1000 most common Shona words
Table of content
¤ Simple words¤ Easy words
¤ Medium words
¤ Hard Words
¤ Advanced Words
¤ Daily use Sentences
¤ Picture Dictionary
Here you learn top 1000 words in English with Shona translation. If you are interested to learn 1000 most common Shona words, this place will help you to learn common words in Shona language with their pronunciation in English. You may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Shona language quickly and also play some Shona word games so you get not bored. In this, we are separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These top 1000 words are useful in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. So, it is very important to learn all words in English and Shona.

1000 words in English to Shona
Here is the list of 1000 most important common words in Shona language and their pronunciation in English.
Simple words / 2 letter words
Easy words
3 letter words
Act | act |
Add | wedzera |
Age | age |
Aim | chinangwa |
Air | mhepo |
All | zvose |
And | uye |
Ant | svosve |
Any | chero |
Ask | bvunza |
Bad | zvakaipa |
Big | hombe |
Buy | buy |
Cry | kuchema |
Dam | dam |
Die | kufa |
Dry | dry |
End | end |
Ear | nzeve |
Eat | kudya |
Egg | zai |
Eye | ziso |
Fat | mafuta |
Fly | fly |
Fun | mafaro |
Get | get |
God | mwari |
Hen | hen |
Hot | inopisa |
Job | basa |
Leg | gumbo |
Lie | kunyepa |
Low | low |
Mad | mad |
Man | murume |
Not | kwete |
Now | ikozvino |
New | itsva |
Old | old |
Own | own |
Run | run |
Sad | suwa |
Sea | gungwa |
See | maona |
Shy | kunyara |
Sit | sit |
Sum | sum |
Sun | zuva |
Tax | mutero |
Try | try |
Use | use |
War | hondo |
Wet | wet |
Why | sei |
Win | win |
Yes | Ehe |
You | iwe |
4 letter words
Also | wo |
Baby | mwana |
Back | shure |
Bake | bake |
Bald | mhanza |
Ball | bhora |
Bark | hukura |
Bath | bath |
Beet | beet |
Bend | bend |
Best | zvakanakisisa |
Bird | shiri |
Bold | bold |
Bone | bone |
Book | bhuku |
Born | born |
Both | zvose |
Busy | busy |
Call | call |
Calm | kudzikama |
Care | care |
Come | uya |
Cost | mutengo |
Cute | cute |
Crow | gunguwo |
Dare | dare |
Dark | rima |
Date | date |
Deal | deal |
Diet | kudya |
Dish | dish |
Door | gonhi |
Down | pasi |
Dust | huruva |
Each | chimwe nechimwe |
Earn | kuwana |
Easy | nyore |
Edge | kumucheto |
Evil | zvakaipa |
Exit | kubuda |
Face | face |
Fact | chokwadi |
Fair | fair |
Fake | fake |
Farm | farm |
Fast | fast |
Fear | kutya |
Feel | kunzwa |
Find | find |
Fine | zvakanaka |
Fish | hove |
Food | chikafu |
Fool | benzi |
Free | vakasununguka |
Frog | datya |
Full | yakazara |
Gape | gape |
Gift | chipo |
Girl | musikana |
Goat | mbudzi |
Good | kugona |
Grab | grab |
Grow | kukura |
Half | hafu |
Hate | hate |
Head | musoro |
Hear | inzwa |
Heat | kupisa |
Help | help |
Here | here |
Hide | hide |
High | high |
Hold | bata |
Hole | gomba |
Home | kumba |
Huge | hombe |
Hurt | kurwadziwa |
Idea | pfungwa |
Jump | svetuka |
Just | just |
Kill | kuuraya |
Land | land |
Last | yekupedzisira |
Late | late |
Left | ruboshwe |
Life | hupenyu |
Line | line |
Lion | shumba |
Long | refu |
Look | tarisa |
Lost | kurasika |
Love | rudo |
Luck | rombo rakanaka |
Lung | mapapu |
Many | vakawanda |
Meet | kusangana |
Melt | melt |
Milk | mukaka |
Must | anofanira |
Name | zita |
Near | pedyo |
Neat | neat |
Neck | mutsipa |
Need | need |
Next | inotevera |
Only | chete |
Pain | kurwadziwa |
Pair | vaviri |
Park | park |
Path | nzira |
Play | play |
Poor | varombo |
Pull | dhonza |
Pure | yakachena |
Quit | quit |
Quiz | quiz |
Race | rudzi |
Rain | mvura |
Rare | rare |
Real | chaiye |
Rent | rent |
