I sentences in Romanian and English
‘I’ sentences in Romanian with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Romanian translation of I sentences and play I sentences quiz in Romanian language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Romanian sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Romanian language in an easy way. To learn Romanian language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

I sentences in Romanian and English
The list of 'I' sentences in Romanian language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Romanian translations.
I accepted her invitation | am acceptat invitația ei |
I agree | sunt de acord |
I agree with you | Sunt de acord cu tine |
I admire his talent | îi admir talentul |
I agree with your opinion | sunt de acord cu parerea ta |
I am a student | Sunt un student |
I am going to study | mă duc să învăț |
I am interested in swimming | sunt interesat de inot |
I am just going for a walk | eu doar plec la o plimbare |
I am feeling tired today | azi ma simt obosit |
I am glad to be with you | ma bucur sa fiu cu tine |
I am not a teacher | nu sunt un profesor |
I am sorry | imi pare rau |
I am talking with my mother | vorbesc cu mama |
I am thinking about my children | ma gandesc la copiii mei |
I accepted her invitation | am acceptat invitația ei |
I agree | sunt de acord |
I agree with you | Sunt de acord cu tine |
I admire his talent | îi admir talentul |
I agree with your opinion | sunt de acord cu parerea ta |
I am a student | Sunt un student |
I am going to study | mă duc să învăț |
I am interested in swimming | sunt interesat de inot |
I am just going for a walk | eu doar plec la o plimbare |
I am feeling tired today | azi ma simt obosit |
I am glad to be with you | ma bucur sa fiu cu tine |
I am not a teacher | nu sunt un profesor |
I am sorry | imi pare rau |
I am talking with my mother | vorbesc cu mama |
I am thinking about my children | ma gandesc la copiii mei |
I am very pleased to meet you | sunt foarte incantat sa te cunosc |
I apologize if I hurt your feelings | Îmi cer scuze dacă ți-am rănit sentimentele |
I arrived there too early | am ajuns acolo prea devreme |
I believe you | Te cred |
I bought it last week | l-am cumparat saptamana trecuta |
I can do this job | pot face treaba asta |
I can run faster | pot alerga mai repede |
I can sing well | pot cant bine |
I can speak English | pot vorbi engleza |
I can swim | pot să înot |
I can’t believe it | nu pot sa cred |
I can't come | nu pot veni |
I can't follow you | nu te pot urma |
I can't agree with you | nu pot fi de acord cu tine |
I can't remember his name | nu-mi amintesc numele lui |
I can't hear you | nu te aud |
I can't see anything | nu pot vedea nimic |
I didn't like it | nu mi-a placut |
I disagree with you | nu sunt de acord cu tine |
I do not understand | nu inteleg |
I don’t know | nu știu |
I don't have any money | nu am bani |
I don't like the color | nu-mi place culoarea |
I had a good idea | am avut o idee buna |
I like it very much | imi place foarte mult |
I need more time | am nevoie de mai mult timp |
I want to sleep | vreau sa dorm |
I wish you good luck | iti urez noroc |
‘I’ sentences in other languages (40+)
Top 1000 Romanian words
Here you learn top 1000 Romanian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Romanian meanings with transliteration.
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