List of Prefix in Scots gaelic and English

To learn Scots gaelic language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn Prefix words in English with Scots gaelic translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Scots gaelic Prefix words, this place will help you to learn Prefix words in Scots gaelic language with their pronunciation in English. Prefix words are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Scots gaelic.

List of Prefix in Scots gaelic and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Prefix words in Scots gaelic

Here is the list of prefixes in Scots gaelic language with meanings and their pronunciation in English.


Deactivate cuir dheth
Debate deasbad
Decade deichead
Decent diongmhalta
Decision co-dhùnadh
Declare cur an cèill
Decode dì-chòdachadh
Decomposition lobhadh
Decrease lùghdachadh
Deduction toradh
Default bunaiteach
Defeat ruaig
Defend dìon
Deforest dì-choillteachadh
Deformation deformachadh
Degeneration crìonadh
Demand iarrtas


Disaccord eas-aonta
Disaffection mì-riarachadh
Disagree eas-aontachadh
Disappear à sealladh
Disapprove eas-aontaich
Discharge sgaoileadh
Discipline smachd
Discompose cuir às
Discount lasachaidh
Discover faighinn a-mach
Displeasure mì-thoileachas
Disqualify dì-cheadachadh


Exceed thairis
Exchange iomlaid
Exhale exhale
Explain mìnich
Explosion spreadhadh
Export às-mhalairt


Impair lagachadh
Impassion dìoghras
Implant implant
Import in-mhalairt
Impossible do-dhèanta
Impress dèan deagh bheachd
Improper neo-iomchaidh
Improve leasaich


Inaction dìth gnìomh
Inactive neo-ghnìomhach
Inadequate neo-fhreagarrach
Income teachd a-steach
Incorrect ceàrr
Indirect neo-dhìreach
Insecure mì-chinnteach
Inside a-staigh
Invisible neo-fhaicsinneach


Interaction eadar-obrachadh
Interchange iomlaid
Intermission eadar-ghuidhe
International eadar-nàiseanta
Internet eadar-lìon
Interview agallamh


Irradiation irradachadh
Irrational neo-riaghailteach
Irregular neo-riaghailteach
Irrelevant neo-iomchaidh
Irreplaceable neo-atharrachail
Irreversible neo-iompaichte


Midday meadhan-latha
Midland meadhan-dùthcha
Midnight meadhan oidhche
Midway letheach slighe
Midwife bean-ghlùine


Misaligned mì-ainmichte
Misguide misguide
Misinform mì-fhiosrachadh
Mislead mealladh
Misplace misseach
Misrule mì-riaghailt
Misspelt mì-litreachadh
Mistake mearachd
Misunderstand mì-thuigse
Misuse mì-chleachdadh


Non existent nach eil ann
Non pareil neo pareil
Nonchalant neo-chaochlaideach
Nonfiction neo-fhicsean
Nonsense neòinean
Nonstop gun stad


Overcharge cus cosgais
Overcome faighinn seachad air
Overflow thar-shruth
Overlap thairis air
Overload cus cuideim
Overlook coimhead thairis
Overpower thairis cumhachd
Overrate cus luach
Overrule thairis


Predefine ro-mhìnich
Prefix ro-leasachan
Prehistory ro-eachdraidh
Prepay ro-phàighidh
Prepossess prepossess
Prevail buaidh
Preview ro-shealladh


Proactive for-ghnìomhach
Proceed air adhart
Proclaim gairm
Profess ollamh
Profit prothaid
Profound domhainn
Program prògram
Progress adhartas
Prolong leudachadh


React freagairt
Reappear ath-nochdadh
Reclaim ath-ghairm
Recollect cuimhne
Recommendation moladh
Reconsider ath-bheachdachadh
Recover faighinn seachad air
Redo ath-dhèanamh
Rewrite ath-sgrìobhadh


Telecommunication tele-chonaltradh
Telegram teileagram
Telepathic telepathic
Telephone fòn
Telescope teileasgop
Television telebhisean


Transfer tar-chur
Transform cruth-atharraich
Transgender tar-ghnèitheach
Translation eadar-theangachadh
Transparent follaiseach
Transport còmhdhail


Undo leig às
Unequal neo-ionann
Unhappy mì-thoilichte
Unpack dì-phapadh
Unseen gun fhaicinn
Unstable neo-sheasmhach
Unusual neo-àbhaisteach


Update ùrachadh
Upgrade àrdachadh
Uphill suas an cnoc
Uphold cumail suas
Upset troimh-chèile
Upstairs shuas an staidhre
Upward shuas

Top 1000 Scots gaelic words

Here you learn top 1000 Scots gaelic words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Scots gaelic meanings with transliteration.

Eat ithe
All uile
New ùr
Snore srann
Fast luath
Help cuideachadh
Pain pian
Rain uisge
Pride uaill
Sense ciall
Large mòr
Skill sgil
Panic maoim
Thank taing
Desire miann
Woman boireannach
Hungry acrach

Daily use Scots gaelic Sentences

Here you learn top Scots gaelic sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Scots gaelic meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Madainn mhath
What is your name Dè an t-ainm a th’ ort
What is your problem Dè an duilgheadas a th’ agad?
I hate you Tha fuath agam dhut
I love you Tha gaol agam ort
Can I help you An urrainn dhomh do chuideachadh?
I am sorry Tha mi duilich
I want to sleep Tha mi ag iarraidh cadal
This is very important Tha seo glè chudromach
Are you hungry A bheil an t-acras ort?
How is your life Ciamar a tha do bheatha?
I am going to study Tha mi a’ dol a sgrùdadh
Scots gaelic Vocabulary
Scots gaelic Dictionary

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