Are sentences in Polish and English

‘Are’ sentences in Polish with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Polish translation of Are sentences and play Are sentences quiz in Polish language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Polish sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Polish language in an easy way. To learn Polish language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

Are sentences in Polish

Are sentences in Polish and English

The list of 'Are' sentences in Polish language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Polish translations.

Are the roads clear? czy drogi są czyste?
Are we ready to go now? czy jesteśmy teraz gotowi do wyjścia?
Are you a doctor? jesteś lekarzem?
Are you a student? jesteś studentem?
Are you able to swim? umiesz pływać?
Are you accepting the job? czy akceptujesz pracę?
Are you all going to church czy wszyscy idziecie do kościoła?
Are you all right? Wszystko w porządku?
Are you close to your family? czy jesteś blisko swojej rodziny?
Are you close to your father? czy jesteś blisko swojego ojca?
Are you feeling better? czujesz się lepiej?
Are you feeling ill? czujesz się chory?
Are you free tomorrow? czy jesteś jutro wolny?
Are you going out? wychodzisz?
Are you going to help? czy zamierzasz pomóc?
Are the roads clear? czy drogi są czyste?
Are we ready to go now? czy jesteśmy teraz gotowi do wyjścia?
Are you a doctor? jesteś lekarzem?
Are you a student? jesteś studentem?
Are you able to swim? umiesz pływać?
Are you accepting the job? czy akceptujesz pracę?
Are you all going to church czy wszyscy idziecie do kościoła?
Are you all right? Wszystko w porządku?
Are you close to your family? czy jesteś blisko swojej rodziny?
Are you close to your father? czy jesteś blisko swojego ojca?
Are you feeling better? czujesz się lepiej?
Are you feeling ill? czujesz się chory?
Are you free tomorrow? czy jesteś jutro wolny?
Are you going out? wychodzisz?
Are you going to help? czy zamierzasz pomóc?
Are you going? idziesz?
Are you hungry? czy jesteś głodny?
Are you listening to music? czy słuchasz muzyki?
Are you looking for a job? Czy szukasz pracy?
Are you losing your mind? czy tracisz rozum?
Are you lost anything? zgubiłeś coś?
Are you mad? jesteś zły?
Are you OK? Nic ci nie jest?
Are you ready? jesteś gotowy?
Are you satisfied now? czy jesteś teraz zadowolony?
Are you serious? Mówisz poważnie?
Are you seriously thinking about food? poważnie myślisz o jedzeniu?
Are you sleeping? śpisz?
Are you still there? jesteś tam jeszcze?
Are you studying English? czy studiujesz angielski?
Are you sure? Jesteś pewny?
Are you tired? jesteś zmęczony?
Are you trying it? próbujesz tego?
Are you trying to protect me? próbujesz mnie chronić?
Are you writing a letter? czy piszesz list?

‘Are’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Polish words

Here you learn top 1000 Polish words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Polish meanings with transliteration.

Eat jeść
All wszystko
New Nowy
Snore chrapać
Fast szybki
Help Wsparcie
Pain ból
Rain deszcz
Pride duma
Sense sens
Large wielki
Skill umiejętność
Panic panika
Thank dziękować
Desire pragnienie
Woman kobieta
Hungry głodny
Polish Vocabulary
Polish Dictionary

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