Do sentences in Polish and English

‘Do’ sentences in Polish with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Polish translation of Do sentences and play Do sentences quiz in Polish language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Polish sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Polish language in an easy way. To learn Polish language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

Do sentences in Polish

Do sentences in Polish and English

The list of 'Do' sentences in Polish language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Polish translations.

Do not disturb! nie przeszkadzać!
Do you agree with me? Zgadzasz się ze mną?
Do you drink coffee? czy pijesz kawę?
Do you follow? nadążasz?
Do you have a car? czy masz samochód?
Do you have a family? Masz rodzinę?
Do you have a lot of time? masz dużo czasu?
Do you have a minute? masz minutę?
Do you have a question? masz pytanie?
Do you have any problem? czy masz jakiś problem?
Do you have any brothers? czy masz jakiś braci?
Do you have any complaints? masz jakieś skargi?
Do you have any idea? masz jakiś pomysł?
Do you have anything? masz coś?
Do you have everything? masz wszystko?
Do not disturb! nie przeszkadzać!
Do you agree with me? Zgadzasz się ze mną?
Do you drink coffee? czy pijesz kawę?
Do you follow? nadążasz?
Do you have a car? czy masz samochód?
Do you have a family? Masz rodzinę?
Do you have a lot of time? masz dużo czasu?
Do you have a minute? masz minutę?
Do you have a question? masz pytanie?
Do you have any problem? czy masz jakiś problem?
Do you have any brothers? czy masz jakiś braci?
Do you have any complaints? masz jakieś skargi?
Do you have any idea? masz jakiś pomysł?
Do you have anything? masz coś?
Do you have everything? masz wszystko?
Do you hear me? słyszysz mnie?
Do you hear something? słyszysz coś?
Do you smoke? Czy palisz papierosy?
Do you speak English? czy mówisz po angielsku?
Do you spend more time at home? spędzasz więcej czasu w domu?
Do you spend more time with your friends? spędzasz więcej czasu ze znajomymi?
Do you spend more time with your family? spędzasz więcej czasu z rodziną?
Do you understand? Czy rozumiesz?
Do you want a ride? podwieźć cie?
Do you want money? chcesz pieniędzy?
Do you want to be rich? chcesz być bogaty?
Do you think something? myślisz coś?
Do you have a better idea? masz lepszy pomysł?
Do you have any money? czy masz jakieś pieniądze?
Do you know her? znasz ją?
Do you need anything? potrzebujesz czegoś?
Do you need this book? potrzebujesz tej książki?
Do you love me? kochasz mnie?
Do you talk to your dog? rozmawiasz ze swoim psem?
Do whatever you like rób, co chcesz

‘Do’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Polish words

Here you learn top 1000 Polish words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Polish meanings with transliteration.

Eat jeść
All wszystko
New Nowy
Snore chrapać
Fast szybki
Help Wsparcie
Pain ból
Rain deszcz
Pride duma
Sense sens
Large wielki
Skill umiejętność
Panic panika
Thank dziękować
Desire pragnienie
Woman kobieta
Hungry głodny
Polish Vocabulary
Polish Dictionary

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