Vegetables names in Persian and English - Common Persian Vocabulary
Learn common Persian vocabulary with this English-to-Persian list of Vegetables names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Persian language skills through popular words and play Persian quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Persian language, then the 1000 most common Persian words will help you to learn the Persian language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Vegetables vocabulary words in Persian.

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List of Vegetables names in Persian with English Pronunciation
Learn Vegetables in Persian, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Persian vocabulary for daily conversations.
Vegetables names - Persian
Brinjal | برنجال |
Cabbage | کلم |
Carrot | هویج |
Cauliflower | گل كلم |
Cucumber | خیار |
Garlic | سیر |
Ginger | زنجبیل |
Ladys Finger | انگشت خانم |
Onion | پیاز |
Potato | سیب زمینی |
Tomato | گوجه فرنگی |
Pumpkin | كدو حلوايي |
Raddish | تربچه |
Ridged gourd | کدوی رج دار |
Snake gourd | کدو مار |
Spinach | اسفناج |
Sweet Potato | سیب زمینی شیرین |
Amaranth | تاج خروس |
Ash Gourd | کدو خاکستر |
Beans | لوبیا |
Beetroot | چغندر |
Bengal Gram | گرم بنگال |
Bitter Gourd | کدو تلخ |
Black Pepper | فلفل سیاه |
Bottle Gourd | بطری کدو حلوایی |
Capsicum | فلفل دلمه |
Celery | کرفس |
Chilli | تند |
Cluster Beans | لوبیا خوشه ای |
Coriander | گشنیز |
Corn | ذرت |
Cowpea | لوبیا چشم بلبلی |
Drum Stick | چوب طبل |
Fenugreek Leaf | برگ شنبلیله |
Gourd | کدو حلوایی |
Green chilli | فلفل سبز |
Green Gram | ماش |
Green Plantain | چنار سبز |
Ivy Gourd | کدو حلوایی پیچک |
Kale | کلم پیچ |
Lemon | لیمو |
Lettuce | کاهو |
Luffa | لوفا |
Mushroom | قارچ |
Mustard greens | سبزی خردل |
Curry Leaf | برگ کاری |
Pea | نخود |
Peppermint | نعناع تند |
Plantain | چنار |
Tapioca | تاپیوکا |
Mint | نعناع |
Turmeric | زردچوبه |
Turnip | شلغم |
Yam | سیب زمینی شیرین |
Zucchini | کدو سبز |
Top 1000 Persian words
Here you learn top 1000 Persian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Persian meanings with transliteration.
Daily use Persian Sentences
Here you learn top Persian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Persian meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | صبح بخیر |
What is your name | اسم شما چیست |
What is your problem | مشکلت چیه؟ |
I hate you | ازت متنفرم |
I love you | دوستت دارم |
Can I help you | میتونم کمکتون کنم؟ |
I am sorry | متاسفم |
I want to sleep | من میخواهم بخوابم |
This is very important | این بسیار مهم است |
Are you hungry | آیا شما گرسنه هستید؟ |
How is your life | زندگی شما چطور است؟ |
I am going to study | می خواهم درس بخوانم |
Persian Vocabulary

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