Rest | zorora |
Rich | mupfumi |
Ride | ride |
Rise | simuka |
Risk | ngozi |
Room | room |
Rope | tambo |
Rude | rude |
Sage | sage |
Sail | sail |
Salt | munyu |
Same | zvakafanana |
Sand | jecha |
Save | save |
Scam | scam |
Seed | mbeu |
Seek | seek |
Self | self |
Sell | tengesa |
Send | send |
Shop | shop |
Show | show |
Sick | kurwara |
Side | side |
Site | site |
Size | saizi |
Skin | skin |
Slow | slow |
Soft | nyoro |
Soil | ivhu |
Some | vamwe |
Soon | nokukurumidza |
Stay | stay |
Stop | stop |
Such | vakadaro |
Swap | swap |
Swim | kushambira |
Take | take |
Talk | talk |
Tall | kureba |
Team | team |
Tell | tell |
Tent | tende |
That | kuti |
Then | zvino |
Thin | mutete |
This | izvi |
Tide | tide |
Time | nguva |
Tour | tour |
Town | town |
Tree | muti |
Trip | rwendo |
Turn | tendeuka |
Ugly | zvakashata |
Vase | vase |
Vein | tsinga |
Very | zvikuru |
View | maonero |
Wage | wage |
Wait | wait |
Wake | wake |
Walk | famba |
Wall | wall |
Want | kuda |
Warm | warm |
Warn | warn |
Weak | weak |
Wear | kupfeka |
Week | vhiki |
Well | zvakanaka |
Went | akaenda |
What | chii |
When | rini |
Wide | wide |
Wife | mudzimai |
Wild | wild |
Will | kuda |
Wind | mhepo |
Wine | waini |
Wish | wish |
Wood | huni |
Wool | makushe |
Word | word |
Work | shanda |
Worm | worm |
Yarn | shinda |
Your | wako |
Zoom | zoom |
5 letter words
Above | kumusoro |
Adapt | adapt |
Admit | bvuma |
Adult | mukuru |
After | pashure |
Again | zvakare |
Agree | bvuma |
Alert | alert |
Allow | bvumira |
Alone | ndega |
Along | pamwe chete |
Anger | kutsamwa |
Angle | angle |
Angry | akatsamwa |
Asset | asset |
Avoid | avoid |
Awake | akamuka |
Aware | anoziva |
Begin | kutanga |
Birth | kuberekwa |
Blood | ropa |
Brain | brain |
Built | yakavakwa |
Bring | bring |
Build | kuvaka |
Camel | ngamera |
Canal | canal |
Carry | takura |
Cheap | cheap |
Cheat | cheat |
Check | check |
Chest | chest |
Claim | kudai |
Clean | yakachena |
Clear | clear |
Climb | kukwira |
Close | pedyo |
Cloth | jira |
Cloud | gore |
Color | color |
Crime | mhosva |
Crowd | chaunga |
Crown | korona |
Daily | zuva nezuva |
Dance | kutamba |
Death | rufu |
Decay | kuora |
Delay | delay |
Devil | dhiyabhorosi |
Dirty | tsvina |
Dress | dress |
Drink | drink |
Drive | drive |
Dwell | kugara |
Eager | eager |
Eagle | gondo |
Early | early |
Earth | pasi |
Elder | mukoma |
Empty | empty |
Enemy | muvengi |
Enjoy | enjoy |
Entry | kupinda |
Equal | kuenzana |
Essay | essay |
Event | chiitiko |
Every | zvese |
Exact | chaiyo |
Exist | aripo |
Extra | kuwedzera |
Faith | kutenda |
Fault | mhosva |
Fever | kupindwa nechando |
Field | munda |
Final | yekupedzisira |
Fleet | fleet |
Float | float |
Flood | mafashamo |
Floor | pasi |
Flour | upfu |
Fluid | mvura |
Focus | focus |
Force | simba |
Fraud | utsotsi |
Fresh | fresh |
Front | pamberi |
Fruit | muchero |
Ghost | chipoko |
Globe | globe |
Going | kuenda |
Grain | zviyo |
Grant | grant |
Grass | uswa |
Great | hukuru |
Group | boka |
Guard | guard |
Guest | muenzi |
Habit | tsika |
Heart | mwoyo |
Honey | uchi |
Horse | bhiza |
House | imba |
Human | munhu |
Ideal | ideal |
Issue | nyaya |
Judge | mutongi |
Knife | banga |
Labor | basa |
Ladle | ladle |
Large | hombe |
Laugh | seka |
Learn | dzidza |
Leave | siya |
Legal | zviri pamutemo |
Limit | limit |
Lunch | lunch |
Metal | simbi |
Mixed | yakasanganiswa |
Money | mari |
Month | mwedzi |
Mount | mount |
Mouth | muromo |
Music | music |
Maize | chibage |
Naked | vasina kupfeka |
Never | never |
Night | husiku |
Niece | muzukuru |
Noise | noise |
Occur | kuitika |
Ocean | ocean |
Onion | hanyanisi |
Offer | offer |
