Politics vocabulary words in Sepedi and English - Common Sepedi Vocabulary

Learn common Sepedi vocabulary with this English-to-Sepedi list of Politics vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Sepedi language skills through popular words and play Sepedi quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Sepedi language, then the 1000 most common Sepedi words will help you to learn the Sepedi language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Politics vocabulary words in Sepedi.

Politics vocabulary words in Sepedi and English - Common Sepedi Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Politics vocabulary words in Sepedi with English Pronunciation

Learn Politics in Sepedi, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Sepedi vocabulary for daily conversations.

Politics vocabulary words - Sepedi

Absolutism absolutism ya go felela
Activist molwela-tokologo
Advisor moeletši
Advocacy bobueletši
Agitation khuduego
Agrarian agrarian
Agreement tumelelano
Amity bogwera
Assembly kopano
Authority taolo
Awareness temogo
Civilization tlhabologo
Classism go arolwa ga maemo
Coalition mohlakanelwa
Cohabitation go dula mmogo
Collusion go dirišana ka bomenetša
Colonial bokoloniale
Committee komiti ya
Communism bokomonisi
Confederacy kopano ya kopano
Conference khonferentshe
Conflict thulano
Constitution molaotheo wa molaotheo
Convention kopano ya kopano
Corruption bomenetša
Council lekgotla
Country naga
Countryman moagi wa naga
Court kgorotsheko
Crisis tlhakatlhakano
Culture setšo
Debate ngangišano
Delegation kemedi ya boemedi
Democracy temokrasi
Demonstration pontšho
Deprecate go nyatša
Deputize moemedi wa mošomo
Despotic ya go ba le pušo ya bošoro
Diplomacy bodiplomate
Dissenter moganetši
Donation moneelo
Duty mošomo
Dynasty lešika la bogoši
Economy ekonomi
Election dikgetho
Elective go kgethwa
Elite maemo a godimo
Embargo thibelo ya go thibela
Embassy ntlo ya botseta
Emblem leswao
Emigrant mofaladi
Empire mmušo wa mmušo
Enrolment go ingwadiša
Environment tikologo
Equality tekatekano
Escape ngwega
Executive phethiši
Expenditure tšhomišo ya tšhelete
Faction sehlopha sa sehlopha
Federation mokgatlo wa kopano
Fund letlole
Government mmušo
Inauguration go hlongwa ga mmušo
Income letseno
Inflation infoleišene
Institution setheo
Leader moetapele
Legation go romelwa ga boemedi
Liberal tokologo ya tokologo
Limpet limpet, limpet
Lobbyist lobbyist
Mandate taelo ya taelo
Member leloko
Mutuality go dirišana
News ditaba
Obeisance go khunama
Objector moganetši
Oligarchy oligarchy ya oligarchy
Opposition kganetšo
Pact kwano
Parliament palamente
Patrician mopatriareka
Policy pholisi
Politics dipolotiki
Population setšhaba
Preside o okametše
Prison kgolego
Proletarian mošomi wa bašomi
Promulgate tsebagatša
Proponent mothekgi
Provoke go hlohleletša
Racialism kgethollo ya semorafe
Recant recant
Recapture go thopa gape
Recuse recuse
Reform mpshafatšo
Relationship kamano
Republic repabliki
Requisition kgopelo ya go kgopela
Royalty bogoši bja bogoši
Sanction kotlo
Society setšhaba
Statute molao wa molao
Success katlego
Tax motšhelo
Theory teori
Value boleng
Voting go bouta
War ntwa
Welfare bobotlana
Wield wield

Top 1000 Sepedi words

Here you learn top 1000 Sepedi words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Sepedi meanings with transliteration.

Eat ja
All ka moka
New mpsha
Snore go rora
Fast potlako
Help thušo
Pain bohloko
Rain pula
Pride boitumelo
Sense sekwi
Large kgolo
Skill bokgoni
Panic letšhogo
Thank leboga
Desire kganyogo
Woman mosadi
Hungry swerwe ke tlala

Daily use Sepedi Sentences

Here you learn top Sepedi sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Sepedi meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Thobela
What is your name Leina la gago o mang
What is your problem Bothata bja gago ke bofe?
I hate you Ke a go hloile
I love you Ke a go rata
Can I help you Na nka go thuša?
I am sorry Ke maswabi
I want to sleep Ke nyaka go robala
This is very important Se se bohlokwa kudu
Are you hungry Na o swerwe ke tlala?
How is your life Bophelo bja gago bo bjang?
I am going to study Ke ya go ithuta
Sepedi Vocabulary
Sepedi Dictionary

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