His sentences in Russian and English
‘His’ sentences in Russian with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Russian translation of His sentences and play His sentences quiz in Russian language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Russian sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Russian language in an easy way. To learn Russian language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

His sentences in Russian and English
The list of 'His' sentences in Russian language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Russian translations.
His advice didn't help | его совет не помог yego sovet ne pomog |
His brother is patient | его брат терпелив yego brat terpeliv |
His dream came true | его мечта сбылась yego mechta sbylas' |
His eyes are blue | его глаза голубые yego glaza golubyye |
His family is very large | его семья очень большая yego sem'ya ochen' bol'shaya |
His father looks healthy | его отец выглядит здоровым yego otets vyglyadit zdorovym |
His horse jumped over the fence | его лошадь перепрыгнула через забор yego loshad' pereprygnula cherez zabor |
His house is across from mine | его дом напротив моего yego dom naprotiv moyego |
His house is too long | его дом слишком длинный yego dom slishkom dlinnyy |
His joy showed on his face | его радость отразилась на его лице yego radost' otrazilas' na yego litse |
His mother was strict | его мать была строгой yego mat' byla strogoy |
His new movie is disappointing | его новый фильм разочаровывает yego novyy fil'm razocharovyvayet |
His new novel is worth reading | его новый роман стоит прочитать yego novyy roman stoit prochitat' |
His opinion was not accepted | его мнение не было принято yego mneniye ne bylo prinyato |
His proposals were adopted at the meeting | его предложения были приняты на собрании yego predlozheniya byli prinyaty na sobranii |
His advice didn't help | его совет не помог yego sovet ne pomog |
His brother is patient | его брат терпелив yego brat terpeliv |
His dream came true | его мечта сбылась yego mechta sbylas' |
His eyes are blue | его глаза голубые yego glaza golubyye |
His family is very large | его семья очень большая yego sem'ya ochen' bol'shaya |
His father looks healthy | его отец выглядит здоровым yego otets vyglyadit zdorovym |
His horse jumped over the fence | его лошадь перепрыгнула через забор yego loshad' pereprygnula cherez zabor |
His house is across from mine | его дом напротив моего yego dom naprotiv moyego |
His house is too long | его дом слишком длинный yego dom slishkom dlinnyy |
His joy showed on his face | его радость отразилась на его лице yego radost' otrazilas' na yego litse |
His mother was strict | его мать была строгой yego mat' byla strogoy |
His new movie is disappointing | его новый фильм разочаровывает yego novyy fil'm razocharovyvayet |
His new novel is worth reading | его новый роман стоит прочитать yego novyy roman stoit prochitat' |
His opinion was not accepted | его мнение не было принято yego mneniye ne bylo prinyato |
His proposals were adopted at the meeting | его предложения были приняты на собрании yego predlozheniya byli prinyaty na sobranii |
His room is twice as large as mine | его комната в два раза больше моей yego komnata v dva raza bol'she moyey |
His shoes are red | его туфли красные yego tufli krasnyye |
His speech inspired all the boys | его речь вдохновила всех мальчиков yego rech' vdokhnovila vsekh mal'chikov |
His sudden appearance surprised us all | его внезапное появление удивило всех нас yego vnezapnoye poyavleniye udivilo vsekh nas |
His wife is Indian | его жена индианка yego zhena indianka |
His wife is one of my friends | его жена - один из моих друзей yego zhena - odin iz moikh druzey |
His voice was soft | его голос был мягким yego golos byl myagkim |
His smile was good | его улыбка была хорошей yego ulybka byla khoroshey |
His face was still young | его лицо было еще молодым yego litso bylo yeshche molodym |
His laugh was low | его смех был низким yego smekh byl nizkim |
His focus came back on her | его внимание снова вернулось к ней yego vnimaniye snova vernulos' k ney |
His gaze was to me | его взгляд был обращен на меня yego vzglyad byl obrashchen na menya |
His laugh was humorless | его смех был лишен чувства юмора yego smekh byl lishen chuvstva yumora |
His smile was so cute | его улыбка была такой милой yego ulybka byla takoy miloy |
His voice was quiet | его голос был тихим yego golos byl tikhim |
‘His’ sentences in other languages (40+)
Top 1000 Russian words
Here you learn top 1000 Russian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Russian meanings with transliteration.
Eat | есть est' |
All | все vse |
New | новый novyj |
Snore | храпеть hrapet' |
Fast | быстрый bystryj |
Help | помощь pomos' |
Pain | боль bol' |
Rain | дождь dozd' |
Pride | гордость gordost' |
Sense | смысл smysl |
Large | большой bol'soj |
Skill | навык navyk |
Panic | паника panika |
Thank | благодарить blagodarit' |
Desire | желание zelanie |
Woman | женщина zensina |
Hungry | голодный golodnyj |
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