You sentences in Scots gaelic and English
‘You’ sentences in Scots gaelic with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Scots gaelic translation of You sentences and play You sentences quiz in Scots gaelic language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Scots gaelic sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Scots gaelic language in an easy way. To learn Scots gaelic language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.
You sentences in Scots gaelic and English
The list of 'You' sentences in Scots gaelic language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Scots gaelic translations.
You are a teacher | Tha thu nad thidsear |
You are always complaining | Tha thu an-còmhnaidh a 'gearan |
You are late | Tha thu fadalach |
You are my responsibility | Tha thu an urra riumsa |
You are not Indian | Chan e Innseanach a th’ annad |
You are very beautiful | Tha thu air leth bòidheach |
You are very brave | Tha thu gu math gaisgeil |
You broke the rules | Bhris thu na riaghailtean |
You can ask John for help | Faodaidh tu iarraidh air Iain airson cuideachadh |
You can go home now | Faodaidh tu a dhol dhachaigh a-nis |
You are a good teacher | Tha thu nad thidsear math |
You can go anywhere you want | Faodaidh tu a dhol gu àite sam bith a tha thu ag iarraidh |
You can go if you want to | Faodaidh tu falbh ma thogras tu |
You can put it anywhere | Faodaidh tu a chuir an àite sam bith |
You can read this book | Faodaidh tu an leabhar seo a leughadh |
You are a teacher | Tha thu nad thidsear |
You are always complaining | Tha thu an-còmhnaidh a 'gearan |
You are late | Tha thu fadalach |
You are my responsibility | Tha thu an urra riumsa |
You are not Indian | Chan e Innseanach a th’ annad |
You are very beautiful | Tha thu air leth bòidheach |
You are very brave | Tha thu gu math gaisgeil |
You broke the rules | Bhris thu na riaghailtean |
You can ask John for help | Faodaidh tu iarraidh air Iain airson cuideachadh |
You can go home now | Faodaidh tu a dhol dhachaigh a-nis |
You are a good teacher | Tha thu nad thidsear math |
You can go anywhere you want | Faodaidh tu a dhol gu àite sam bith a tha thu ag iarraidh |
You can go if you want to | Faodaidh tu falbh ma thogras tu |
You can put it anywhere | Faodaidh tu a chuir an àite sam bith |
You can read this book | Faodaidh tu an leabhar seo a leughadh |
You can't be serious | Chan urrainn dhut a bhith trom |
You don't have to get up so early | Chan fheum thu èirigh cho tràth |
You don't have to talk so loud | Chan fheum thu bruidhinn cho àrd |
You don't understand english | Chan eil thu a’ tuigsinn Beurla |
You don't understand me | Chan eil thu gam thuigsinn |
You had plenty of time | Bha ùine gu leòr agad |
You have to come with me | Feumaidh tu tighinn còmhla rium |
You have to study hard | Feumaidh tu ionnsachadh gu cruaidh |
You look busy | Tha thu a’ coimhead trang |
You like it | Is toil leat e |
You like me | Tha thu a 'còrdadh rium |
You love me | Tha gaol agad orm |
you love me or not | tha gaol agad orm no nach eil |
you love me so much | tha gaol cho mòr agad orm |
You make me happy | Tha thu gam fhàgail toilichte |
You may go | Faodaidh tu falbh |
You may go home if you want to | Faodaidh tu a dhol dhachaigh ma thogras tu |
You may read this book | Faodaidh tu an leabhar seo a leughadh |
You must be kidding! | Feumaidh tu a bhith ri magadh! |
You may take the book | Faodaidh tu an leabhar a ghabhail |
You must study hard | Feumaidh tu ionnsachadh gu cruaidh |
You will make a good wife | Nì thu bean mhath |
You will see the difference | Chì thu an diofar |
You should sleep | Bu chòir dhut cadal |
You must go | Feumaidh tu falbh |
‘You’ sentences in other languages (40+)
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