Household items names in Romanian and English - Common Romanian Vocabulary

Learn common Romanian vocabulary with this English-to-Romanian list of Household items names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Romanian language skills through popular words and play Romanian quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Romanian language, then the 1000 most common Romanian words will help you to learn the Romanian language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Household items vocabulary words in Romanian.

Household items names in Romanian and English - Common Romanian Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Household items names in Romanian with English Pronunciation

Learn Household items in Romanian, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Romanian vocabulary for daily conversations.

Household items names - Romanian

Blanket pătură
Bolster susţine
Bolt bolt
Bottle sticla
Box cutie
Brick cărămidă
Broom mătură
Brush perie
Bucket găleată
Computer calculator
Colors culori
Chair scaun
Towel prosop
Dryer uscător
Eraser radieră
Almirah almirah
Apartment apartament
Ash frasin
Attic pod
Basement subsol
Basket coş
Bathroom baie
Bed pat
Bedroom dormitor
Button buton
Candle lumânare
Carpet covor
Casket sicriu
Cauldron cazan
Ceiling tavan
Fan ventilator
Floss ață
Foam spumă
Gym Sală de gimnastică
Garbage gunoi
Globe glob
Gate Poartă
Grater răzătoare
Glass sticlă
Kettle fierbător
Kernel nucleu
Umbrella umbrelă
Uniform uniformă
Utensils ustensile
Atlas atlas
Book carte
Bag sac
Barometer barometru
Blender blender
Clothes haine
Containers containere
Camera aparat foto
Grain cereale
Garment îmbrăcăminte
Hammer ciocan
Hearth vatră
Hose furtun
Hook cârlig
Heater încălzitor
Headphones Căști
Ruler rigla
Pen pix
Iron fier
Ice Cream inghetata
Jar borcan
Juicer storcator
Jam gem
Jewelry Bijuterii
Kite zmeu
Key cheie
Kitten pisoi
Kitchen bucătărie
Knives Cutite
Lingerie lenjerie
Lamp lampă
Lock Lacăt
Ladle oala
Light ușoară
Mugs cani
Medicines medicamente
Mail Poștă
Magnets magneți
Mop mop
Makeup inventa
Fryer friteuza
Plums prune
Perfume parfum
Knife cuţit
Pitcher ulcior
Printer imprimantă
Quilt cuvertură
Radio radio
Raincoat pelerina de ploaie
Ribbon panglică
Rifle puşcă
Rouge rosu
Refrigerator frigider
Rugs covoare
Range gamă
Stereo stereo
Shades nuanțe
Socks șosete
Stamps timbre
Spoon linguriţă
Stapler capsator
Sneakers adidași
Scarf eșarfă
Telephone telefon
Trumpet trompeta
Tapestry tapiserie
Throws aruncă
Timers cronometre
Tissues șervețele
Toaster prajitor de paine
Oven cuptor
Torch torta
Vacuum vid
Vent aerisire
Vase vază
Washer mașină de spălat
Watch ceas
Wardrobe dulap pentru haine
Hanger cuier
Yardstick indicator
Yogurt iaurt
Yarn fire
Zipper fermoar

Top 1000 Romanian words

Here you learn top 1000 Romanian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Romanian meanings with transliteration.

Eat mânca
All toate
New nou
Snore sforăit
Fast rapid
Help Ajutor
Pain durere
Rain ploaie
Pride mândrie
Sense sens
Large mare
Skill pricepere
Panic panică
Thank multumesc
Desire dorință
Woman femeie
Hungry flămând

Daily use Romanian Sentences

Here you learn top Romanian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Romanian meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Buna dimineata
What is your name Cum te numești
What is your problem care este problema ta?
I hate you Vă urăsc
I love you te iubesc
Can I help you Vă pot ajuta?
I am sorry imi pare rau
I want to sleep vreau sa dorm
This is very important Este foarte important
Are you hungry iti este foame?
How is your life cum este viața ta?
I am going to study mă duc să învăț
Romanian Vocabulary
Romanian Dictionary

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