1000 most common Sepedi words
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¤ Simple words¤ Easy words
¤ Medium words
¤ Hard Words
¤ Advanced Words
¤ Daily use Sentences
¤ Picture Dictionary
Here you learn top 1000 words in English with Sepedi translation. If you are interested to learn 1000 most common Sepedi words, this place will help you to learn common words in Sepedi language with their pronunciation in English. You may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Sepedi language quickly and also play some Sepedi word games so you get not bored. In this, we are separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These top 1000 words are useful in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. So, it is very important to learn all words in English and Sepedi.

1000 words in English to Sepedi
Here is the list of 1000 most important common words in Sepedi language and their pronunciation in English.
Simple words / 2 letter words
Easy words
3 letter words
Act | molao |
Add | hlakanya |
Age | mengwaga |
Aim | maikemišetšo |
Air | moya |
All | ka moka |
And | le |
Ant | ant |
Any | efe goba efe |
Ask | kgopela |
Bad | mpe |
Big | kgolo |
Buy | reka |
Cry | lla |
Dam | letamo |
Die | hlokofala |
Dry | omile |
End | mafelelo |
Ear | tsebe |
Eat | ja |
Egg | lee |
Eye | leihlo |
Fat | lekhura |
Fly | fofa |
Fun | boipshino |
Get | hwetša |
God | modimo |
Hen | kgogo |
Hot | fiša |
Job | mošomo |
Leg | leoto |
Lie | maaka |
Low | fase |
Mad | gafa |
Man | monna |
Not | ga se |
Now | gabjale |
New | mpsha |
Old | kgale |
Own | rua |
Run | kitima |
Sad | manyami |
Sea | lewatle |
See | bona |
Shy | dihlong |
Sit | dula |
Sum | palomoka |
Sun | letšatši |
Tax | motšhelo |
Try | leka |
Use | šomiša |
War | ntwa |
Wet | thapile |
Why | ka lebaka la eng |
Win | thopa |
Yes | Ee |
You | wena |
4 letter words
Also | gape |
Baby | lesea |
Back | morago |
Bake | paka |
Bald | lefatla |
Ball | kgwele |
Bark | goba |
Bath | go hlapa |
Beet | beet |
Bend | koba |
Best | kaonekaone |
Bird | nonyana |
Bold | bokoto |
Bone | lerapo |
Book | puku |
Born | belegwe |
Both | bobedi |
Busy | tsene fase |
Call | bitša |
Calm | homola |
Care | tlhokomelo |
Come | tla |
Cost | tshenyegelo |
Cute | botse |
Crow | legokobu |
Dare | sebete |
Dark | leswiswi |
Date | letšatšikgwedi |
Deal | šogana |
Diet | dijo |
Dish | sebjana |
Door | monyako |
Down | fase |
Dust | lerole |
Each | nngwe le e nngwe |
Earn | gola |
Easy | bonolo |
Edge | morumo |
Evil | bobe |
Exit | tšwa |
Face | sefahlogo |
Fact | ntlha |
Fair | lokilego |
Fake | ya bofora |
Farm | polase |
Fast | potlako |
Fear | tšhoga |
Feel | ikwa |
Find | hwetša |
Fine | tefišo |
Fish | hlapi |
Food | dijo |
Fool | setlaela |
Free | lokologile |
Frog | segwagwa |
Full | tletše |
Gape | gape |
Gift | mpho |
Girl | mosetsana |
Goat | pudi |
Good | gabotse |
Grab | ubula |
Grow | gola |
Half | seripagare |
Hate | hloya |
Head | hlogo |
Hear | kwa |
Heat | phišo |
Help | thušo |
Here | mo |
Hide | fihla |
High | godimo |
Hold | swara |
Hole | lešoba |
Home | gae |
Huge | kgolokgolo |
Hurt | gobetše |
Idea | kgopolo |
Jump | tshela |
Just | fela |
Kill | bolaya |
Land | naga |
Last | mafelelo |
Late | morago |
Left | nngele |
Life | bophelo |
Line | mothaladi |
Lion | tau |
Long | telele |
Look | lebelela |
Lost | lahlegetšwe |
Love | lerato |
Luck | mahlatse |
Lung | maswafo |
Many | ntši |
Meet | kopana |
Melt | tologa |
Milk | maswi |
Must | swanetše |
Name | leina |
Near | kgauswi |
Neat | hlwekile |
Neck | molala |
Need | nyaka |
Next | latelago |
Only | fela |
Pain | bohloko |
Pair | phere |
Park | phaka |
Path | tsela |
Play | raloka |
Poor | diila |
Pull | goga |
Pure | hlwekile |
Quit | etšwa |
Quiz | tekatlhaologanyo |
Race | morafe |
Rain | pula |
Rare | sewelo |
