If sentences in Scots gaelic and English
‘If’ sentences in Scots gaelic with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Scots gaelic translation of If sentences and play If sentences quiz in Scots gaelic language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Scots gaelic sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Scots gaelic language in an easy way. To learn Scots gaelic language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

If sentences in Scots gaelic and English
The list of 'If' sentences in Scots gaelic language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Scots gaelic translations.
If I were you, I would trust her | Nam bithinnsa leat, bhithinn earbsa ann |
If I had money, I could buy it | Nam biodh airgead agam, b’ urrainn dhomh a cheannach |
If he's fluent in English, I'll hire him | Ma tha e fileanta sa Bheurla, fastaidh mi e |
If he had studied harder, he would have passed the exam | Nam biodh e air ionnsachadh nas cruaidhe, bhiodh e air a dhol seachad air an deuchainn |
If you want to make your dreams come true, keep on trying | Ma tha thu airson do aislingean a thoirt gu buil, cùm ort a’ feuchainn |
If you want a pencil, I'll lend you one | Ma tha thu ag iarraidh peansail, bheir mi iasad dhut |
If you find a mistake, please leave a comment | Ma lorgas tu mearachd, fàg beachd |
If you follow this street, you will get to the station | Ma leanas tu an t-sràid seo, gheibh thu chun stèisean |
If you go to the movies, take your sister with you | Ma thèid thu gu na filmichean, thoir do phiuthar còmhla riut |
If there is anything you want, don't hesitate to ask me | Ma tha rud sam bith a tha thu ag iarraidh, na bi leisg faighneachd dhomh |
If I were rich, I would go abroad | Nam bithinn beairteach, bhithinn a’ dol a-null thairis |
If he comes, ask him to wait | Ma thig e, iarr air feitheamh |
If it rains, we will get wet | Ma tha an t-uisge ann, bidh sinn fliuch |
If you study hard, you will pass your exam | Ma nì thu sgrùdadh cruaidh, gheibh thu seachad air an deuchainn agad |
If you give respect, you get respect | Ma bheir thu spèis, gheibh thu spèis |
If I were you, I would trust her | Nam bithinnsa leat, bhithinn earbsa ann |
If I had money, I could buy it | Nam biodh airgead agam, b’ urrainn dhomh a cheannach |
If he's fluent in English, I'll hire him | Ma tha e fileanta sa Bheurla, fastaidh mi e |
If he had studied harder, he would have passed the exam | Nam biodh e air ionnsachadh nas cruaidhe, bhiodh e air a dhol seachad air an deuchainn |
If you want to make your dreams come true, keep on trying | Ma tha thu airson do aislingean a thoirt gu buil, cùm ort a’ feuchainn |
If you want a pencil, I'll lend you one | Ma tha thu ag iarraidh peansail, bheir mi iasad dhut |
If you find a mistake, please leave a comment | Ma lorgas tu mearachd, fàg beachd |
If you follow this street, you will get to the station | Ma leanas tu an t-sràid seo, gheibh thu chun stèisean |
If you go to the movies, take your sister with you | Ma thèid thu gu na filmichean, thoir do phiuthar còmhla riut |
If there is anything you want, don't hesitate to ask me | Ma tha rud sam bith a tha thu ag iarraidh, na bi leisg faighneachd dhomh |
If I were rich, I would go abroad | Nam bithinn beairteach, bhithinn a’ dol a-null thairis |
If he comes, ask him to wait | Ma thig e, iarr air feitheamh |
If it rains, we will get wet | Ma tha an t-uisge ann, bidh sinn fliuch |
If you study hard, you will pass your exam | Ma nì thu sgrùdadh cruaidh, gheibh thu seachad air an deuchainn agad |
If you give respect, you get respect | Ma bheir thu spèis, gheibh thu spèis |
If you work hard, you will succeed | Ma tha thu ag obair cruaidh, bidh thu soirbheachail |
If you invite them, they will come | Ma bheir thu cuireadh dhaibh, thig iad |
If I studied, I would pass the exam | Nam bithinn ag ionnsachadh, bhithinn a’ dol seachad air an deuchainn |
If you rest, you will feel better | Ma gheibh thu fois, bidh thu a’ faireachdainn nas fheàrr |
If you need me, you can call me at home | Ma tha feum agad orm, faodaidh tu fios a chuir thugam aig an taigh |
If you want to pass the exam, you should study much harder | Ma tha thu airson a dhol seachad air an deuchainn, bu chòir dhut ionnsachadh tòrr nas duilghe |
‘If’ sentences in other languages (40+)
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