Do you want money meaning in Russian
Do you want money meaning in Russian. Here you learn English to Russian translation / English to Russian dictionary of the word 'Do you want money' and also play quiz in Russian words starting with D also play A-Z dictionary quiz. To learn Russian language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. This way to learn Russian language quickly and learn daily use sentences helps to improve your Russian language. If you think too hard to learn Russian language, 1000 words will helps to learn Russian language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. Below you see how to say Do you want money in Russian.
How to say 'Do you want money' in Russian
ты хочешь денег? ty khochesh' deneg?
Learn also: Do you want money in different languages (130+)
Play Russian Quiz word starts with D
Top 1000 Russian words
Here you learn top 1000 Russian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Russian meanings with transliteration.
Eat | есть est' |
All | все vse |
New | новый novyj |
Snore | храпеть hrapet' |
Fast | быстрый bystryj |
Help | помощь pomos' |
Pain | боль bol' |
Rain | дождь dozd' |
Pride | гордость gordost' |
Sense | смысл smysl |
Large | большой bol'soj |
Skill | навык navyk |
Panic | паника panika |
Thank | благодарить blagodarit' |
Desire | желание zelanie |
Woman | женщина zensina |
Hungry | голодный golodnyj |
Daily use Russian Sentences
Here you learn top Russian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Russian meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | доброе утро dobroye utro |
What is your name | Как вас зовут Kak vas zovut |
What is your problem | в чем твоя проблема? v chem tvoya problema? |
I hate you | я тебя ненавижу ya tebya nenavizhu |
I love you | я тебя люблю ya tebya lyublyu |
Can I help you | я могу вам помочь? ya mogu vam pomoch'? |
I am sorry | мне жаль mne zhal' |
I want to sleep | я хочу спать ya khochu spat' |
This is very important | Это очень важно Eto ochen vazhno |
Are you hungry | вы проголодались? vy progolodalis'? |
How is your life | как жизнь? kak zhizn'? |
I am going to study | я буду изучать ya budu izuchat' |
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