Real | makgonthe |
Rent | hiriša |
Rest | khutša |
Rich | humile |
Ride | otlela |
Rise | hlaba |
Risk | kotsi |
Room | kamora |
Rope | thapo |
Rude | hlokago boitshwaro |
Sage | mohlalefi |
Sail | sesa |
Salt | letswai |
Same | swanago |
Sand | santa |
Save | boloka |
Scam | bofora |
Seed | peu |
Seek | nyaka |
Self | ka noši |
Sell | rekiša |
Send | romela |
Shop | lebenkele |
Show | bontšha |
Sick | lwala |
Side | lehlakore |
Site | saete |
Size | bogolo |
Skin | letlalo |
Slow | nanya |
Soft | boleta |
Soil | mabu |
Some | dingwe |
Soon | ka pela |
Stay | dula |
Stop | ema |
Such | bjalo |
Swap | fetoša |
Swim | rutha |
Take | tšea |
Talk | bolela |
Tall | telele |
Team | sehlopha |
Tell | botša |
Tent | tente |
That | gore |
Then | gona |
Thin | sese |
This | se |
Tide | tlema |
Time | nako |
Tour | leeto |
Town | toropo |
Tree | mohlare |
Trip | leeto |
Turn | fetoga |
Ugly | befile |
Vase | sebjanatsopa |
Vein | mothapo |
Very | kudu |
View | bogela |
Wage | moputso |
Wait | leta |
Wake | tsoga |
Walk | sepela |
Wall | leboto |
Want | nyaka |
Warm | ruthela |
Warn | lemoša |
Weak | fokola |
Wear | apara |
Week | beke |
Well | Gabotse |
Went | sepetše |
What | eng |
When | neng |
Wide | -phara |
Wife | mosadi |
Wild | hlaga |
Will | tla |
Wind | phefo |
Wine | beine |
Wish | duma |
Wood | kota |
Wool | wulu |
Word | lentšu |
Work | mošomo |
Worm | seboko |
Yarn | tlhale ya go swara |
Your | -a gago |
Zoom | go godiša |
5 letter words
Above | ka godimo |
Adapt | amogela |
Admit | amogela |
Adult | motho yo mogolo |
After | morago ga |
Again | gape |
Agree | dumela |
Alert | temošo |
Allow | dumelela |
Alone | noši |
Along | go bapela |
Anger | pefelo |
Angle | sekhutlo |
Angry | befetšwe |
Asset | phahlo |
Avoid | efoga |
Awake | tsogile |
Aware | lemoga |
Begin | thoma |
Birth | matswalo |
Blood | madi |
Brain | bjoko |
Built | agilwe |
Bring | tliša |
Build | aga |
Camel | kamela |
Canal | kanale |
Carry | rwala |
Cheap | rekega |
Cheat | sehwirihwiri |
Check | lekola |
Chest | kgara |
Claim | baka |
Clean | hlwekile |
Clear | tloša |
Climb | namela |
Close | tswalela |
Cloth | lešela |
Cloud | leru |
Color | mmala |
Crime | bosenyi |
Crowd | lešaba |
Crown | korone |
Daily | tšatši ka tšatši |
Dance | tantsha |
Death | lehu |
Decay | bola |
Delay | diega |
Devil | diabolo |
Dirty | ditqhila |
Dress | seaparo |
Drink | nwa |
Drive | otlela |
Dwell | dula |
Eager | phišego |
Eagle | ntšhu |
Early | pele |
Earth | lefase |
Elder | motšofe |
Empty | se nago selo |
Enemy | lenaba |
Enjoy | ipshina |
Entry | go tsena |
Equal | lekana |
Essay | taodišo |
Event | tiragalo |
Every | mang le mang |
Exact | thwii |
Exist | go ba gona |
Extra | tlaleletšo |
Faith | tumelo |
Fault | phošo |
Fever | letadi |
Field | tšhemo |
Final | ya mafelelo |
Fleet | sehlopha sa dikepe |
Float | phaphama |
Flood | mafula |
Floor | lebato |
Flour | folouru |
Fluid | seela |
Focus | nepa |
Force | gapeletša |
Fraud | bomenetša |
Fresh | foreše |
Front | ka pele |
Fruit | seenywa |
Ghost | sepoko |
Globe | lefase ka bophara |
Going | ya |
Grain | lebele |
Grant | mphiwafela |
Grass | bjang |
Great | kgolo |
Group | sehlopha |
Guard | leta |
Guest | moeng |
Habit | setlwaedi |
Heart | pelo |
Honey | Rato |
Horse | pere |
House | ntlo |
Human | botho |
Ideal | kgonthe |
Issue | tlhagišo |
Judge | moahlodi |
Knife | thipa |
Labor | modiro |
Ladle | ladle ya go swara |
Large | kgolo |
Laugh | sega |
Learn | ithuta |
Leave | tloga |
Legal | semolao |
Limit | moedi |
Lunch | matena |
Metal | tšhipi |
Mixed | e hlakantšwego |
Money | tšhelete |
Month | kgwedi |
Mount | thaba |
Mouth | molomo |
Music | mmino |
Maize | lehea |
Naked | ba hlobotše |
Never | le gatee |
Night | bošego |
Niece | motlogolo |
Noise | lešata |
Occur | hlaga |
Ocean | lewatle |
Onion | eiye |
