How sentences in Serbian and English
‘How’ sentences in Serbian with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Serbian translation of How sentences and play How sentences quiz in Serbian language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Serbian sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Serbian language in an easy way. To learn Serbian language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

How sentences in Serbian and English
The list of 'How' sentences in Serbian language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Serbian translations.
How about you? | А што се тебе тиче? |
How are you? | Како си? |
How are you peter? | Како си Петер? |
How about another piece of cake? | Шта кажеш на још једно парче торте? |
How to know that | Како то знати |
How was your breakfast? | Какав је био твој доручак? |
How was your day? | Како си провела дан? |
How was your night? | Каква ти је била ноћ? |
How was your summer? | Како је прошло твоје летовање? |
How was your weekend? | Како си провео викенд? |
How is it going? | Како иде? |
How is your life? | Како је твој живот? |
How is your family? | Како је твоја породица? |
How is it? | Како је? |
How about tomorrow? | Како би било сутра? |
How about you? | А што се тебе тиче? |
How are you? | Како си? |
How are you peter? | Како си Петер? |
How about another piece of cake? | Шта кажеш на још једно парче торте? |
How to know that | Како то знати |
How was your breakfast? | Какав је био твој доручак? |
How was your day? | Како си провела дан? |
How was your night? | Каква ти је била ноћ? |
How was your summer? | Како је прошло твоје летовање? |
How was your weekend? | Како си провео викенд? |
How is it going? | Како иде? |
How is your life? | Како је твој живот? |
How is your family? | Како је твоја породица? |
How is it? | Како је? |
How about tomorrow? | Како би било сутра? |
How are things going? | Како ствари стоје? |
How are things? | Како стоје ствари? |
How can I find this place? | Како могу пронаћи ово место? |
How can I get in touch with you? | Како могу да ступим у контакт са вама? |
How can I get there? | Како могу тамо? |
How can I get to the station? | Како могу доћи до станице? |
How can I help you? | Како вам могу помоћи? |
How can I tell if I'm really in love? | Како да знам да ли сам заиста заљубљен? |
How deep is the lake? | Колико је дубоко језеро? |
How did you learn about that news? | Како сте сазнали за ту вест? |
How did you make it? | Како сте успели? |
How do I report a theft? | Како да пријавим крађу? |
How do you come to school? | Како долазиш у школу? |
How do you feel about it? | Како се осећате због тога? |
How do you feel about the issue? | Шта мислите о овом питању? |
How does your opinion differ from his? | По чему се ваше мишљење разликује од његовог? |
How far is it from here? | Колико је то одавде? |
How high is that mountain? | Колико је висока та планина? |
How is your dad? | Како ти је тата? |
How late are you open? | Колико касно сте отворени? |
How long can I keep this book? | Колико дуго могу да чувам ову књигу? |
How old are you? | Колико имаш година? |
How long will you stay here? | Колико дуго ћете остати овде? |
How long does it take? | Колико ми треба да стигнем до тамо? |
How many kids do you have? | Колико деце имате? |
‘How’ sentences in other languages (40+)
Top 1000 Serbian words
Here you learn top 1000 Serbian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Serbian meanings with transliteration.
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