Are sentences in Russian and English
‘Are’ sentences in Russian with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Russian translation of Are sentences and play Are sentences quiz in Russian language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Russian sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Russian language in an easy way. To learn Russian language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

Are sentences in Russian and English
The list of 'Are' sentences in Russian language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Russian translations.
Are the roads clear? | дороги чистые? dorogi chistyye? |
Are we ready to go now? | мы готовы к работе? my gotovy k rabote? |
Are you a doctor? | Вы доктор? Vy doktor? |
Are you a student? | Ты студент? ty student? |
Are you able to swim? | ты умеешь плавать? ty umeyesh' plavat'? |
Are you accepting the job? | ты принимаешь работу? ty prinimayesh' rabotu? |
Are you all going to church | вы все идете в церковь? vy vse idete v tserkov'? |
Are you all right? | с тобой все впорядке? s toboy vse vporyadke? |
Are you close to your family? | ты близок со своей семьей? ty blizok so svoyey sem'yey? |
Are you close to your father? | ты близок со своим отцом? ty blizok so svoim ottsom? |
Are you feeling better? | тебе лучше? tebe luchshe? |
Are you feeling ill? | ты плохо себя чувствуешь? ty plokho sebya chuvstvuyesh'? |
Are you free tomorrow? | ты завтра свободен? ty zavtra svoboden? |
Are you going out? | ты выходишь? ty vykhodish'? |
Are you going to help? | ты собираешься помочь? ty sobirayesh'sya pomoch'? |
Are the roads clear? | дороги чистые? dorogi chistyye? |
Are we ready to go now? | мы готовы к работе? my gotovy k rabote? |
Are you a doctor? | Вы доктор? Vy doktor? |
Are you a student? | Ты студент? ty student? |
Are you able to swim? | ты умеешь плавать? ty umeyesh' plavat'? |
Are you accepting the job? | ты принимаешь работу? ty prinimayesh' rabotu? |
Are you all going to church | вы все идете в церковь? vy vse idete v tserkov'? |
Are you all right? | с тобой все впорядке? s toboy vse vporyadke? |
Are you close to your family? | ты близок со своей семьей? ty blizok so svoyey sem'yey? |
Are you close to your father? | ты близок со своим отцом? ty blizok so svoim ottsom? |
Are you feeling better? | тебе лучше? tebe luchshe? |
Are you feeling ill? | ты плохо себя чувствуешь? ty plokho sebya chuvstvuyesh'? |
Are you free tomorrow? | ты завтра свободен? ty zavtra svoboden? |
Are you going out? | ты выходишь? ty vykhodish'? |
Are you going to help? | ты собираешься помочь? ty sobirayesh'sya pomoch'? |
Are you going? | ты идешь? ty idesh'? |
Are you hungry? | вы проголодались? vy progolodalis'? |
Are you listening to music? | ты слушаешь музыку? ty slushayesh' muzyku? |
Are you looking for a job? | Ты ищешь работу? ty ishchesh' rabotu? |
Are you losing your mind? | ты теряешь рассудок? ty teryayesh' rassudok? |
Are you lost anything? | ты что-нибудь потерял? ty chto-nibud' poteryal? |
Are you mad? | Вы с ума сошли? Vy s uma soshli? |
Are you OK? | с тобой все в порядке? s toboy vse v poryadke? |
Are you ready? | вы готовы? vy gotovy? |
Are you satisfied now? | ты доволен сейчас? ty dovolen seychas? |
Are you serious? | ты серьезно? ty ser'yezno? |
Are you seriously thinking about food? | ты серьезно думаешь о еде? ty ser'yezno dumayesh' o yede? |
Are you sleeping? | вы спите? vy spite? |
Are you still there? | Ты еще там? ty yeshche tam? |
Are you studying English? | ты учишь английский? ty uchish' angliyskiy? |
Are you sure? | уверены ли вы? uvereny li vy? |
Are you tired? | ты усталый? ty ustalyy? |
Are you trying it? | ты пробуешь это? ty probuyesh' eto? |
Are you trying to protect me? | ты пытаешься защитить меня? ty pytayesh'sya zashchitit' menya? |
Are you writing a letter? | ты пишешь письмо? ty pishesh' pis'mo? |
‘Are’ sentences in other languages (40+)
Top 1000 Russian words
Here you learn top 1000 Russian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Russian meanings with transliteration.
Eat | есть est' |
All | все vse |
New | новый novyj |
Snore | храпеть hrapet' |
Fast | быстрый bystryj |
Help | помощь pomos' |
Pain | боль bol' |
Rain | дождь dozd' |
Pride | гордость gordost' |
Sense | смысл smysl |
Large | большой bol'soj |
Skill | навык navyk |
Panic | паника panika |
Thank | благодарить blagodarit' |
Desire | желание zelanie |
Woman | женщина zensina |
Hungry | голодный golodnyj |
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