Offer | mpho |
Order | tatelano |
Organ | setho sa mmele |
Other | nngwe |
Owner | mong |
Paddy | padi ya mabele |
Panic | letšhogo |
Peace | khutšo |
Place | lefelo |
Plant | semela |
Price | theko |
Pride | boitumelo |
Proud | itumela |
Prove | bontšha |
Quilt | khwiliti |
Quick | potlako |
Quite | kudu |
Raise | godiša |
Reach | fihlelela |
React | arabela |
Ready | itokišitše |
Reply | fetola |
Right | nepagetše |
Round | sediko |
Rural | metsemagae |
Saint | mokgethwa |
Scope | morero |
Score | ntlha |
Sense | sekwi |
Shake | šikinya |
Shape | sebopego |
Share | abelana |
Sharp | bogale |
Shrub | sehlašana |
Skill | bokgoni |
Sleep | robala |
Slope | motheoga |
Small | nnyane |
Smell | nkgelela |
Smile | myemyela |
Snake | noga |
Snore | go rora |
Solid | tšhipi |
Sound | modumo |
Space | sekgoba |
Speak | bolela |
Speed | lebelo |
Spend | ntšha tšhelete |
Spent | šomišitše |
Sperm | peu ya peu |
Sport | dipapadi |
Stand | ema |
Steam | phišo |
Stone | leswika |
Story | kanegelo |
Taste | tatso |
Teach | ruta |
Teeth | meno |
Thank | leboga |
There | moo |
These | tše |
Thick | koto |
Thing | selo |
Tiger | nkwe |
Today | lehono |
Total | palomoka |
Treat | swara gabotse |
Trend | therenta |
Tried | lekile |
Trust | tshepha |
Truth | bonnete |
Twice | gabedi |
Under | ka fase |
Upper | ka godimo |
Urban | motsesetoropo |
Visit | etela |
Voice | lentšu |
Vomit | hlatša |
Waste | ditlakala |
Water | meetse |
Wheat | korong |
Where | kae |
White | tšhweu |
Whole | ka moka |
Woman | mosadi |
World | lefase |
Worst | mpe kudu |
Write | ngwala |
Wrong | phošo |
Yield | tšweletša |
Young | nnyane |
Youth | baswa |
Medium words
6 letter words
Absent | hlokega |
Accept | amogela |
Admire | kgahlega |
Advice | maele |
Almost | nyakile |
Always | ka mehla |
Animal | phoofolo |
Answer | karabo |
Appeal | boipiletšo |
Appear | hlaga |
Arrive | fihla |
Artist | moraloki |
Assist | thuša |
Attack | hlasela |
Attach | kgomaretša |
Attend | tsenela |
Bangle | bangle bangle |
Before | pele ga |
Behind | ka morago |
Bellow | bellow |
Better | kaone |
Borrow | adima |
Bottom | tlase |
Broken | robegile |
Budget | tekanyetšo |
Cancel | Khansela |
Cancer | kankere |
Carrot | borotlelo |
Cattle | dikgomo |
Common | tlwaelega |
Compel | gapeletša |
Corner | sekhutlo |
Couple | bobedi |
Course | tsela |
Create | hlama |
Custom | tlwaelo |
Damage | tshenyo |
Dancer | motantshi wa go bina |
Danger | kotsi |
Decade | ngwagasome |
Defeat | fenya |
Delete | phumola |
Demand | nyaka |
Desire | kganyogo |
Detail | ka botlalo |
Dinner | matena |
Divine | sa Modimo |
Donkey | tonki |
Double | gabedi |
Edible | e jegago |
Effect | seabe |
Either | e ka ba |
Empire | mmušo wa mmušo |
Energy | enetši |
Enough | lekanetše |
Ensure | netefatša |
Entire | ka kakaretšo |
Except | ntle le |
Expand | katološa |
Expect | letela |
Export | romela ntle |
Extend | katološa |
Facade | facade ya bokapele |
Family | lapa |
Famous | tumile |
Faulty | e na le phošo |
Favour | gaugela |
Female | mosadi |
Fiance | molekane |
Finish | fetša |
Flower | letšoba |
Forest | lešoka |
Forgot | lebetše |
Freeze | tšidifatša |
Friend | mogwera |
Future | bokamoso |
Garage | karatšhe |
Garden | serapa |
Garlic | kaliki |
Ginger | gemere |
Global | lefase |
Ground | lebala |
Growth | kgolo |
Health | maphelo |
Hidden | fihlilwe |
Honest | potego |
Honour | hlompha |
Hostel | hostele ya |
Humble | ikokobetša |
Hungry | swerwe ke tlala |
Ignore | hlokomologa |
Impact | kamego |
Impure | e sa hlwekago |
Income | letseno |
Inform | tsebiša |
Insect | khunkhwane |
Inside | ka gare |
Jungle | sethokgwa |
Kidnap | go thopa |
Kindle | go tšhuma |
Labour | modiro |
Leader | moetapele |
Length | botelele |
Letter | lengwalo |
Liquid | seela |
Little | nnyane |
Living | phelago |
Lizard | mokgaritswane |
