Healthcare vocabulary words in Serbian and English - Common Serbian Vocabulary
Learn common Serbian vocabulary with this English-to-Serbian list of Healthcare vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Serbian language skills through popular words and play Serbian quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Serbian language, then the 1000 most common Serbian words will help you to learn the Serbian language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Healthcare vocabulary words in Serbian.

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar
List of Healthcare vocabulary words in Serbian with English Pronunciation
Learn Healthcare in Serbian, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Serbian vocabulary for daily conversations.
Healthcare vocabulary words - Serbian
Abdominal | трбушни trbušni |
Abortion | абортус abortus |
Accident | незгода nezgoda |
Abuse | злоупотреба zloupotreba |
Addict | зависник zavisnik |
Agony | агонија agonija |
Ailment | болест bolest |
Alcohol | алкохол alkohol |
Amputation | ампутација amputacija |
Anaesthetic | анестетик anestetik |
Bandage | завој zavoj |
Bleed | крварити krvariti |
Blind | слеп slep |
Bruit | бруит bruit |
Clinical | клинички klinički |
Contusion | контузија kontuzija |
Convalesce | опорављати се oporavljati se |
Convulsion | конвулзија konvulzija |
Cough | кашаљ kašalj |
Cramp | грч grč |
Cripple | сакат sakat |
Crutch | штака štaka |
Cure | излечити izlečiti |
Dazzle | заслепљивати zaslepljivati |
Debility | слабост slabost |
Defecate | вршити нужду vršiti nuždu |
Dejection | потиштеност potištenost |
Deleterious | штетан štetan |
Delirious | делириоус delirious |
Dentist | зубар zubar |
Depression | депресија depresija |
Detoxify | детоксификовати detoksifikovati |
Diabetes | дијабетеса dijabetesa |
Disease | болест bolest |
Doctor | докторе doktore |
Emission | емисија emisija |
Erection | ерекција erekcija |
Febrile | грозничав grozničav |
Felon | преступник prestupnik |
Fever | грозница groznica |
Fracture | прелом prelom |
Gargle | испирати грло ispirati grlo |
Gash | резати rezati |
Gasp | дахтати dahtati |
Genetic | генетски genetski |
Healer | исцелитељ iscelitelj |
Herbal | биљни biljni |
Lesion | лезија lezija |
Ligament | лигамент ligament |
Measles | морбила morbila |
Medical | медицински medicinski |
Mental | ментални mentalni |
Mite | гриња grinja |
Mutate | мутирати mutirati |
Nurse | медицинска сестра medicinska sestra |
Ovulation | овулација ovulacija |
Pain | бол bol |
Palpate | палпирати palpirati |
Panting | дахтајући dahtajući |
Paralyse | паралисати paralisati |
Patient | пацијент pacijent |
Pervert | перверзњак perverznjak |
Protein | беланчевина belančevina |
Probe | сонда sonda |
Pregnancy | трудноћа trudnoća |
Poultice | облог oblog |
Relax | опусти се opusti se |
Relief | олакшање olakšanje |
Sperm | сперматозоида spermatozoida |
Spew | спв spv |
Spine | кичма kičma |
Shiner | схинер shiner |
Shiver | дрхтати drhtati |
Shock | шок šok |
Sneeze | кијају kijaju |
Snivel | њушкати njuškati |
Snotty | снотти snotti |
Snuff | бурмут burmut |
Suicide | самоубиство samoubistvo |
Swelling | Оток Otok |
Tablet | таблета tableta |
Taint | мрљати mrljati |
Temperature | температура temperatura |
Top 1000 Serbian words
Here you learn top 1000 Serbian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Serbian meanings with transliteration.
Daily use Serbian Sentences
Here you learn top Serbian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Serbian meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | Добро јутро |
What is your name | Како се зовеш |
What is your problem | Шта је твој проблем? |
I hate you | Мрзим те |
I love you | Волим те |
Can I help you | Могу ли ти помоћи? |
I am sorry | Жао ми је |
I want to sleep | Хоћу да спавам |
This is very important | Ово је веома важно |
Are you hungry | Јеси ли гладан? |
How is your life | Како је твој живот? |
I am going to study | Ја ћу да студирам |
Serbian Vocabulary

Serbian Grammar

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