Tabernacle | خیمه |
Taboo | منع |
Tonsure | ټانسور |
Transgress | تجاوز |
Travail | زحمت |
Trespass | تېری |
Tribulation | مصیبت |
Trinity | تثلیث |
Trusting | باور کول |
Ungodly | بې دینه |
Unholy | ناپاک |
Unorthodox | غیر رواجي |
Untouchable | ناڅاپه |
Venerate | عبادت کول |
Veneration | احترام |
Verily | په حقیقت کې |
Vow | نذر |
Worshipper | عبادت کوونکی |
Zealot | زړور |
Top 1000 Pashto words
Here you learn top 1000 Pashto words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Pashto meanings with transliteration.
Daily use Pashto Sentences
Here you learn top Pashto sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Pashto meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | سهار مو پخیر |
What is your name | ستاسو نوم څه دی |
What is your problem | ستاسو ستونزه څه ده؟ |
I hate you | زه له تا نفرت لرم |
I love you | زه تا سره مینه لرم |
Can I help you | ایا زه درسره مینه کولی شم؟ |
I am sorry | زه بخښنه غواړم |
I want to sleep | زه غواړم چې ویده شم |
This is very important | دا خورا مهم دی |
Are you hungry | ایا تاسو وږی یاست؟ |
How is your life | ستا ژوند څنګه دی؟ |
I am going to study | زه زده کړه کوم |
Pashto Vocabulary

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