Would sentences in Scots gaelic and English
‘Would’ sentences in Scots gaelic with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Scots gaelic translation of Would sentences and play Would sentences quiz in Scots gaelic language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Scots gaelic sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Scots gaelic language in an easy way. To learn Scots gaelic language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

Would sentences in Scots gaelic and English
The list of 'Would' sentences in Scots gaelic language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Scots gaelic translations.
Would you do me a favor? | An deanadh tu fàbhar dhomh? |
Would you do something for me? | An dèanadh tu rudeigin dhòmhsa? |
Would you join me for a walk? | An tig thu còmhla rium airson cuairt? |
Would you like ice? | Am bu toil leat deigh? |
Would you like some more cake? | Am bu toil leat barrachd cèic? |
Would you like to come? | Am bu toil leat tighinn? |
Would you like to dance with me? | Am bu toil leat dannsa còmhla rium? |
Would you like to go? | Am bu toil leat a dhol? |
Would you like to wait? | Am bu toil leat feitheamh? |
Would you play with me? | Am biodh tu a’ cluich còmhla rium? |
Would you please try again later? | Am feuch thu ris a-rithist nas fhaide air adhart? |
Would you say it once more? | An canadh tu aon uair eile e? |
Would you teach me? | An ionnsaich thu dhomh? |
Would you like to read his speech? | Am bu toil leat an òraid aige a leughadh? |
Would it do any good? | An dèanadh e math sam bith? |
Would you do me a favor? | An deanadh tu fàbhar dhomh? |
Would you do something for me? | An dèanadh tu rudeigin dhòmhsa? |
Would you join me for a walk? | An tig thu còmhla rium airson cuairt? |
Would you like ice? | Am bu toil leat deigh? |
Would you like some more cake? | Am bu toil leat barrachd cèic? |
Would you like to come? | Am bu toil leat tighinn? |
Would you like to dance with me? | Am bu toil leat dannsa còmhla rium? |
Would you like to go? | Am bu toil leat a dhol? |
Would you like to wait? | Am bu toil leat feitheamh? |
Would you play with me? | Am biodh tu a’ cluich còmhla rium? |
Would you please try again later? | Am feuch thu ris a-rithist nas fhaide air adhart? |
Would you say it once more? | An canadh tu aon uair eile e? |
Would you teach me? | An ionnsaich thu dhomh? |
Would you like to read his speech? | Am bu toil leat an òraid aige a leughadh? |
Would it do any good? | An dèanadh e math sam bith? |
Would he have married viji? | Am biodh e air viji a phòsadh? |
Would you like to play a game? | Am bu toil leat geama a chluich? |
Would you kill me? | Am marbhadh tu mi? |
Would you love me? | Am biodh gaol agad orm? |
Would you like me? | Am bu toil leat mi? |
Would you hate me? | Am biodh gràin agad orm? |
Would you like to join us tonight? | Am bu toil leat a bhith còmhla rinn a-nochd? |
Would you please carry this for me? | Am bu toil leat seo a ghiùlan dhòmhsa? |
Would you like to come tomorrow? | Am bu toil leat tighinn a-màireach? |
Would you run with me? | An ruitheadh tu leam? |
Would he pay for the lunch? | Am pàigheadh e airson an lòn? |
Would that be a good idea? | Am biodh sin na dheagh bheachd? |
Would you make dinner? | An deanadh tu dinneir? |
Would you come with me? | An tigeadh tu leam? |
Would you come here? | An tigeadh tu an seo? |
Would you come tomorrow? | An tigeadh tu a-màireach? |
‘Would’ sentences in other languages (40+)
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