If sentences in Romanian and English

‘If’ sentences in Romanian with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Romanian translation of If sentences and play If sentences quiz in Romanian language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Romanian sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Romanian language in an easy way. To learn Romanian language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

If sentences in Romanian

If sentences in Romanian and English

The list of 'If' sentences in Romanian language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Romanian translations.

If I were you, I would trust her dacă aș fi în locul tău, aș avea încredere în ea
If I had money, I could buy it daca as avea bani i-as putea cumpara
If he's fluent in English, I'll hire him dacă vorbește fluent engleza, îl voi angaja
If he had studied harder, he would have passed the exam dacă ar fi studiat mai mult, ar fi trecut examenul
If you want to make your dreams come true, keep on trying dacă vrei să-ți îndeplinești visele, continuă să încerci
If you want a pencil, I'll lend you one dacă vrei un creion, îți împrumut unul
If you find a mistake, please leave a comment dacă găsiți o greșeală, vă rugăm să lăsați un comentariu
If you follow this street, you will get to the station dacă urmați această stradă, veți ajunge la gară
If you go to the movies, take your sister with you dacă mergi la film, ia-ți sora cu tine
If there is anything you want, don't hesitate to ask me daca vrei ceva, nu ezita sa ma intrebi
If I were rich, I would go abroad daca as fi bogat, as pleca in strainatate
If he comes, ask him to wait dacă vine, roagă-l să aștepte
If it rains, we will get wet daca ploua ne vom uda
If you study hard, you will pass your exam dacă înveți din greu, vei trece examenul
If you give respect, you get respect dacă dai respect, primești respect
If I were you, I would trust her dacă aș fi în locul tău, aș avea încredere în ea
If I had money, I could buy it daca as avea bani i-as putea cumpara
If he's fluent in English, I'll hire him dacă vorbește fluent engleza, îl voi angaja
If he had studied harder, he would have passed the exam dacă ar fi studiat mai mult, ar fi trecut examenul
If you want to make your dreams come true, keep on trying dacă vrei să-ți îndeplinești visele, continuă să încerci
If you want a pencil, I'll lend you one dacă vrei un creion, îți împrumut unul
If you find a mistake, please leave a comment dacă găsiți o greșeală, vă rugăm să lăsați un comentariu
If you follow this street, you will get to the station dacă urmați această stradă, veți ajunge la gară
If you go to the movies, take your sister with you dacă mergi la film, ia-ți sora cu tine
If there is anything you want, don't hesitate to ask me daca vrei ceva, nu ezita sa ma intrebi
If I were rich, I would go abroad daca as fi bogat, as pleca in strainatate
If he comes, ask him to wait dacă vine, roagă-l să aștepte
If it rains, we will get wet daca ploua ne vom uda
If you study hard, you will pass your exam dacă înveți din greu, vei trece examenul
If you give respect, you get respect dacă dai respect, primești respect
If you work hard, you will succeed dacă muncești din greu, vei reuși
If you invite them, they will come dacă îi inviți, vor veni
If I studied, I would pass the exam daca as invata, as trece examenul
If you rest, you will feel better dacă te odihnești, te vei simți mai bine
If you need me, you can call me at home dacă ai nevoie de mine, mă poți suna acasă
If you want to pass the exam, you should study much harder dacă vrei să treci examenul, ar trebui să studiezi mult mai mult

‘If’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Romanian words

Here you learn top 1000 Romanian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Romanian meanings with transliteration.

Eat mânca
All toate
New nou
Snore sforăit
Fast rapid
Help Ajutor
Pain durere
Rain ploaie
Pride mândrie
Sense sens
Large mare
Skill pricepere
Panic panică
Thank multumesc
Desire dorință
Woman femeie
Hungry flămând
Romanian Vocabulary
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