Order | order |
Organ | nhengo |
Other | zvimwe |
Owner | muridzi |
Paddy | paddy |
Panic | kutya |
Peace | rugare |
Place | nzvimbo |
Plant | chirimwa |
Price | mutengo |
Pride | kudada |
Proud | kuzvikudza |
Prove | prove |
Quilt | quilt |
Quick | quick |
Quite | chaizvo |
Raise | simudza |
Reach | kusvika |
React | react |
Ready | ready |
Reply | pindura |
Right | rudyi |
Round | round |
Rural | kumaruwa |
Saint | mutsvene |
Scope | scope |
Score | score |
Sense | pfungwa |
Shake | zunza |
Shape | chimiro |
Share | share |
Sharp | sharp |
Shrub | shrub |
Skill | unyanzvi |
Sleep | hope |
Slope | materu |
Small | diki |
Smell | munhuwi |
Smile | nyemwerero |
Snake | nyoka |
Snore | ngonono |
Solid | yakasimba |
Sound | inzwi |
Space | nzvimbo |
Speak | taura |
Speed | speed |
Spend | spend |
Spent | kupedza |
Sperm | urume |
Sport | mutambo |
Stand | stand |
Steam | steam |
Stone | ibwe |
Story | nyaya |
Taste | kuravira |
Teach | dzidzisa |
Teeth | mazino |
Thank | thank |
There | ikoko |
These | izvi |
Thick | gobvu |
Thing | chinhu |
Tiger | ingwe |
Today | nhasi |
Total | zvachose |
Treat | kubata |
Trend | trend |
Tried | akaedza |
Trust | kuvimba |
Truth | chokwadi |
Twice | kaviri |
Under | under |
Upper | kumusoro |
Urban | urban |
Visit | visit |
Voice | izwi |
Vomit | marutsi |
Waste | waste |
Water | mvura |
Wheat | gorosi |
Where | kupi |
White | chena |
Whole | yakazara |
Woman | mukadzi |
World | nyika |
Worst | zvakaipisisa |
Write | nyora |
Wrong | zvakaipa |
Yield | goho |
Young | young |
Youth | youth |
Medium words
6 letter words
Absent | asipo |
Accept | bvuma |
Admire | kuyemura |
Advice | zano |
Almost | anenge |
Always | nguva dzose |
Animal | mhuka |
Answer | mhinduro |
Appeal | kukwidza |
Appear | oneka |
Arrive | svika |
Artist | artist |
Assist | help |
Attack | kurwisa |
Attach | batanidza |
Attend | kupinda |
Bangle | bangle |
Before | pamberi |
Behind | kumashure |
Bellow | Bellow |
Better | nani |
Borrow | kukwereta |
Bottom | pasi |
Broken | akatyoka |
Budget | bhajeti |
Cancel | kanzura |
Cancer | kenza |
Carrot | karoti |
Cattle | mombe |
Common | common |
Compel | manikidza |
Corner | kona |
Couple | vaviri |
Course | chokwadi |
Create | gadzira |
Custom | tsika |
Damage | kukuvara |
Dancer | mutambi |
Danger | ngozi |
Decade | makore gumi |
Defeat | kukundwa |
Delete | delete |
Demand | kuda |
Desire | chido |
Detail | tsanangudzo |
Dinner | kudya kwemanheru |
Divine | zvoumwari |
Donkey | mbongoro |
Double | kaviri |
Edible | zvinodyika |
Effect | effect |
Either | kana |
Empire | empire |
Energy | simba |
Enough | zvakakwana |
Ensure | nechokwadi |
Entire | yakazara |
Except | kunze |
Expand | wedzera |
Expect | kutarisira |
Export | kunze kwenyika |
Extend | kuwedzera |
Facade | facade |
Family | mhuri |
Famous | mukurumbira |
Faulty | kukanganisa |
Favour | favour |
Female | mukadzi |
Fiance | fiance |
Finish | finish |
Flower | ruva |
Forest | sango |
Forgot | kukanganwa |
Freeze | freeze |
Friend | shamwari |
Future | ramangwana |
Garage | garaji |
Garden | garden |
Garlic | garlic |
Ginger | Tsangamidzi |
Global | global |
Ground | pasi |
Growth | kukura |
Health | utano |
Hidden | zvakavanzika |
Honest | kutendeka |
Honour | rukudzo |
Hostel | hostel |
Humble | humble |
Hungry | nzara |
Ignore | ignore |
Impact | impact |
Impure | asina kuchena |
Income | mari |
Inform | zivisa |
Insect | chipembenene |
Inside | mukati |
Jungle | sango |
Kidnap | kidnap |
Kindle | kindle |
Labour | basa |
Leader | mutungamiri |
Length | urefu |
Letter | tsamba |
Liquid | mvura |
Little | zvishoma |
Living | kurarama |
Lizard | dzvinyu |
Locate | locate |