Locate | hwetša |
Luxury | matsaka |
Making | go dira |
Mammal | seamusi |
Manage | laola |
Manual | manyuale |
Market | mmaraka |
Mental | ya monagano |
Method | mokgwa |
Middle | bogareng |
Monkey | kgabo |
Mother | mma |
Muscle | mošifa |
Narrow | sesane |
Native | wa tlhago |
Nature | tlhago |
Normal | tlwaelo |
Number | nomoro |
Object | selo |
Office | ofisi |
Option | kgetho |
Parent | motswadi |
Parrot | lepapagai |
People | batho |
Person | motho |
Pickle | pickle ya go apea |
Picnic | pikiniki |
Pigeon | leeba |
Planet | polanete |
Please | hle |
Plenty | ntši |
Police | maphodisa |
Potato | letsapane |
Praise | tumiša |
Prayer | thapelo |
Pretty | botse |
Prince | kgošana |
Profit | profiti |
Proper | maleba |
Public | setšhaba |
Rabbit | mmutla |
Recent | bjale |
Recipe | motswako |
Record | pego |
Reduce | fokotša |
Regret | maswabi |
Reject | gana |
Remind | gopotša |
Remove | tloša |
Repair | lokiša |
Repeat | bušeletša |
Return | boa |
Rotate | dikološa |
Safety | polokego |
Salary | mogolo |
Sample | sampole |
School | sekolo |
Screen | sekerini |
Script | sengwalwa |
Scroll | go kgokologa |
Search | nyaka |
Season | sehla |
Secret | sephiri |
Secure | boloka |
Select | kgetha |
Senior | mogolo |
Shield | kotse |
Should | swanetše |
Shower | šawara |
Silent | homotšego |
Single | tee |
Sister | sesi |
Smooth | boreledi |
Social | tša leago |
Speech | polelo |
Street | seterata |
Strong | maatla |
Sudden | ka bonako |
Summer | selemo |
Supply | kabo |
Talent | talente ya |
Temple | tempele |
Thread | garane |
Thrill | go kgahliša |
Throat | mogolo |
Tittle | tittle |
Toilet | ntlwana ya boithomelo |
Tomato | tamati |
Tongue | leleme |
Travel | sepela |
Tunnel | thanele ya |
Turtle | pshinyaleraga |
Unseen | e sa bonwego |
Update | mpshafatša |
Urgent | tšhoganetšo |
Useful | nago le mohola |
Vacate | tlogela |
Vacuum | sebaka |
Vapour | mouwane |
Verify | kgonthiša |
Virgin | kgarebe |
Wealth | lehumo |
Weekly | beke le beke |
Weight | boima |
Winter | marega |
Winner | mofenyi |
Wonder | tlabega |
Worker | mošomi |
Writer | mongwadi |
Yearly | ngwaga le ngwaga |
7 letter words
Achieve | fihlelela |
Advance | gatetšego pele |
Against | kgahlanong |
Already | šetše |
Ancient | kgalekgale |
Anybody | mang le mang |
Approve | dumelela |
Apology | kgopelo ya tshwarelo |
Archive | bokgobadingwalo |
Arrange | beakanya |
Arrival | go fihla |
Article | selo |
Attempt | leka |
Attract | ba le maatlakgogedi |
Average | magareng |
Bandage | go tlama |
Barrage | barrage ya go šireletša |
Barrier | lepheko |
Because | ka lebaka la |
Benefit | kholego |
Between | magareng |
Cabbage | khabetšhe |
Capture | golega |
Careful | hlokomela |
Carrier | mojari |
Century | ngwagakgolo |
Certain | dingwe |
Chamber | kamoreng |
Chapter | kgaolo |
Charity | lerato |
Climate | klaemete |
Coconut | khokhonate ya |
Collect | kgoboketša |
College | kholetšhe |
Comfort | boiketlo |
Command | laela |
Comment | swayaswaya |
Company | khamphani |
Compare | bapetša |
Concept | lereo |
Concern | pelaelo |
Conduct | maitshwaro |
Confirm | tiišetša |
Connect | kopanya |
Contact | kgokaganyo |
Control | laola |
Convert | fetoša |
Correct | nepagetše |
Costume | khosetumo |
Cottage | kotase |
Country | naga |
Courage | mafolofolo |
Cucumber | khukhampa |
Curious | na le kgahlego |
Declare | tsebagatša |
Defense | tšhireletšo |
Dentist | ngaka ya meno |
Deposit | tipositi |
Despite | ntle le |
Destiny | boyo |
Destroy | senya |
Develop | hlabolla |
Disease | bolwetši |
Display | bontšha |
Disturb | šitiša |
Dynasty | lešika la bogoši |
Eagerly | ka phišego |
Earning | go hwetša mogolo |
Eatable | e jewago |
Ecology | ikholotši ya ikholotši |
Economy | ekonomi |
Edition | kgatišo |
Elegant | bothakga |
Enhance | kaonafatša |
Episode | ketsahalo |
