Come sentences in Slovak and English

‘Come’ sentences in Slovak with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Slovak translation of Come sentences and play Come sentences quiz in Slovak language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Slovak sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Slovak language in an easy way. To learn Slovak language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

Come sentences in Slovak

Come sentences in Slovak and English

The list of 'Come' sentences in Slovak language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Slovak translations.

Come along with me Poď so mnou
Come along with us Poďte s nami
Come and help us Príďte nám pomôcť
Come and see me any time you like Príďte ma kedykoľvek vidieť
Come and see me at night Príď a uvidíš ma v noci
Come and see me now Poď a uvidíš ma teraz
Come and see me when you have time Príďte ma pozrieť, keď budete mať čas
Come and see me Príďte ma pozrieť
Come and visit me Príďte ma navštíviť
Come at any time you like Príďte kedykoľvek budete chcieť
Come at early morning Príďte skoro ráno
Come in Vstúpte
Come into the room Poďte do miestnosti
Come on Poď
Come on tomorrow Poď zajtra
Come along with me Poď so mnou
Come along with us Poďte s nami
Come and help us Príďte nám pomôcť
Come and see me any time you like Príďte ma kedykoľvek vidieť
Come and see me at night Príď a uvidíš ma v noci
Come and see me now Poď a uvidíš ma teraz
Come and see me when you have time Príďte ma pozrieť, keď budete mať čas
Come and see me Príďte ma pozrieť
Come and visit me Príďte ma navštíviť
Come at any time you like Príďte kedykoľvek budete chcieť
Come at early morning Príďte skoro ráno
Come in Vstúpte
Come into the room Poďte do miestnosti
Come on Poď
Come on tomorrow Poď zajtra
Come quickly Poď rýchlo
Come slowly Poď pomaly
Come to my home Poď ku mne domov
Come with me Poď so mnou
Come with your family Príďte so svojou rodinou
Come with your friend Poď so svojím priateľom
May I come in? Môžem vojsť?
You want to come? Chceš prísť?
Come in and sit down Vstúpte a posaďte sa

‘Come’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Slovak words

Here you learn top 1000 Slovak words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Slovak meanings with transliteration.

Eat jesť
All všetky
New Nový
Snore chrápať
Fast rýchlo
Help Pomoc
Pain bolesť
Rain dážď
Pride pýcha
Sense zmysel
Large veľký
Skill zručnosť
Panic panika
Thank poďakovať
Desire túžba
Woman žena
Hungry hladný
Slovak Vocabulary
Slovak Dictionary

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