Luxury | luxury |
Making | kugadzira |
Mammal | mammal |
Manage | maneja |
Manual | manual |
Market | market |
Mental | pfungwa |
Method | nzira |
Middle | pakati |
Monkey | monkey |
Mother | amai |
Muscle | tsandanyama |
Narrow | nhete |
Native | native |
Nature | nature |
Normal | normal |
Number | nhamba |
Object | object |
Office | office |
Option | sarudzo |
Parent | mubereki |
Parrot | parrot |
People | vanhu |
Person | munhu |
Pickle | pickle |
Picnic | pikiniki |
Pigeon | njiva |
Planet | planet |
Please | ndapota |
Plenty | zvakawanda |
Police | Mapurisa |
Potato | mbatatisi |
Praise | rumbidzai |
Prayer | munyengetero |
Pretty | runako |
Prince | muchinda |
Profit | purofiti |
Proper | zvakakodzera |
Public | paruzhinji |
Rabbit | tsuro |
Recent | ichangopfuura |
Recipe | recipe |
Record | record |
Reduce | kuderedza |
Regret | kuzvidemba |
Reject | ramba |
Remind | yeuchidza |
Remove | Bvisa |
Repair | repair |
Repeat | dzokorora |
Return | return |
Rotate | tenderera |
Safety | kuchengeteka |
Salary | muhoro |
Sample | muenzaniso |
School | chikoro |
Screen | skrini |
Script | script |
Scroll | scroll |
Search | tsvaga |
Season | mwaka |
Secret | zvakavanzika |
Secure | safe |
Select | sarudza |
Senior | mukuru |
Shield | nhovo |
Should | anofanira |
Shower | shawa |
Silent | kunyarara |
Single | single |
Sister | hanzvadzi sikana |
Smooth | smooth |
Social | social |
Speech | kutaura |
Street | street |
Strong | yakasimba |
Sudden | pakarepo |
Summer | chirimo |
Supply | supply |
Talent | tarenda |
Temple | temberi |
Thread | thread |
Thrill | thrill |
Throat | huro |
Tittle | tittle |
Toilet | chimbuzi |
Tomato | tomato |
Tongue | rurimi |
Travel | travel |
Tunnel | mugero |
Turtle | turtle |
Unseen | zvisingaonekwi |
Update | update |
Urgent | urgent |
Useful | zvinobatsira |
Vacate | vacate |
Vacuum | vacuum |
Vapour | mhute |
Verify | verify |
Virgin | mhandara |
Wealth | upfumi |
Weekly | vhiki nevhiki |
Weight | uremu |
Winter | chando |
Winner | mukundi |
Wonder | hameno |
Worker | mushandi |
Writer | munyori |
Yearly | gore negore |
7 letter words
Achieve | achieve |
Advance | advance |
Against | against |
Already | kare |
Ancient | yekare |
Anybody | chero munhu |
Approve | bvumira |
Apology | ruregerero |
Archive | archive |
Arrange | kuronga |
Arrival | kusvika |
Article | article |
Attempt | kuedza |
Attract | kwezva |
Average | pakati |
Bandage | bhandeji |
Barrage | barrage |
Barrier | chipingamupinyi |
Because | nokuti |
Benefit | kubatsirwa |
Between | pakati |
Cabbage | kabichi |
Capture | kubata |
Careful | ngwarira |
Carrier | mutakuri |
Century | zana remakore |
Certain | chokwadi |
Chamber | chamber |
Chapter | chitsauko |
Charity | rudo |
Climate | mamiriro ekunze |
Coconut | coconut |
Collect | unganidza |
College | college |
Comfort | comfort |
Command | command |
Comment | comment |
Company | kambani |
Compare | enzanisa |
Concept | pfungwa |
Concern | kunetseka |
Conduct | mufambiro |
Confirm | simbisa |
Connect | connect |
Contact | contact |
Control | control |
Convert | convert |
Correct | correct |
Costume | zvipfeko |
Cottage | cottage |
Country | nyika |
Courage | ushingi |
Cucumber | cucumber |
Curious | curious |
Declare | zivisa |
Defense | kudzivirira |
Dentist | chiremba wemazino |
Deposit | deposit |
Despite | zvisinei |
Destiny | destiny |
Destroy | kuparadza |
Develop | develop |
Disease | chirwere |
Display | kuratidza |
Disturb | kukanganisa |
Dynasty | dzinza |
Eagerly | nechido |
Earning | kuwana |
Eatable | inodyiwa |
Ecology | ecology |
Economy | hupfumi |
Edition | edition |
Elegant | elegant |
Enhance | kuwedzera |