Example | mohlala |
Evening | mantšiboa |
Exclude | kgaphela ka ntle |
Explain | hlaloša |
Explore | utolla |
Educate | ruta |
Factory | feketheri |
Failure | go palelwa |
Feature | sebopego |
Finance | matlotlo |
Flavour | tatso ya |
Fluency | go bolela ka thelelo |
Forever | go-ya-go-ile |
Further | gape |
Garment | seaparo |
General | kakaretšo |
Genuine | makgonthe |
Glamour | glamour ya go kgahliša |
Grammar | popopolelo |
Grocery | krosari |
Habitat | bodulo |
Harmful | kotsi |
Harvest | buna |
Heading | hlogo ya ditaba |
Hearing | go kwa |
Helpful | nago le mohola |
History | histori |
Holding | go swara |
Holiday | maikhutšo |
Hundred | lekgolo |
Husband | molekane wa monna |
Hygiene | maphelo |
Impress | gatelela |
Improve | kaonafala |
Include | akaretša |
Initial | tlhakaina |
Inspect | hlahloba |
Inspire | hlohleletša |
Journey | leeto |
Justice | toka |
Leading | go eta pele |
Leather | mokgopa |
Leaving | go tloga |
Lecture | thuto |
Liberal | tokologo ya tokologo |
Lovable | e rategago |
Luggage | morwalo |
Manager | molaodi |
Maximum | palo e kahodimodimo |
Meaning | go ra gore |
Measure | lekanya |
Medical | ya dihlare |
Message | molaetša |
Migrant | mofaladi |
Mineral | diminerale |
Minimum | bonyane |
Miracle | mohlolo |
Missile | sethunya sa go thuthupiša |
Missing | timetše |
Mistake | phošo |
Morning | mesong |
Mustard | mosetareta |
Mystery | semaka |
Narrate | anega |
Natural | tlhago |
Naughty | ba go hloka mekgwa |
Neglect | hlokomologa |
Neither | e sego |
Nervous | tšhogile |
Network | neteweke |
Nothing | ga go selo |
Observe | lemoga |
Opening | go bula |
Operate | sebetsa |
Opinion | maikutlo |
Organic | organic |
Ostrich | mpšhe ya mpšhe |
Package | sephuthelo |
Painful | bohloko |
Partial | karolo e itšego |
Passage | sefero |
Patient | molwetši |
Payment | tefelo |
Penalty | kotlo ya |
Pending | letetšwe |
Penguin | penguin ya go swana le yona |
Pension | phenšene |
Perfect | phethegilego |
Perfume | senkgiša-bose |
Popular | tlwaelegilego |
Pottery | dibjana tša letsopa |
Poverty | bodiidi |
Prevent | šitiša |
Privacy | sephiring |
Private | poraebete |
Problem | bothata |
Produce | tšweletša |
Propose | šišinya |
Purpose | morero |
Quality | boleng |
Quickly | ka potlako |
Receive | amogela |
Regular | mehleng |
Related | amanago |
Release | lokolla |
Replace | ema legato |
Reptile | segagabi |
Request | kgopelo |
Respect | hlompha |
Respond | fetola |
Revenge | itefeletša |
Revenue | letseno |
Reverse | bušetša morago |
Robbery | go thubja |
Romance | kanegelorato |
Science | saentshe |
Serious | tiišitše |
Servant | mohlanka |
Service | tirelo |
Similar | swanago |
Society | setšhaba |
Sparrow | thaga |
Special | ikgetha |
Stomach | dimpa |
Student | moithuti |
Success | katlego |
Suggest | šišinya |
Suicide | go ipolaya |
Support | thekga |
Suspend | emiša |
Teacher | morutiši |
Teenage | bafsa ba mahlalagading |
Tension | kgohlano |
Tourism | boeti |
Trouble | bothata |
Uniform | yunifomo |
Utility | thušo |
Vacancy | sekgoba sa mošomo |
Variety | fapafapana |
Vehicle | senamelwa |
Village | motse |
Vintage | puno ya diterebe |
Victory | phenyo |
Violent | ka dikgoka |
Visible | e bonagalago |
Visitor | moeti |
Vitamin | vithamine |
Walking | go sepela |
Wanting | go nyaka |
Warning | temošo |
Wealthy | humile |
Weather | boso |
Wedding | monyanya |
Welcome | le amogetšwe |
Welfare | bobotlana |
Winning | go fenya |
Working | go šoma |
Worried | tshwenyega |
Worship | tumiša |
Writing | go ngwala |
8 letter words
Abnormal | e sa tlwaelegago |
Absolute | e feletšego |
Accepted | e amogetšwe |
Accident | kotsi |
Accuracy | ka nepagalo |
Activate | kenya tirišong |
Addition | tlaleletšo |
Adequate | lekanetšego |
Affected | e amegilego |
Alphabet | alfabete ya dialefabete |
