Are sentences in Sindhi and English
‘Are’ sentences in Sindhi with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Sindhi translation of Are sentences and play Are sentences quiz in Sindhi language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Sindhi sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Sindhi language in an easy way. To learn Sindhi language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.
![Are sentences in Sindhi](/images/are/are-sentences-in-sindhi.jpg)
Are sentences in Sindhi and English
The list of 'Are' sentences in Sindhi language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Sindhi translations.
Are the roads clear? | ڇا رستا صاف آهن؟ |
Are we ready to go now? | ڇا اسان ھاڻي وڃڻ لاءِ تيار آھيون؟ |
Are you a doctor? | ڇا توهان ڊاڪٽر آهيو؟ |
Are you a student? | ڇا توهان شاگرد آهيو؟ |
Are you able to swim? | ڇا توهان ترڻ جي قابل آهيو؟ |
Are you accepting the job? | ڇا توهان نوڪري قبول ڪري رهيا آهيو؟ |
Are you all going to church | ڇا توهان سڀ چرچ وڃڻ وارا آهيو؟ |
Are you all right? | تون بلڪل ٺيڪ آهين؟ |
Are you close to your family? | ڇا توهان پنهنجي خاندان جي ويجهو آهيو؟ |
Are you close to your father? | ڇا توهان پنهنجي پيء جي ويجهو آهيو؟ |
Are you feeling better? | ڇا توهان بهتر محسوس ڪري رهيا آهيو؟ |
Are you feeling ill? | ڇا توهان بيمار محسوس ڪري رهيا آهيو؟ |
Are you free tomorrow? | ڇا توهان سڀاڻي آزاد آهيو؟ |
Are you going out? | ڇا توهان ٻاهر وڃي رهيا آهيو؟ |
Are you going to help? | ڇا توهان مدد ڪرڻ وارا آهيو؟ |
Are the roads clear? | ڇا رستا صاف آهن؟ |
Are we ready to go now? | ڇا اسان ھاڻي وڃڻ لاءِ تيار آھيون؟ |
Are you a doctor? | ڇا توهان ڊاڪٽر آهيو؟ |
Are you a student? | ڇا توهان شاگرد آهيو؟ |
Are you able to swim? | ڇا توهان ترڻ جي قابل آهيو؟ |
Are you accepting the job? | ڇا توهان نوڪري قبول ڪري رهيا آهيو؟ |
Are you all going to church | ڇا توهان سڀ چرچ وڃڻ وارا آهيو؟ |
Are you all right? | تون بلڪل ٺيڪ آهين؟ |
Are you close to your family? | ڇا توهان پنهنجي خاندان جي ويجهو آهيو؟ |
Are you close to your father? | ڇا توهان پنهنجي پيء جي ويجهو آهيو؟ |
Are you feeling better? | ڇا توهان بهتر محسوس ڪري رهيا آهيو؟ |
Are you feeling ill? | ڇا توهان بيمار محسوس ڪري رهيا آهيو؟ |
Are you free tomorrow? | ڇا توهان سڀاڻي آزاد آهيو؟ |
Are you going out? | ڇا توهان ٻاهر وڃي رهيا آهيو؟ |
Are you going to help? | ڇا توهان مدد ڪرڻ وارا آهيو؟ |
Are you going? | توهان وڃي رهيا آهيو؟ |
Are you hungry? | ڇا توهان بکيو آهيو؟ |
Are you listening to music? | ڇا توهان موسيقي ٻڌي رهيا آهيو؟ |
Are you looking for a job? | ڇا توهان نوڪري ڳولي رهيا آهيو؟ |
Are you losing your mind? | ڇا توهان پنهنجو ذهن وڃائي رهيا آهيو؟ |
Are you lost anything? | ڇا توهان ڪجهه وڃائي ڇڏيو آهي؟ |
Are you mad? | ڇا تون چريو آهين؟ |
Are you OK? | ڇا توهان ٺيڪ آهيو؟ |
Are you ready? | ڇا توهان تيار آهيو؟ |
Are you satisfied now? | ڇا توهان هاڻي مطمئن آهيو؟ |
Are you serious? | ڇا توهان سنجيده آهيو؟ |
Are you seriously thinking about food? | ڇا توهان سنجيدگي سان کاڌي بابت سوچيو ٿا؟ |
Are you sleeping? | ڇا توهان سمهي رهيا آهيو؟ |
Are you still there? | ڇا توهان اڃا تائين اتي آهيو؟ |
Are you studying English? | ڇا توهان انگريزي پڙهندا آهيو؟ |
Are you sure? | ڇا توهان کي پڪ آهي؟ |
Are you tired? | ڇا توهان ٿڪل آهيو؟ |
Are you trying it? | ڇا توهان ان جي ڪوشش ڪري رهيا آهيو؟ |
Are you trying to protect me? | ڇا توهان مون کي بچائڻ جي ڪوشش ڪري رهيا آهيو؟ |
Are you writing a letter? | ڇا توهان خط لکي رهيا آهيو؟ |
‘Are’ sentences in other languages (40+)
Top 1000 Sindhi words
Here you learn top 1000 Sindhi words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Sindhi meanings with transliteration.
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