I sentences in Scots gaelic and English
‘I’ sentences in Scots gaelic with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Scots gaelic translation of I sentences and play I sentences quiz in Scots gaelic language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Scots gaelic sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Scots gaelic language in an easy way. To learn Scots gaelic language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

I sentences in Scots gaelic and English
The list of 'I' sentences in Scots gaelic language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Scots gaelic translations.
I accepted her invitation | Ghabh mi ris a’ chuireadh aice |
I agree | Tha mi ag aontachadh |
I agree with you | Tha mi ag aontachadh riut |
I admire his talent | Tha meas agam air a thàlant |
I agree with your opinion | Tha mi ag aontachadh le do bheachd |
I am a student | s e oileanach a th 'annam |
I am going to study | Tha mi a’ dol a sgrùdadh |
I am interested in swimming | Tha ùidh agam ann an snàmh |
I am just going for a walk | Tha mi dìreach a’ dol airson cuairt |
I am feeling tired today | Tha mi a’ faireachdainn sgìth an-diugh |
I am glad to be with you | Tha mi toilichte a bhith còmhla riut |
I am not a teacher | Chan e tidsear a th’ annam |
I am sorry | Tha mi duilich |
I am talking with my mother | Tha mi a’ bruidhinn ri mo mhàthair |
I am thinking about my children | Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh air mo chlann |
I accepted her invitation | Ghabh mi ris a’ chuireadh aice |
I agree | Tha mi ag aontachadh |
I agree with you | Tha mi ag aontachadh riut |
I admire his talent | Tha meas agam air a thàlant |
I agree with your opinion | Tha mi ag aontachadh le do bheachd |
I am a student | s e oileanach a th 'annam |
I am going to study | Tha mi a’ dol a sgrùdadh |
I am interested in swimming | Tha ùidh agam ann an snàmh |
I am just going for a walk | Tha mi dìreach a’ dol airson cuairt |
I am feeling tired today | Tha mi a’ faireachdainn sgìth an-diugh |
I am glad to be with you | Tha mi toilichte a bhith còmhla riut |
I am not a teacher | Chan e tidsear a th’ annam |
I am sorry | Tha mi duilich |
I am talking with my mother | Tha mi a’ bruidhinn ri mo mhàthair |
I am thinking about my children | Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh air mo chlann |
I am very pleased to meet you | Tha mi glè thoilichte coinneachadh riut |
I apologize if I hurt your feelings | Tha mi duilich ma ghortaich mi na faireachdainnean agad |
I arrived there too early | Ràinig mi sin ro thràth |
I believe you | Tha mi gad chreidsinn |
I bought it last week | Cheannaich mi e an t-seachdain sa chaidh |
I can do this job | Is urrainn dhomh an obair seo a dhèanamh |
I can run faster | Is urrainn dhomh ruith nas luaithe |
I can sing well | Is urrainn dhomh seinn gu math |
I can speak English | Is urrainn dhomh Beurla a bhruidhinn |
I can swim | Is urrainn dhomh snàmh |
I can’t believe it | Chan urrainn dhomh a chreidsinn |
I can't come | Chan urrainn dhomh tighinn |
I can't follow you | Chan urrainn dhomh do leantainn |
I can't agree with you | Chan urrainn dhomh aontachadh leat |
I can't remember his name | Chan eil cuimhne agam air an ainm aige |
I can't hear you | Chan urrainn dhomh do chluinntinn |
I can't see anything | Chan urrainn dhomh dad fhaicinn |
I didn't like it | Cha do chòrd e rium |
I disagree with you | Chan eil mi ag aontachadh riut |
I do not understand | Chan eil mi a’ tuigsinn |
I don’t know | Chan eil fios agam |
I don't have any money | Chan eil airgead sam bith agam |
I don't like the color | Cha toil leam an dath |
I had a good idea | Bha deagh bheachd agam |
I like it very much | Tha e a’ còrdadh rium gu mòr |
I need more time | Feumaidh mi barrachd ùine |
I want to sleep | Tha mi ag iarraidh cadal |
I wish you good luck | Tha mi a’ guidhe deagh fhortan dhut |
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