Anything | se sengwe le se sengwe |
Anywhere | kae goba kae |
Appraise | sekaseka |
Approach | batamela |
Approval | tumelelo |
Argument | ngangišano |
Assemble | kgobokana |
Attitude | maitshwaro |
Audience | batheeletši |
Attorney | ramolao wa molao |
Aviation | difofane |
Backward | go boela morago |
Beginner | motho yo a thomago |
Birthday | letšatši la matswalo |
Bleeding | go tšwa madi |
Building | moago |
Campaign | lesolo |
Carriage | koloyana ya go sepela |
Children | bana |
Cleavage | go arogana ga dilo |
Complete | feleletše |
Conserve | boloka |
Consider | akanya |
Consumer | moreki |
Continue | tšwela pele |
Criminal | sesenyi |
Critical | bohlokwa |
Daughter | morwedi |
Decision | sephetho |
Decrease | fokotša |
Delicate | boleta |
Delivery | thomelo |
Delusion | go forwa |
Describe | hlaloša |
Disagree | ga ke dumelelane le seo |
Disallow | gana go dumelela |
Duration | nako |
Economic | tsheketšo ya tšhelete |
Elephant | tlou |
Eligible | maswanedi |
Employee | mošomi |
Enormous | ntši kudu |
Entrance | mojako |
Envelope | omfolopo |
Estimate | akanya |
Everyday | letšatši le letšatši |
Exercise | itšhidulla |
Explicit | e lego pepeneneng |
Exposure | maitemogelo |
External | ka ntle |
Facility | senolofatši |
Faithful | botega |
Favorite | mmamoratwa |
Festival | mokete |
Flexible | nolo |
Friction | kgohlano |
Generate | tšweletša |
Greeting | madume |
Guardian | mohlokomedi |
Heritage | bohwa |
Horrible | boifišago |
Hospital | sepetlele |
Humorous | metlae |
Identity | boitsebišo |
Incident | tiragalo |
Increase | oketša |
Indicate | laetša |
Industry | intasteri |
Jealousy | lehufa |
Learning | go ithuta |
Location | lefelo |
Majority | bontši |
Marriage | lenyalo |
Material | didirišwa |
Medicine | sehlare |
Moderate | magareng |
Mosquito | monang wa monang |
Mountain | thaba |
Narrator | molaodiši |
Nutrient | phepo ya phepo |
Opposite | lelatodi |
Original | mathomo |
Ornament | mokgabišo |
Painting | mopento |
Particle | karolwana |
Patience | boiketlo |
Pleasure | boithabišo |
Position | maemo |
Positive | kgotsofatša |
Possible | kgonagalo |
Postpone | šuthiša |
Powerful | nago le maatla |
Precious | ya bohlokwa |
Pregnant | imile |
Pressure | kgatelelo |
Previous | peleng |
Progress | kgatelopele |
Prohibit | thibela |
Property | thoto |
Purchase | reka |
Quantity | bontši |
Recovery | kutollo |
Regional | selete sa selete |
Relevant | maleba |
Religion | tumelo |
Remember | gopola |
Research | dinyakišišo |
Resource | mohlodi |
Response | phetolo |
Restrict | bea lepheko |
Revision | pušeletšo |
Sensible | hlalefilego |
Sentence | lefoko |
Separate | kgaogane |
Stranger | moeng |
Strategy | leanophethagatšo |
Strength | maatla |
Struggle | katana |
Suitable | maswanedi |
Superior | ka godimo |
Surprise | makatša |
Swelling | go ruruga |
Terrible | mpe kudu |
Together | mmogo |
Tomorrow | gosasa |
Training | tlhahlo |
Transfer | fetišetša |
Transmit | fetisetsa |
Treasure | lehumo |
Umbrella | amporela |
Universe | legohle |
Vacation | maikhutšo |
Validate | netefatša |
Vertical | tsepamego |
Vigorous | e matla |
Violence | dikgaruru |
Vocation | pitšo |
Vomiting | go hlatša |
Wildlife | diphoofolo tša naga |
Yielding | go ineela |
Yourself | wena |
Youthful | bofsa |
Hard Words
9 letter words
Accession | go tsenela mošomo |
Accessory | sedirišwa sa go thuša |
Accompany | felegetša |
Actualize | actualize |
Admirable | e kgahlišago |
Advantage | mohola |
Advisable | go eletšwa |
Affection | lerato |
Affiliate | go amana le yona |
Afternoon | mathapama |
Aggregate | kakaretšo |
Agreement | tumelelano |
Allowance | kabo ya tšhelete |
Alternate | alternate |
Ambiguous | belaetšago |
Animation | animation ya dipopaye |
Apologist | mokgopedi wa tshwarelo |
Applicant | mokgopedi |
Architect | moatšhiteke |
Associate | amanya |
