Courses names in Sepedi and English - Common Sepedi Vocabulary

Learn common Sepedi vocabulary with this English-to-Sepedi list of Courses names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Sepedi language skills through popular words and play Sepedi quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Sepedi language, then the 1000 most common Sepedi words will help you to learn the Sepedi language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Courses vocabulary words in Sepedi.

Courses names in Sepedi and English - Common Sepedi Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Courses names in Sepedi with English Pronunciation

Learn Courses in Sepedi, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Sepedi vocabulary for daily conversations.

Courses names - Sepedi

Aeronautic thuto ya go fofa ka sefofane
Agriculture thuto ya temo
Anatomy go hlaola le tlhalošo ya dibopego tša mmele wa diphedi
Animation thuto ya go thala, go hlama
Architecture go hlama dibopego tše kgolo le meago
Automobile thuto ya boenjiniere
Aviation thuto ya difofane
Biotechnology thuto ya diphedi tša thutaphedi
Business thuto ya kgwebo
Business Administration thuto ya taolo ya kgwebo
Ceramic thuto ya ceramic
Chartered Accountancy thuto ya akhaonto, tlhahlobo, kelo ya ditjhelete
Choreography bokgabo bja go hlama le go beakanya metantsho
Civil thuto ya peakanyo, go hlama, go aga moagong ofe goba ofe
Communication thuto ya poledišano ya batho le boitshwaro
Computer Applications thuto ya mananeo a khomphutha
Computer Science thuto ya dikhomphutha
Design thuto ya moralo
Drawing thuto ya go thala
Electrical thuto ya tirišo ya mohlagase
Electronics thuto ya tirišo ya motsamao wa dielektherone
Event Management thuto ya tlholo le tlhabollo ya menyanya
Fabrics thuto ya ditlhale
Fashion Designing thuto ya meralo ya lesela
Geology thuto ya sebopego sa mmele sa lefase
Graphics thuto ya diswantšho tša go bonwa
Horticulture thuto ya temo yeo e lebanego le bokgabo, mahlale, theknolotši
Hospitality thuto ya tshwaro ya bogwera ya baeti
Information Technology thuto ya tšhomišo ya dikhomphutha
Instrumentation thuto ya didirišwa tša go ela
Interior Design thuto ya go godiša ka gare ga moago
Journalism thuto ya go lokišetša le kgoboketšo ya ditaba tša lefase
Law thuto ya molao
Linguistic thuto ya polelo
Management Science thuto ya go tšea diphetho ka mekgatlong
Mass Communication thuto ya tshepedišo ya go hlola, go romela, go amogela melaetša
Multimedia thuto ya ditshwantsho tsa dipopaye
Nursing thuto ya kamoo go ka hlokomelwago batho bao ba babjago gabotse
Nutrition thuto ya bophelo bjo bobotse bja dijo le dijo tše di leka-lekanego
Painting thuto ya go penta
Palmistry thuto ya palmistry
Petroleum thuto ya seela ka gare ga lefase
Pharmacy thuto ya go aba dihlare-tagi tša kalafo
Philosophy thuto ya kgopolo mabapi le tlhago le boitshwaro
Photography thuto ya nka difoto
Physiology thuto ya diphedi ka mahlale
Physiotherapy thuto ya motsamao wa mmele
Psychology thuto ya monagano le boitshwaro
Robotics thuto ya diroboto
Sculpture thuto ya go betla
Social Work thuto ya mošomo wa leago
Textile thuto ya masela
Tourism Management thuto ya intasteri ya boeti
Transportation thuto ya dinamelwa
Weaving thuto ya go loga

Top 1000 Sepedi words

Here you learn top 1000 Sepedi words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Sepedi meanings with transliteration.

Eat ja
All ka moka
New mpsha
Snore go rora
Fast potlako
Help thušo
Pain bohloko
Rain pula
Pride boitumelo
Sense sekwi
Large kgolo
Skill bokgoni
Panic letšhogo
Thank leboga
Desire kganyogo
Woman mosadi
Hungry swerwe ke tlala

Daily use Sepedi Sentences

Here you learn top Sepedi sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Sepedi meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Thobela
What is your name Leina la gago o mang
What is your problem Bothata bja gago ke bofe?
I hate you Ke a go hloile
I love you Ke a go rata
Can I help you Na nka go thuša?
I am sorry Ke maswabi
I want to sleep Ke nyaka go robala
This is very important Se se bohlokwa kudu
Are you hungry Na o swerwe ke tlala?
How is your life Bophelo bja gago bo bjang?
I am going to study Ke ya go ithuta
Sepedi Vocabulary
Sepedi Dictionary

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