Episode | episode |
Example | muenzaniso |
Evening | manheru |
Exclude | bvisa |
Explain | tsanangura |
Explore | kuongorora |
Educate | dzidzisa |
Factory | fekitari |
Failure | kukundikana |
Feature | feature |
Finance | mari |
Flavour | flavour |
Fluency | kutsetsenura |
Forever | zvachose |
Further | mberi |
Garment | nguo |
General | general |
Genuine | real |
Glamour | glamour |
Grammar | girama |
Grocery | girosari |
Habitat | habitat |
Harmful | zvinokuvadza |
Harvest | goho |
Heading | musoro |
Hearing | kunzwa |
Helpful | zvinobatsira |
History | nhoroondo |
Holding | kubata |
Holiday | holiday |
Hundred | zana |
Husband | murume |
Hygiene | utsanana |
Impress | impress |
Improve | vandudza |
Include | sanganisira |
Initial | kutanga |
Inspect | inspect |
Inspire | kurudzira |
Journey | rwendo |
Justice | kururamisira |
Leading | kutungamirira |
Leather | dehwe |
Leaving | achienda |
Lecture | lecture |
Liberal | liberal |
Lovable | zvinodikanwa |
Luggage | luggage |
Manager | maneja |
Maximum | maximum |
Meaning | zvinoreva |
Measure | chiyero |
Medical | zvokurapa |
Message | message |
Migrant | migrant |
Mineral | mineral |
Minimum | miniminimum |
Miracle | chishamiso |
Missile | chombo |
Missing | vasipo |
Mistake | kukanganisa |
Morning | mangwanani |
Mustard | mustard |
Mystery | chakavanzika |
Narrate | rondedzera |
Natural | natural |
Naughty | naughty |
Neglect | kuregeredza |
Neither | kana |
Nervous | kutya |
Network | network |
Nothing | hapana |
Observe | cherechedza |
Opening | kuvhura |
Operate | shanda |
Opinion | maonero |
Organic | organic |
Ostrich | mhou |
Package | package |
Painful | zvinorwadza |
Partial | kusarura |
Passage | ndima |
Patient | murwere |
Payment | kubhadhara |
Penalty | chirango |
Pending | zvakamirira |
Penguin | penguin |
Pension | pension |
Perfect | zvakakwana |
Perfume | perfume |
Popular | popular |
Pottery | mudziyo wehari |
Poverty | urombo |
Prevent | kudzivirira |
Privacy | zvakavanzika |
Private | zvakavanzika |
Problem | dambudziko |
Produce | gadzira |
Propose | propose |
Purpose | chinangwa |
Quality | quality |
Quickly | nokukurumidza |
Receive | gamuchira |
Regular | nguva dzose |
Related | zvine chekuita |
Release | release |
Replace | tsiva |
Reptile | reptile |
Request | chikumbiro |
Respect | rukudzo |
Respond | pindura |
Revenge | kutsiva |
Revenue | mari |
Reverse | reverse |
Robbery | umbavha |
Romance | romance |
Science | sainzi |
Serious | zvakakomba |
Servant | muranda |
Service | service |
Similar | zvakafanana |
Society | nzanga |
Sparrow | shiri duku |
Special | special |
Stomach | dumbu |
Student | mudzidzi |
Success | kubudirira |
Suggest | kurudzira |
Suicide | kuzviuraya |
Support | rutsigiro |
Suspend | kumisa |
Teacher | mudzidzisi |
Teenage | pwere |
Tension | kunetsana |
Tourism | tourism |
Trouble | dambudziko |
Uniform | yunifomu |
Utility | utility |
Vacancy | vacancy |
Variety | zvakasiyana-siyana |
Vehicle | motokari |
Village | musha |
Vintage | vintage |
Victory | kukunda |
Violent | zvechisimba |
Visible | zvinooneka |
Visitor | mushanyi |
Vitamin | vitamini |
Walking | kufamba |
Wanting | kuda |
Warning | yambiro |
Wealthy | mupfumi |
Weather | weather |
Wedding | muchato |
Welcome | Mauya |
Welfare | welfare |
Winning | kukunda |
Working | kushanda |
Worried | kunetseka |
Worship | kunamata |
Writing | kunyora |
8 letter words
Abnormal | abnormal |
Absolute | Mhedziso |
Accepted | zvakagamuchirwa |
Accident | tsaona |
Accuracy | kururama |
Activate | activate |
Addition | kuwedzera |
Adequate | zvakakwana |
Affected | vakanganiswa |
Alphabet | alphabet |
Anything | chero chinhu |
