Have sentences in Scots gaelic and English

‘Have’ sentences in Scots gaelic with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Scots gaelic translation of Have sentences and play Have sentences quiz in Scots gaelic language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Scots gaelic sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Scots gaelic language in an easy way. To learn Scots gaelic language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

Have sentences in Scots gaelic

Have sentences in Scots gaelic and English

The list of 'Have' sentences in Scots gaelic language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Scots gaelic translations.

Have a good Christmas Nollaig mhath leibh
Have a good time Gabh deagh ùine
Have a nice day Latha math dhut
Have a nice time Biodh deagh àm agad
Have a nice trip Gabh turas math
Have a nice vacation Gabh saor-làithean math
Have fun Biodh spòrs agad
Have fun this summer! Dèan spòrs as t-samhradh seo!
Have you eaten? An do dh'ith thu?
Have you ever cheated on an exam? An do rinn thu a-riamh meallta air deuchainn?
Have you ever seen a whale? Am faca tu muc-mhara a-riamh?
Have you ever sung in public? An robh thu a-riamh a’ seinn gu poblach?
Have you finished dressing? An do chuir thu crìoch air aodach?
Have you finished? A bheil thu deiseil?
Have you heard from him? An cuala tu bhuaithe?
Have a good Christmas Nollaig mhath leibh
Have a good time Gabh deagh ùine
Have a nice day Latha math dhut
Have a nice time Biodh deagh àm agad
Have a nice trip Gabh turas math
Have a nice vacation Gabh saor-làithean math
Have fun Biodh spòrs agad
Have fun this summer! Dèan spòrs as t-samhradh seo!
Have you eaten? An do dh'ith thu?
Have you ever cheated on an exam? An do rinn thu a-riamh meallta air deuchainn?
Have you ever seen a whale? Am faca tu muc-mhara a-riamh?
Have you ever sung in public? An robh thu a-riamh a’ seinn gu poblach?
Have you finished dressing? An do chuir thu crìoch air aodach?
Have you finished? A bheil thu deiseil?
Have you heard from him? An cuala tu bhuaithe?
Have you met? An do choinnich thu?
Have you read this article? An do leugh thu an artaigil seo?
Have you received an answer to your letter? An d’ fhuair thu freagairt don litir agad?
Have you told anyone about the surprise party? An do dh'innis thu do dhuine sam bith mun phàrtaidh iongantach?
Have you told anyone about this problem? An do dh'innis thu do dhuine sam bith mun duilgheadas seo?

‘Have’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Scots gaelic words

Here you learn top 1000 Scots gaelic words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Scots gaelic meanings with transliteration.

Eat ithe
All uile
New ùr
Snore srann
Fast luath
Help cuideachadh
Pain pian
Rain uisge
Pride uaill
Sense ciall
Large mòr
Skill sgil
Panic maoim
Thank taing
Desire miann
Woman boireannach
Hungry acrach
Scots gaelic Vocabulary
Scots gaelic Dictionary

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