Cloth names in Russian and English - Common Russian Vocabulary

Learn common Russian vocabulary with this English-to-Russian list of Cloth names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Russian language skills through popular words and play Russian quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Russian language, then the 1000 most common Russian words will help you to learn the Russian language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Cloth vocabulary words in Russian.

Cloth names in Russian and English - Common Russian Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Cloth names in Russian with English Pronunciation

Learn Cloth in Russian, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Russian vocabulary for daily conversations.

Cloth names - Russian

Belt пояс poyas
Blanket одеяло odeyalo
Blouse блузка bluzka
Bodice лиф lif
Boots сапоги sapogi
Border граница granitsa
Bra бюстгальтер byustgal'ter
Button кнопка knopka
Cap шапка shapka
Cloth ткань tkan'
Coat Пальто Pal'to
Cotton хлопок khlopok
Damask штоф shtof
Darning штопка shtopka
Dress платье plat'ye
Frock платье plat'ye
Garb одеваться odevat'sya
Gloves перчатки perchatki
Gown платье plat'ye
Handkerchief носовой платок nosovoy platok
Hat шляпа shlyapa
Jacket пиджак pidzhak
Jeans джинсы dzhinsy
Kirtle Киртл Kirtl
Knickers трусики trusiki
Knitting Вязание Vyazaniye
Laces шнурки shnurki
Linen белье bel'ye
Long Skirt длинная юбка dlinnaya yubka
Loose свободный svobodnyy
Muffler глушитель glushitel'
Overcoat пальто pal'to
Pocket карман karman
Pullover остановитесь ostanovites'
Pyjama пижама pizhama
Quilt лоскутное одеяло loskutnoye odeyalo
Raincoat плащ дождевик plashch dozhdevik
Sandals сандалии sandalii
Scarf шарф sharf
Sewing шитье shit'ye
Shawl шаль shal'
Sheet простынь prostyn'
Shirt Рубашка Rubashka
Shoe обувь obuv'
Shoelace шнурок shnurok
Shorts шорты shorty
Silk шелк shelk
Skirt юбка yubka
Slipper тапочка tapochka
Smock халат khalat
Socks носки noski
Stockings женские чулки zhenskiye chulki
Suit подходить podkhodit'
Suiting подходит podkhodit
Sweater свитер sviter
Tape Лента Lenta
Thread нить nit'
Tie галстук galstuk
Tight тугой tugoy
Towel полотенце polotentse
Trimming обрезка obrezka
Turban тюрбан tyurban
Underpants Трусы Trusy
Underwear нижнее белье nizhneye bel'ye
Uniform униформа uniforma
Veil вуаль vual'
Velvet бархат barkhat
Vest жилет zhilet
Wool шерсть sherst'
Yarn пряжа pryazha

Top 1000 Russian words

Here you learn top 1000 Russian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Russian meanings with transliteration.

Eat есть est'
All все vse
New новый novyj
Snore храпеть hrapet'
Fast быстрый bystryj
Help помощь pomos'
Pain боль bol'
Rain дождь dozd'
Pride гордость gordost'
Sense смысл smysl
Large большой bol'soj
Skill навык navyk
Panic паника panika
Thank благодарить blagodarit'
Desire желание zelanie
Woman женщина zensina
Hungry голодный golodnyj

Daily use Russian Sentences

Here you learn top Russian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Russian meanings with transliteration.

Good morning доброе утро dobroye utro
What is your name Как вас зовут Kak vas zovut
What is your problem в чем твоя проблема? v chem tvoya problema?
I hate you я тебя ненавижу ya tebya nenavizhu
I love you я тебя люблю ya tebya lyublyu
Can I help you я могу вам помочь? ya mogu vam pomoch'?
I am sorry мне жаль mne zhal'
I want to sleep я хочу спать ya khochu spat'
This is very important Это очень важно Eto ochen vazhno
Are you hungry вы проголодались? vy progolodalis'?
How is your life как жизнь? kak zhizn'?
I am going to study я буду изучать ya budu izuchat'
Russian Vocabulary
Russian Dictionary

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