Astronomy | thuto ya dinaledi |
Attention | tlhokomelo |
Attribute | lehlaodi |
Authority | taolo |
Automatic | jarolla ka ho iketsa |
Available | hwetšagala |
Awareness | temogo |
Beautiful | botse |
Behaviour | maitshwaro |
Butterfly | serurubele |
Calibrate | go lekanya |
Candidate | nkgetheng |
Celebrate | keteka |
Challenge | tlhotlo |
Confident | boitshepho |
Confusion | tlhakatlhakano |
Conscious | lemogago |
Crocodile | kwena |
Curiosity | ba le phišego |
Dangerous | kotsi |
Delicious | monate |
Democracy | temokrasi |
Dependent | itšetlehile ka |
Different | fapanego |
Difficult | bothata |
Discovery | kutollo ya dilo |
Dishonest | go se botege |
Diversity | pharologano |
Duplicate | pheta-pheta |
Education | thuto |
Effective | šomago ka tshwanelo |
Emergency | tšhoganetšo |
Equipment | setlabela |
Essential | bohlokwa |
Establish | hloma |
Evolution | phetogo |
Excellent | gabotse kudu |
Expensive | tura |
Fantastic | makatšago |
Fertility | monono wa pelego |
Financial | tša matlotlo |
Generally | ka kakaretšo |
Glamorous | e kgahlišago |
Happening | go direga |
Household | lapeng |
Identical | swanago |
Important | bohlokwa |
Incorrect | e fošagetšego |
Incorrupt | e sa senyegego |
Influence | khuetšo |
Insurance | inšorentshe |
Interview | dipoledišano |
Intestine | mala |
Introduce | hlagiša |
Invention | tlhamo |
Invisible | e sa bonagalego |
Irregular | e sa laolegego |
Jewellery | mabenyabje |
Knowledge | tsebo |
Liability | molato |
Misbehave | go itshwara gampe |
Narration | kanegelo |
Necessity | tlhokego ya go hlokagala |
Negotiate | rerišana |
Nutrition | phepo |
Offensive | lehlapa |
Partition | karoganyo |
Political | dipolotiki |
Pollution | tšhilafatšo |
Potential | kgonagalo |
Practical | ka dirwago |
Precision | go nepagala |
Privilege | tokelo |
Procedure | tshepedišo |
Prominent | tumilego |
Professor | moprofesara |
Promotion | tlhatlošo |
Provoking | go hlohleletša |
Qualified | ba swanelegago |
Reference | tšhupetšo |
Repulsion | go kgaolwa |
Residence | bodulo |
Sacrifice | ba sehlabelo |
Sensitive | kgwathegago maikutlo |
Something | se sengwe |
Statement | setatemente |
Subscribe | ingwadiše |
Substance | selo |
Sugarcane | mmoba wa mmoba |
Sunflower | sonoplomo |
Surrender | ineela |
Technical | setegeniki |
Temporary | nakwana |
Terrorist | setšhošetši |
Treatment | kalafo |
Variation | phapano |
Vegetable | morogo |
Virginity | bokgarebe |
Yesterday | maabane |
10 letter words
Abbreviate | khutsofatsa |
Absolutely | ka nnete |
Absorption | go monya |
Acceptable | e amogelegago |
Achievable | e fihlelelwago |
Additional | tlaleletšo |
Admiration | go kgahlwa ke go kgahlwa |
Adolescent | mofsa yo a lego mahlalagading |
Adulterant | mohlotlolo |
Adventurer | mohlabani wa go sepela ka lebelo |
Afterwards | morago ga moo |
Aggression | bošoro |
Alteration | phetogo |
Ambassador | motseta wa motseta |
Analytical | go sekaseka |
Antibiotic | sebolaya twatši |
Anticipate | letela |
Appreciate | leboga |
Artificial | maitirelo |
Aspiration | kganyogo ya go kganyoga |
Assignment | karolelo |
Atmosphere | sepakapaka |
Attachment | sekgomaretšwa |
Attraction | gogago mahlo |
Chloroform | chloroform ya klorofomo |
Combustion | go tuka ga molelo |
Commission | khomišene |
Compassion | kwelobohloko |
Compulsory | kgapeletšo |
Conclusion | mafetšo |
Confection | confection ya dimonamone |
Corruption | bomenetša |
Decoration | mokhabiso |
Dedication | kabelo |
Deficiency | tlhaelelo |
Definition | tlhalošo |
Department | lefapha |
Depression | kgatelelo ya monagano |
Dictionary | pukuntšu |
Discipline | kgalema |
Disclaimer | go itokolla |
Disclosure | go utolla |
Discussion | therišano |
Efficiency | bokgoni |
Employment | thwalo |
Engagement | nyalano |
Everything | dilo ka moka |
Everywhere | gohle |
