We sentences in Scots gaelic and English
‘We’ sentences in Scots gaelic with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Scots gaelic translation of We sentences and play We sentences quiz in Scots gaelic language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Scots gaelic sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Scots gaelic language in an easy way. To learn Scots gaelic language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.
We sentences in Scots gaelic and English
The list of 'We' sentences in Scots gaelic language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Scots gaelic translations.
We accepted his invitation | Ghabh sinn ris a chuireadh |
We adopted a child | Ghabh sinn ri leanabh |
We all make mistakes | Bidh sinn uile a’ dèanamh mhearachdan |
We are happy | Tha sinn toilichte |
We are men | Tha sinn fir |
We are moving next month | Tha sinn a’ gluasad an ath mhìos |
We are very similar | Tha sinn glè choltach |
We can make change | Faodaidh sinn atharrachadh a dhèanamh |
We cook everyday | Bidh sinn a 'còcaireachd gach latha |
We depend on you | Tha sinn an urra riut fhèin |
We enjoy talking | Is toil leinn a bhith a’ bruidhinn |
We enjoyed it | Chòrd e rinn |
We expect good results | Tha sinn an dùil toraidhean math |
We had a large audience | Bha luchd-èisteachd mòr againn |
We had a wonderful time | Bha àm mìorbhaileach againn |
We accepted his invitation | Ghabh sinn ris a chuireadh |
We adopted a child | Ghabh sinn ri leanabh |
We all make mistakes | Bidh sinn uile a’ dèanamh mhearachdan |
We are happy | Tha sinn toilichte |
We are men | Tha sinn fir |
We are moving next month | Tha sinn a’ gluasad an ath mhìos |
We are very similar | Tha sinn glè choltach |
We can make change | Faodaidh sinn atharrachadh a dhèanamh |
We cook everyday | Bidh sinn a 'còcaireachd gach latha |
We depend on you | Tha sinn an urra riut fhèin |
We enjoy talking | Is toil leinn a bhith a’ bruidhinn |
We enjoyed it | Chòrd e rinn |
We expect good results | Tha sinn an dùil toraidhean math |
We had a large audience | Bha luchd-èisteachd mòr againn |
We had a wonderful time | Bha àm mìorbhaileach againn |
We have enough time | Tha ùine gu leòr againn |
We have finished lunch | Tha sinn air crìoch a chuir air lòn |
We have plenty of time | Tha ùine gu leòr againn |
We lost the game | Chaill sinn an geama |
We love each other | Tha gaol againn air a chèile |
We must go to school | Feumaidh sinn a dhol dhan sgoil |
We must keep calm | Feumaidh sinn cumail sàmhach |
We need some money | Feumaidh sinn beagan airgid |
We obeyed the rules | Ghlèidh sinn ris na riaghailtean |
We started to walk | Thòisich sinn air coiseachd |
We studied English | Rinn sinn sgrùdadh air Beurla |
We will never agree | Cha bhith sinn ag aontachadh gu bràth |
We will do anything for you | Nì sinn rud sam bith dhut |
We will do our best | Nì sinn ar dìcheall |
We want something new | Tha sinn ag iarraidh rudeigin ùr |
We should be very careful | Bu chòir dhuinn a bhith gu math faiceallach |
‘We’ sentences in other languages (40+)
Top 1000 Scots gaelic words
Here you learn top 1000 Scots gaelic words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Scots gaelic meanings with transliteration.
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