Anywhere | chero kupi zvako |
Appraise | appraise |
Approach | kusvika |
Approval | mvumo |
Argument | nharo |
Assemble | assemble |
Attitude | mafungiro |
Audience | vateereri |
Attorney | Gweta |
Aviation | ndege |
Backward | shure |
Beginner | beginner |
Birthday | bhavhdhe |
Bleeding | kubuda ropa |
Building | building |
Campaign | mushandirapamwe |
Carriage | ngoro |
Children | vana |
Cleavage | cleavage |
Complete | yakakwana |
Conserve | chengetedza |
Consider | funga |
Consumer | mutengi |
Continue | enderera |
Criminal | tsotsi |
Critical | kutsoropodza |
Daughter | mwanasikana |
Decision | chisarudzo |
Decrease | kuderedza |
Delicate | delicate |
Delivery | delivery |
Delusion | delusion |
Describe | tsanangura |
Disagree | kusabvumirana |
Disallow | kusabvumira |
Duration | duration |
Economic | economic |
Elephant | nzou |
Eligible | kukodzera |
Employee | mushandi |
Enormous | hombe |
Entrance | kupinda |
Envelope | envelope |
Estimate | estimate |
Everyday | mazuva ese |
Exercise | kurovedza muviri |
Explicit | pachena |
Exposure | kusadziviririka |
External | external |
Facility | nzvimbo |
Faithful | akatendeka |
Favorite | favorite |
Festival | mutambo |
Flexible | flexible |
Friction | kukakavara |
Generate | gadzira |
Greeting | kwaziso |
Guardian | guardian |
Heritage | nhaka |
Horrible | zvinotyisa |
Hospital | chipatara |
Humorous | zvinosetsa |
Identity | identity |
Incident | chiitiko |
Increase | kuwedzera |
Indicate | ratidza |
Industry | industry |
Jealousy | godo |
Learning | kudzidza |
Location | nzvimbo |
Majority | vazhinji |
Marriage | muchato |
Material | zvinhu |
Medicine | mushonga |
Moderate | pakati nepakati |
Mosquito | mosquito |
Mountain | gomo |
Narrator | narrator |
Nutrient | zvinovaka muviri |
Opposite | zvinopesana |
Original | original |
Ornament | ornament |
Painting | kupenda |
Particle | particle |
Patience | mwoyo murefu |
Pleasure | mufaro |
Position | chinzvimbo |
Positive | positive |
Possible | zvinogoneka |
Postpone | postpone |
Powerful | simba |
Precious | inokosha |
Pregnant | pamuviri |
Pressure | pressure |
Previous | yapfuura |
Progress | kufambira mberi |
Prohibit | kurambidza |
Property | pfuma |
Purchase | kutenga |
Quantity | quantity |
Recovery | kupora |
Regional | redunhu |
Relevant | zvakakodzera |
Religion | chitendero |
Remember | rangarira |
Research | research |
Resource | resource |
Response | mhinduro |
Restrict | rambidza |
Revision | revision |
Sensible | zvine musoro |
Sentence | chirevo |
Separate | paradzana |
Stranger | stranger |
Strategy | strategy |
Strength | simba |
Struggle | struggle |
Suitable | zvakakodzera |
Superior | mukuru |
Surprise | kushamisika |
Swelling | kuzvimba |
Terrible | zvakaipa |
Together | pamwe chete |
Tomorrow | mangwana |
Training | kudzidzisa |
Transfer | transfer |
Transmit | transmit |
Treasure | pfuma |
Umbrella | amburera |
Universe | universe |
Vacation | vacation |
Validate | simbisa |
Vertical | vertical |
Vigorous | vigorous |
Violence | mhirizhonga |
Vocation | basa |
Vomiting | kurutsa |
Wildlife | mhuka dzesango |
Yielding | kubvumira |
Yourself | iwe pachako |
Youthful | uduku |
Hard Words
9 letter words
Accession | accession |
Accessory | accessory |
Accompany | perekedza |
Actualize | realize |
Admirable | zvinoyemurika |
Advantage | advantage |
Advisable | zvinokurudzirwa |
Affection | rudo |
Affiliate | affiliate |
Afternoon | masikati |
Aggregate | aggregate |
Agreement | chibvumirano |
Allowance | mvumo |
Alternate | alternate |
Ambiguous | ambiguous |
Animation | animation |
Apologist | apologist |
Applicant | munyoreri |
Architect | architect |