Exhibition | pontšho |
Experience | maitemogelo |
Experiment | maitekelo |
Expiration | go fela ga nako |
Expression | tlhagišo |
Fertilizer | monontšha |
Foundation | motheo |
Generation | tlhagišo |
Government | mmušo |
Importance | bohlokwa |
Impossible | sa kgonagalego |
Inadequate | e sa lekanago |
Incomplete | e sa felelago |
Incredible | makatšago |
Individual | ka noši |
Inspection | tlhahlobo |
Instrument | sedirišwa |
Irrigation | nošetšo ya nošetšo |
Journalism | boraditaba |
Management | taolo |
Moderation | go lekanetša |
Motivation | tlhohleletšo |
Negligible | e sa rego selo |
Occupation | mošomo |
Particular | itšego |
Passionate | ka phišego |
Permission | tumelelo |
Population | setšhaba |
Production | tšweletšo |
Prostitute | mogweba-ka-mmele |
Protection | tšhireletšo |
Psychology | thuto ya monagano |
Punishment | kotlo |
Quarantine | khwaranthaene |
Retirement | go rola modiro |
Sufficient | lekanetšego |
Supervisor | mookamedi |
Supplement | tlaleletšo |
University | yunibesithi |
Vegetarian | go ja merogo |
Visibility | go bonagala |
Vulnerable | ba kotsing |
Advanced Words
11 letter words
Accommodate | go amogela |
Achievement | phihlelelo |
Acknowledge | amogela |
Affirmation | tiišetšo |
Aggregation | go kgoboketšwa ga dilo |
Agriculture | temo |
Alternation | go fapantšha |
Anniversary | segopotšo |
Application | kgopelo |
Appointment | peo |
Appreciable | e lebogegago |
Approximate | e akanyetšwago |
Association | mokgatlo |
Certificate | setifikeiti |
Competition | phadišano |
Cultivation | temo ya go lema |
Corporation | koporasi ya koporasi |
Cooperation | tšhomišano |
Dehydration | go felelwa ke meetse mmeleng |
Discontinue | kgaotša go tšwela pele |
Elimination | go fedišwa |
Environment | tikologo |
Evaporation | moyafalo |
Examination | tlhahlobo |
Expenditure | tšhomišo ya tšhelete |
Fabrication | go bopa |
Improvement | kaonafalo |
Independent | ikemego |
Information | tshedimošo |
Inspiration | tlhohleletšo |
Institution | setheo |
Instruction | taetšo |
Intelligent | bohlale |
Manufacture | tšweletšo |
Measurement | tekanyo |
Mensuration | go lekanya tekanyo |
Observation | temogo |
Opportunity | sebaka |
Participant | motšwasehlabelo |
Performance | phethagatšo |
Preparation | boitokišo |
Significant | bohlokwa |
Temperature | themphereitšha |
Translation | phetolelo |
Transparent | pepeneneng |
Vaccination | go hlabela moento |
12, 13 letter words
Abbreviation | khutsofatšo |
Administrate | laola |
Appreciation | temogo |
Accommodation | marobalo |
Accompaniment | go felegetšwa |
Administrator | molaodi wa molao |
Advertisement | papatšo |
Administration | taolo ya taolo |
Acknowledgement | tebogo ya go amogela |
Conformation | conformation ya sebopego |
Conservation | pabalelotlhago |
Constitution | molaotheo wa molaotheo |
Construction | kago |
Contribution | seabe |
Communication | kgokagano |
Classification | go hlopha |
Congratulation | re a lebogiša |
Disadvantage | go hloka mohola |
Entrepreneur | rakgwebopotlana |
Entertainment | boithabišo |
Extraordinary | fetišišago |
Horticulture | temothuo ya dihlare |
Intermediate | mmaditsela |
Introduction | matseno |
Investigation | dinyakišišo |
International | boditšhabatšhaba |
Identification | go hlaola |
Justification | go lokafatšwa |
Knowledgeable | ba nago le tsebo |
Maintainable | e ka hlokomelwago |
Organization | mokgatlo |
Presentation | tlhagišo |
Preservation | pabalelo |
Purification | tlhwekišo |
Participation | go tšea karolo |
Registration | ngwadišo |
Reproduction | go tšweletša gape |
Satisfaction | kgotsofalo |
Self-confidence | go itshepa |
Transformation | phetogo |
Transportation | thomelo ka senamelwa |

Fruits Quiz

Animals Quiz

Household Quiz

Stationary Quiz

School Quiz

Occupation Quiz
Sepedi Vocabulary