Kitchen utensils names in Persian and English - Common Persian Vocabulary

Learn common Persian vocabulary with this English-to-Persian list of Kitchen utensils names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Persian language skills through popular words and play Persian quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Persian language, then the 1000 most common Persian words will help you to learn the Persian language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Kitchen utensils vocabulary words in Persian.

Kitchen utensils names in Persian and English - Common Persian Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Kitchen utensils names in Persian with English Pronunciation

Learn Kitchen utensils in Persian, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Persian vocabulary for daily conversations.

Kitchen utensils names - Persian

Apron پیشبند
Basket سبد
Beater کوبنده
Blender مخلوط کن
Boil جوشیدن
Bottle بطری
Bowl کاسه
Broiler جوجه گوشتی
Broom جارو
Cabinet کابینه
Caddy کیدی
Carafe غلاف
Casserole قابلمه
Chop تکه کردن
Cleanser پاک کننده
Cook پختن
Cookbook کتاب آشپزی
Cooker اجاق گاز
Counter پیشخوان
Cup فنجان
Cutlery کارد و چنگال
Dish ظرف
Dough خمیر
Food غذا
Fork چنگال
Freezer فریزر
Fryer سرخ کن
Glasses عینک
Grater رنده
Griddle توری
Grill کباب
Grinder خرد کننده
Jar شیشه
Jug کوزه
Juicer آبمیوه گیری
Kettle کتری
Kitchen آشپزخانه
Knife چاقو
Ladle ملاقه
Lid درب
Marinate مرینیت کنید
Masher خرد کن
Mixer مخلوط کن
Mop پاک کن
Mug لیوان
Napkin دستمال سفره
Opener درب بازکن
Oven فر
Pan ماهی تابه
Peeler پوست کن
Pestle هاست
Pitcher پارچ
Plate بشقاب
Pot گلدان
Ramekin رامکین
Range دامنه
Reamer قیچی
Recipe دستور آشپزی
Refrigerator یخچال
Roaster برشته کن
Sauce سس
Shears قیچی
Shelves قفسه ها
Sieve غربال کردن
Sifter غربال کردن
Sink فرو رفتن
Skewers سیخ
Skillet ماهیتابه
Slicer برش دهنده
Soap صابون
Spatula کاردک
Spices ادویه ها
Sponge اسفنج
Spoon قاشق
Steamer بخار پز
Stove اجاق گاز
Table جدول
Tablecloth سفره رومیزی
Tea cup فنجان چای
Teapot قوری
Thermometer دماسنج
Timer تایمر
Tin قلع
Toaster توستر
Tongs انبر
Tray سینی
Trivet سنگ ریزه
Tumbler لیوان
Tureen بوقلمون
Utensils ظروف
Water اب
Whip شلاق زدن
Whisk هم زدن

Top 1000 Persian words

Here you learn top 1000 Persian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Persian meanings with transliteration.

Eat خوردن
All همه
New جدید
Snore خروپف کردن
Fast سریع
Help کمک
Pain درد
Rain باران
Pride غرور
Sense احساس، مفهوم
Large بزرگ
Skill مهارت
Panic وحشت
Thank تشکر
Desire میل
Woman زن
Hungry گرسنه

Daily use Persian Sentences

Here you learn top Persian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Persian meanings with transliteration.

Good morning صبح بخیر
What is your name اسم شما چیست
What is your problem مشکلت چیه؟
I hate you ازت متنفرم
I love you دوستت دارم
Can I help you میتونم کمکتون کنم؟
I am sorry متاسفم
I want to sleep من میخواهم بخوابم
This is very important این بسیار مهم است
Are you hungry آیا شما گرسنه هستید؟
How is your life زندگی شما چطور است؟
I am going to study می خواهم درس بخوانم
Persian Vocabulary
Persian Dictionary

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