Would sentences in Russian and English
‘Would’ sentences in Russian with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Russian translation of Would sentences and play Would sentences quiz in Russian language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Russian sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Russian language in an easy way. To learn Russian language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

Would sentences in Russian and English
The list of 'Would' sentences in Russian language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Russian translations.
Would you do me a favor? | сделаешь мне одолжение? sdelayesh' mne odolzheniye? |
Would you do something for me? | ты бы сделал что-нибудь для меня? ty by sdelal chto-nibud' dlya menya? |
Would you join me for a walk? | не могли бы вы пойти со мной на прогулку? ne mogli by vy poyti so mnoy na progulku? |
Would you like ice? | хочешь льда? khochesh' l'da? |
Would you like some more cake? | хочешь еще торта? khochesh' yeshche torta? |
Would you like to come? | Вы хотите приехать? Vy khotite priyekhat'? |
Would you like to dance with me? | Хочешь потанцевать со мной? khochesh' potantsevat' so mnoy? |
Would you like to go? | хочешь пойти? khochesh' poyti? |
Would you like to wait? | Хотите подождать? khotite podozhdat'? |
Would you play with me? | ты бы поиграл со мной? ty by poigral so mnoy? |
Would you please try again later? | не могли бы вы повторить попытку позже? ne mogli by vy povtorit' popytku pozzhe? |
Would you say it once more? | ты бы сказал это еще раз? ty by skazal eto yeshche raz? |
Would you teach me? | ты бы научил меня? ty by nauchil menya? |
Would you like to read his speech? | хочешь прочитать его речь? khochesh' prochitat' yego rech'? |
Would it do any good? | это принесет пользу? eto prineset pol'zu? |
Would you do me a favor? | сделаешь мне одолжение? sdelayesh' mne odolzheniye? |
Would you do something for me? | ты бы сделал что-нибудь для меня? ty by sdelal chto-nibud' dlya menya? |
Would you join me for a walk? | не могли бы вы пойти со мной на прогулку? ne mogli by vy poyti so mnoy na progulku? |
Would you like ice? | хочешь льда? khochesh' l'da? |
Would you like some more cake? | хочешь еще торта? khochesh' yeshche torta? |
Would you like to come? | Вы хотите приехать? Vy khotite priyekhat'? |
Would you like to dance with me? | Хочешь потанцевать со мной? khochesh' potantsevat' so mnoy? |
Would you like to go? | хочешь пойти? khochesh' poyti? |
Would you like to wait? | Хотите подождать? khotite podozhdat'? |
Would you play with me? | ты бы поиграл со мной? ty by poigral so mnoy? |
Would you please try again later? | не могли бы вы повторить попытку позже? ne mogli by vy povtorit' popytku pozzhe? |
Would you say it once more? | ты бы сказал это еще раз? ty by skazal eto yeshche raz? |
Would you teach me? | ты бы научил меня? ty by nauchil menya? |
Would you like to read his speech? | хочешь прочитать его речь? khochesh' prochitat' yego rech'? |
Would it do any good? | это принесет пользу? eto prineset pol'zu? |
Would he have married viji? | женился бы он на Виджи? zhenilsya by on na Vidzhi? |
Would you like to play a game? | хочешь сыграть в игру? khochesh' sygrat' v igru? |
Would you kill me? | ты бы меня убил? ty by menya ubil? |
Would you love me? | ты бы любил меня? ty by lyubil menya? |
Would you like me? | Хотите меня? khotite menya? |
Would you hate me? | ты бы меня ненавидел? ty by menya nenavidel? |
Would you like to join us tonight? | хочешь присоединиться к нам сегодня вечером? khochesh' prisoyedinit'sya k nam segodnya vecherom? |
Would you please carry this for me? | не могли бы вы отнести это мне? ne mogli by vy otnesti eto mne? |
Would you like to come tomorrow? | хочешь приехать завтра? khochesh' priyekhat' zavtra? |
Would you run with me? | ты бы сбежал со мной? ty by sbezhal so mnoy? |
Would he pay for the lunch? | заплатит ли он за обед? zaplatit li on za obed? |
Would that be a good idea? | это было бы хорошей идеей? eto bylo by khoroshey ideyey? |
Would you make dinner? | ты бы приготовил ужин? ty by prigotovil uzhin? |
Would you come with me? | ты бы пошел со мной? ty by poshel so mnoy? |
Would you come here? | ты бы пришел сюда? ty by prishel syuda? |
Would you come tomorrow? | ты придешь завтра? ty pridesh' zavtra? |
‘Would’ sentences in other languages (40+)
Top 1000 Russian words
Here you learn top 1000 Russian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Russian meanings with transliteration.
Eat | есть est' |
All | все vse |
New | новый novyj |
Snore | храпеть hrapet' |
Fast | быстрый bystryj |
Help | помощь pomos' |
Pain | боль bol' |
Rain | дождь dozd' |
Pride | гордость gordost' |
Sense | смысл smysl |
Large | большой bol'soj |
Skill | навык navyk |
Panic | паника panika |
Thank | благодарить blagodarit' |
Desire | желание zelanie |
Woman | женщина zensina |
Hungry | голодный golodnyj |
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