Plant names in Portuguese and English - Common Portuguese Vocabulary

Learn common Portuguese vocabulary with this English-to-Portuguese list of Plant names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Portuguese language skills through popular words and play Portuguese quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Portuguese language, then the 1000 most common Portuguese words will help you to learn the Portuguese language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Plant vocabulary words in Portuguese.

Plant names in Portuguese and English - Common Portuguese Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Plant names in Portuguese with English Pronunciation

Learn Plant in Portuguese, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Portuguese vocabulary for daily conversations.

Plant names - Portuguese

Acorn bolota
Agriculture agricultura
Angiosperm angiosperma
Autotroph autotrófico
Axilary bud botão axilar
Biennial bienal
Blade lâmina
Blossom Flor
Botany botânica
Bract bráctea
Branch galho
Bromeliad bromélia
Bud botão
Cactus cacto
Calyx cálice
Canopy marquise
Carpel carpelo
Clover trevo
Cork cortiça
Dicot dicot
Endosperm endosperma
Epicotyl epicótilo
Evergreen perene
Fern samambaia
Fertilizer fertilizante
Filament filamento
Flora flora
Flower Flor
Foliage folhagem
Garden Jardim
Germinate germinar
Ginkgo ginkgo
Grain grão
Grass Relva
Grove Arvoredo
Grow crescer
Gum Chiclete
Hardy resistente
Hastate apressar
Herb erva
Horticulture horticultura
Hybrid híbrido
Inflorescence inflorescência
Internode entrenó
Ivy hera
Jungle selva
Juniper zimbro
Kudzu kudzu
Lamina lâmina
Leaf Folha
Legume leguminosa
Meristem meristema
Midrib nervura central
Monocot monocotiledônea
Moss musgo
Nectar néctar
Needle agulha
Nut porca
Ovary ovário
Palm Palma
Palmate palmito
Peduncle pedúnculo
Perennial perene
Petal pétala
Petiole pecíolo
Phloem floema
Photosynthesis fotossíntese
Pinnate pinnate
Pistil pistilo
Pith medula
Plumule plúmula
Pollen pólen
Pollinate polinizar
Prickle espinho
Rachis ráquis
Reniform reniforme
Resin resina
Reticulate reticulado
Rings argolas
Root raiz
Sap seiva
Sapling muda
Seed semente
Seedling plantinha
Sepal sépala
Shamrock trevo
Shoot atirar
Shrub arbusto
Soil solo
Spine coluna vertebral
Spore esporo
Sprout broto
Stalk talo
Stamen estame
Stand ficar
Stem tronco
Stigma estigma
Stipule estipulação
Stoma estoma
Succulent suculento
Sunlight luz solar
Tap root raiz principal
Thorn Espinho
Tree árvore
Trunk tronco
Tuber tubérculo
Twig galho
Understory serapilheira
Vascular plant planta vascular
Vein veia
Venation venação
Vine videira
Weed erva
Whorled whorled

Top 1000 Portuguese words

Here you learn top 1000 Portuguese words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Portuguese meanings with transliteration.

Eat comer
All todo
New novo
Snore ronco
Fast velozes
Help ajuda
Pain dor
Rain chuva
Pride orgulho
Sense senso
Large ampla
Skill habilidade
Panic pânico
Thank agradecer
Desire desejo
Woman mulher
Hungry com fome

Daily use Portuguese Sentences

Here you learn top Portuguese sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Portuguese meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Bom Dia
What is your name Qual é o seu nome
What is your problem qual é o seu problema?
I hate you te odeio
I love you Eu amo Você
Can I help you posso ajudar?
I am sorry sinto muito
I want to sleep Quero dormir
This is very important Isto é muito importante
Are you hungry Está com fome?
How is your life como vai sua vida?
I am going to study eu vou estudar
Portuguese Vocabulary
Portuguese Dictionary

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