Associate | shamwari |
Astronomy | nyeredzi |
Attention | kutarisa |
Attribute | hunhu |
Authority | chiremera |
Automatic | otomatiki |
Available | iripo |
Awareness | kuziva |
Beautiful | runako |
Behaviour | maitiro |
Butterfly | shavishavi |
Calibrate | calibrate |
Candidate | candidate |
Celebrate | celebrate |
Challenge | dambudziko |
Confident | nechivimbo |
Confusion | kuvhiringidzika |
Conscious | conscious |
Crocodile | ngwena |
Curiosity | kuda kuziva |
Dangerous | ngozi |
Delicious | zvinonaka |
Democracy | democracy |
Dependent | dependent |
Different | zvakasiyana |
Difficult | zvakaoma |
Discovery | kuwanikwa |
Dishonest | kusatendeseka |
Diversity | zvakasiyana-siyana |
Duplicate | duplicate |
Education | dzidzo |
Effective | inoshanda |
Emergency | emergency |
Equipment | midziyo |
Essential | zvakakosha |
Establish | simbisa |
Evolution | evolution |
Excellent | zvakanakisa |
Expensive | zvinodhura |
Fantastic | fantastic |
Fertility | kubereka |
Financial | mari |
Generally | kazhinji |
Glamorous | glamorous |
Happening | zvichiitika |
Household | mhuri |
Identical | zvakafanana |
Important | zvakakosha |
Incorrect | zvisizvo |
Incorrupt | kusaora |
Influence | pesvedzero |
Insurance | inishuwarenzi |
Interview | kubvunzurudza |
Intestine | intestine |
Introduce | introduce |
Invention | kugadzirwa |
Invisible | asingaonekwi |
Irregular | irregular |
Jewellery | jewellery |
Knowledge | ruzivo |
Liability | mutoro |
Misbehave | misbehave |
Narration | kurondedzera |
Necessity | zvinodiwa |
Negotiate | negotiate |
Nutrition | chikafu |
Offensive | zvinogumbura |
Partition | partition |
Political | zvematongerwo enyika |
Pollution | kusvibiswa |
Potential | zvinogona |
Practical | zvinoshanda |
Precision | nemazvo |
Privilege | ropafadzo |
Procedure | nzira |
Prominent | prominent |
Professor | purofesa |
Promotion | kusimudzirwa |
Provoking | kudenha |
Qualified | qualified |
Reference | reference |
Repulsion | repulsion |
Residence | pekugara |
Sacrifice | chibayiro |
Sensitive | sensitive |
Something | chimwe chinhu |
Statement | statement |
Subscribe | nyoresa |
Substance | substance |
Sugarcane | nzimbe |
Sunflower | sunflower |
Surrender | surrender |
Technical | technical |
Temporary | temporary |
Terrorist | gandanga |
Treatment | kurapwa |
Variation | variation |
Vegetable | muriwo |
Virginity | umhandara |
Yesterday | nezuro |
10 letter words
Abbreviate | pfupisa |
Absolutely | zvachose |
Absorption | kutorwa |
Acceptable | zvinogamuchirika |
Achievable | zvinogoneka |
Additional | kuwedzera |
Admiration | kuyemura |
Adolescent | kuyaruka |
Adulterant | hupombwe |
Adventurer | adventurer |
Afterwards | pashure |
Aggression | hutsinye |
Alteration | alteration |
Ambassador | ambassador |
Analytical | analytical |
Antibiotic | mushonga unorwisa mabhakitiriya |
Anticipate | tarisira |
Appreciate | tenda |
Artificial | artificial |
Aspiration | chido |
Assignment | assignment |
Atmosphere | atmosphere |
Attachment | attachment |
Attraction | kukwezva |
Chloroform | chloroform |
Combustion | kupisa |
Commission | commission |
Compassion | tsitsi |
Compulsory | zvinomanikidzirwa |
Conclusion | mhedziso |
Confection | confection |
Corruption | huori |
Decoration | decoration |
Dedication | kuzvipira |
Deficiency | kushomeka |
Definition | tsanangudzo |
Department | department |
Depression | kuora mwoyo |
Dictionary | duramazwi |
Discipline | kuranga |
Disclaimer | disclaimer |
Disclosure | kuburitsa |
Discussion | hurukuro |
Efficiency | kunyatsoshanda |
Employment | basa |
Engagement | kubatanidzwa |
Everything | zvose |
Everywhere | kwose kwose |
