They sentences in Sindhi and English

‘They’ sentences in Sindhi with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Sindhi translation of They sentences and play They sentences quiz in Sindhi language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Sindhi sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Sindhi language in an easy way. To learn Sindhi language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

They sentences in Sindhi

They sentences in Sindhi and English

The list of 'They' sentences in Sindhi language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Sindhi translations.

They admire each other اهي هڪ ٻئي کي ساراهيو
They adopted the little girl هنن ننڍڙي ڇوڪري کي گود ورتو
They adopted the orphan انهن يتيم کي گود ورتو
They won't allow us to enter the garden اهي اسان کي باغ ۾ داخل ٿيڻ نه ڏيندا
They agreed on a price انهن هڪ قيمت تي اتفاق ڪيو
They agreed to start early اهي جلدي شروع ڪرڻ تي راضي ٿيا
They agreed to work together انهن گڏجي ڪم ڪرڻ تي اتفاق ڪيو
They are actors اهي اداڪار آهن
They are strangers اهي اجنبي آهن
They are both good teachers اهي ٻئي سٺا استاد آهن
They are both in the room اهي ٻئي ڪمري ۾ آهن
They are gathering nuts اهي ميوا گڏ ڪري رهيا آهن
They are good people اهي سٺا ماڻهو آهن
They are in class اهي ڪلاس ۾ آهن
They are playing اهي کيڏي رهيا آهن
They admire each other اهي هڪ ٻئي کي ساراهيو
They adopted the little girl هنن ننڍڙي ڇوڪري کي گود ورتو
They adopted the orphan انهن يتيم کي گود ورتو
They won't allow us to enter the garden اهي اسان کي باغ ۾ داخل ٿيڻ نه ڏيندا
They agreed on a price انهن هڪ قيمت تي اتفاق ڪيو
They agreed to start early اهي جلدي شروع ڪرڻ تي راضي ٿيا
They agreed to work together انهن گڏجي ڪم ڪرڻ تي اتفاق ڪيو
They are actors اهي اداڪار آهن
They are strangers اهي اجنبي آهن
They are both good teachers اهي ٻئي سٺا استاد آهن
They are both in the room اهي ٻئي ڪمري ۾ آهن
They are gathering nuts اهي ميوا گڏ ڪري رهيا آهن
They are good people اهي سٺا ماڻهو آهن
They are in class اهي ڪلاس ۾ آهن
They are playing اهي کيڏي رهيا آهن
They are pretty اهي خوبصورت آهن
They arrived at the hotel اهي هوٽل تي پهتا
They can speak English اهي انگريزي ڳالهائي سگهن ٿا
They didn't tell me هنن مون کي نه ٻڌايو
They died one after another اهي هڪ ٻئي پٺيان مري ويا
They don't get along together اهي گڏ نه ٿا ملن
They don't take care of that dog اهي ان ڪتي جي پرواهه نٿا ڪن
They loved each other اهي هڪ ٻئي سان پيار ڪندا هئا
They got married هنن شادي ڪئي
They had trouble finding the place انهن کي جڳهه ڳولڻ ۾ مشڪل هئي
They hated my friend اهي منهنجي دوست کان نفرت ڪندا هئا
They have few books انهن وٽ ڪتاب ٿورا آهن
They hurt اهي ڏکيا
They kidnapped me هنن مون کي اغوا ڪيو
They smiled at each other اهي هڪ ٻئي ڏانهن مرڪي رهيا هئا
They stopped talking هنن ڳالهائڻ بند ڪيو
They were lying on the grass اهي گاهه تي ويٺا هئا
They were watching television اهي ٽيليويزن ڏسي رهيا هئا
They will agree on that ان تي متفق ٿيندا
They will be very glad اهي ڏاڍا خوش ٿيندا
They will keep their promise اهي پنهنجو واعدو پورا ڪندا

‘They’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Sindhi words

Here you learn top 1000 Sindhi words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Sindhi meanings with transliteration.

Eat کائڻ
All سڀ
New نئون
Snore خراڙ
Fast تيز
Help مدد
Pain درد
Rain مينهن
Pride فخر
Sense احساس
Large وڏو
Skill مهارت
Panic هراس
Thank مهرباني
Desire خواهش
Woman عورت
Hungry بکايل
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