When sentences in Scots gaelic and English
‘When’ sentences in Scots gaelic with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Scots gaelic translation of When sentences and play When sentences quiz in Scots gaelic language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Scots gaelic sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Scots gaelic language in an easy way. To learn Scots gaelic language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.
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When sentences in Scots gaelic and English
The list of 'When' sentences in Scots gaelic language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Scots gaelic translations.
When are you busy? | Cuin a tha thu trang? |
When are you coming back? | Cuin a tha thu a' tighinn air ais? |
When are you going to leave? | Cuin a tha thu gu bhith falbh? |
When can I see you next time? | Cuin a chì mi thu an ath thuras? |
When can we eat? | Cuin as urrainn dhuinn ithe? |
When did he go to Europe? | Cuin a chaidh e dhan Roinn Eòrpa? |
When did you finish the work? | Cuin a chrìochnaich thu an obair? |
When did you get home? | Cuin a fhuair thu dhachaigh? |
When do you study? | Cuin a bhios tu ag ionnsachadh? |
When does it begin? | Cuin a thòisicheas e? |
When he spoke, everyone became silent | Nuair a bhruidhinn e, dh'fhàs a h-uile duine sàmhach |
When is a good time for you? | Cuin a tha àm math dhut? |
When is the best time to feed your dog? | Cuin a tha an t-àm as fheàrr airson do chù a bhiadhadh? |
When is the intermission? | Cuin a tha an eadar-theachd? |
When is your birthday? | Cuin a tha do cho-là-breith? |
When are you busy? | Cuin a tha thu trang? |
When are you coming back? | Cuin a tha thu a' tighinn air ais? |
When are you going to leave? | Cuin a tha thu gu bhith falbh? |
When can I see you next time? | Cuin a chì mi thu an ath thuras? |
When can we eat? | Cuin as urrainn dhuinn ithe? |
When did he go to Europe? | Cuin a chaidh e dhan Roinn Eòrpa? |
When did you finish the work? | Cuin a chrìochnaich thu an obair? |
When did you get home? | Cuin a fhuair thu dhachaigh? |
When do you study? | Cuin a bhios tu ag ionnsachadh? |
When does it begin? | Cuin a thòisicheas e? |
When he spoke, everyone became silent | Nuair a bhruidhinn e, dh'fhàs a h-uile duine sàmhach |
When is a good time for you? | Cuin a tha àm math dhut? |
When is the best time to feed your dog? | Cuin a tha an t-àm as fheàrr airson do chù a bhiadhadh? |
When is the intermission? | Cuin a tha an eadar-theachd? |
When is your birthday? | Cuin a tha do cho-là-breith? |
When the bus came, she got on | Nuair a thàinig am bus, fhuair i air adhart |
When was it finished? | Cuin a bha e deiseil? |
When was she born? | Cuin a rugadh i? |
When was the last time we met? | Cuin a bha an turas mu dheireadh a choinnich sinn? |
When will they arrive? | Cuin a ruigeas iad? |
When will they give a concert? | Cuin a bheir iad cuirm-chiùil seachad? |
When will we arrive? | Cuin a ruigeas sinn? |
When will you be back? | Cuin a bhios tu air ais? |
When will you come back to school? | Cuin a thig thu air ais dhan sgoil? |
When will you leave? | Cuin a dh'fhàgas tu? |
When will you reach? | Cuin a ruigeas tu? |
When will your book be published? | Cuin a thèid do leabhar fhoillseachadh? |
When will you harvest your wheat? | Cuin a bhuaineas tu do chruithneachd? |
‘When’ sentences in other languages (40+)
Top 1000 Scots gaelic words
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