Do sentences in Serbian and English
‘Do’ sentences in Serbian with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Serbian translation of Do sentences and play Do sentences quiz in Serbian language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Serbian sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Serbian language in an easy way. To learn Serbian language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

Do sentences in Serbian and English
The list of 'Do' sentences in Serbian language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Serbian translations.
Do not disturb! | Не узнемиравају! |
Do you agree with me? | Да ли се слажеш са мном? |
Do you drink coffee? | Да ли пијете кафу? |
Do you follow? | Да ли пратите? |
Do you have a car? | Имате ли кола? |
Do you have a family? | Да ли имате породицу? |
Do you have a lot of time? | Имате ли пуно времена? |
Do you have a minute? | Имате ли минут? |
Do you have a question? | Имаш ли питање, имате ли питања? |
Do you have any problem? | Имате ли проблема? |
Do you have any brothers? | Да ли имате браће? |
Do you have any complaints? | Имате ли притужби? |
Do you have any idea? | Имате неку идеју? |
Do you have anything? | Да ли имате нешто? |
Do you have everything? | Имате ли све? |
Do not disturb! | Не узнемиравају! |
Do you agree with me? | Да ли се слажеш са мном? |
Do you drink coffee? | Да ли пијете кафу? |
Do you follow? | Да ли пратите? |
Do you have a car? | Имате ли кола? |
Do you have a family? | Да ли имате породицу? |
Do you have a lot of time? | Имате ли пуно времена? |
Do you have a minute? | Имате ли минут? |
Do you have a question? | Имаш ли питање, имате ли питања? |
Do you have any problem? | Имате ли проблема? |
Do you have any brothers? | Да ли имате браће? |
Do you have any complaints? | Имате ли притужби? |
Do you have any idea? | Имате неку идеју? |
Do you have anything? | Да ли имате нешто? |
Do you have everything? | Имате ли све? |
Do you hear me? | Да ли ме чујете? |
Do you hear something? | Чујеш ли нешто? |
Do you smoke? | Да ли пушиш? |
Do you speak English? | Говорите ли енглески? |
Do you spend more time at home? | Да ли проводите више времена код куће? |
Do you spend more time with your friends? | Да ли проводите више времена са својим пријатељима? |
Do you spend more time with your family? | Да ли проводите више времена са својом породицом? |
Do you understand? | Да ли разумеш? |
Do you want a ride? | Желиш ли вожњу? |
Do you want money? | Да ли желиш новац? |
Do you want to be rich? | Да ли желите да будете богати? |
Do you think something? | Мислиш ли нешто? |
Do you have a better idea? | Имате ли бољу идеју? |
Do you have any money? | Имате ли пара? |
Do you know her? | Да ли је познајеш? |
Do you need anything? | Ти треба нешто? |
Do you need this book? | Да ли ти треба ова књига? |
Do you love me? | Да ли ме волиш? |
Do you talk to your dog? | Да ли разговарате са својим псом? |
Do whatever you like | Радите шта год желите |
‘Do’ sentences in other languages (40+)
Top 1000 Serbian words
Here you learn top 1000 Serbian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Serbian meanings with transliteration.
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