Exhibition | kuratidzwa |
Experience | ruzivo |
Experiment | experiment |
Expiration | kupera |
Expression | kutaura |
Fertilizer | fetereza |
Foundation | foundation |
Generation | generation |
Government | hurumende |
Importance | kukosha |
Impossible | hazvigoneki |
Inadequate | kukwana |
Incomplete | isina kukwana |
Incredible | incredible |
Individual | munhu |
Inspection | kuongorora |
Instrument | chiridzwa |
Irrigation | kudiridza |
Journalism | utori venhau |
Management | management |
Moderation | moderation |
Motivation | kukurudzira |
Negligible | negligible |
Occupation | basa |
Particular | kunyanya |
Passionate | passionate |
Permission | mvumo |
Population | vanhu |
Production | production |
Prostitute | pfambi |
Protection | kudzivirira |
Psychology | psychology |
Punishment | kurangwa |
Quarantine | kuiswa kunzvimbo yausingasangani nevamwe |
Retirement | retirement |
Sufficient | zvakakwana |
Supervisor | foromani |
Supplement | kuwedzera |
University | yunivhesiti |
Vegetarian | vegetarian |
Visibility | kuonekwa |
Vulnerable | panjodzi |
Advanced Words
11 letter words
Accommodate | accommodate |
Achievement | kubudirira |
Acknowledge | bvuma |
Affirmation | kusimbisa |
Aggregation | aggregation |
Agriculture | kurima |
Alternation | alternation |
Anniversary | mhembero |
Application | application |
Appointment | appointment |
Appreciable | zvinoyemurika |
Approximate | approximate |
Association | kusangana |
Certificate | chitupa |
Competition | makwikwi |
Cultivation | kurima |
Corporation | corporation |
Cooperation | kubatana |
Dehydration | kupera mvura mumuviri |
Discontinue | discontinue |
Elimination | kubvisa |
Environment | zvakatipoteredza |
Evaporation | evaporation |
Examination | kuongorora |
Expenditure | mari yekushandisa |
Fabrication | kugadzira |
Improvement | kuvandudzika |
Independent | kuzvimiririra |
Information | ruzivo |
Inspiration | kufemerwa |
Institution | institution |
Instruction | instruction |
Intelligent | intelligent |
Manufacture | kugadzira |
Measurement | kuyerwa |
Mensuration | mensuration |
Observation | observation |
Opportunity | mukana |
Participant | participant |
Performance | performance |
Preparation | kugadzirira |
Significant | zvakakosha |
Temperature | tembiricha |
Translation | shanduro |
Transparent | pachena |
Vaccination | vaccination |
12, 13 letter words
Abbreviation | chidimbu |
Administrate | administrate |
Appreciation | kuonga |
Accommodation | pekugara |
Accompaniment | kuperekedza |
Administrator | administrator |
Advertisement | kushambadzira |
Administration | administration |
Acknowledgement | kubvuma |
Conformation | conformation |
Conservation | kuchengetedza |
Constitution | Constitution |
Construction | kuvaka |
Contribution | mupiro |
Communication | kutaurirana |
Classification | classification |
Congratulation | makorokoto |
Disadvantage | disadvantage |
Entrepreneur | entrepreneur |
Entertainment | varaidzo |
Extraordinary | zvinoshamisa |
Horticulture | horticulture |
Intermediate | pakati |
Introduction | sumo |
Investigation | kuongorora |
International | international |
Identification | identification |
Justification | kururamisa |
Knowledgeable | anoziva |
Maintainable | inogoneka |
Organization | sangano |
Presentation | presentation |
Preservation | kuchengetedza |
Purification | kucheneswa |
Participation | kutora chikamu |
Registration | kunyoresa |
Reproduction | kubereka |
Satisfaction | kugutsikana |
Self-confidence | kuzvivimba |
Transformation | shanduko |
Transportation | transport |

Fruits Quiz

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Occupation Quiz
Shona Vocabulary