His sentences in Slovak and English
‘His’ sentences in Slovak with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Slovak translation of His sentences and play His sentences quiz in Slovak language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Slovak sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Slovak language in an easy way. To learn Slovak language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

His sentences in Slovak and English
The list of 'His' sentences in Slovak language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Slovak translations.
His advice didn't help | Jeho rady nepomohli |
His brother is patient | Jeho brat je trpezlivý |
His dream came true | Splnil sa mu sen |
His eyes are blue | Jeho oči sú modré |
His family is very large | Jeho rodina je veľmi veľká |
His father looks healthy | Jeho otec vyzerá zdravo |
His horse jumped over the fence | Jeho kôň preskočil plot |
His house is across from mine | Jeho dom je oproti môjmu |
His house is too long | Jeho dom je príliš dlhý |
His joy showed on his face | Jeho radosť sa prejavila na jeho tvári |
His mother was strict | Jeho matka bola prísna |
His new movie is disappointing | Jeho nový film je sklamaním |
His new novel is worth reading | Jeho nový román stojí za prečítanie |
His opinion was not accepted | Jeho názor nebol prijatý |
His proposals were adopted at the meeting | Jeho návrhy boli na stretnutí prijaté |
His advice didn't help | Jeho rady nepomohli |
His brother is patient | Jeho brat je trpezlivý |
His dream came true | Splnil sa mu sen |
His eyes are blue | Jeho oči sú modré |
His family is very large | Jeho rodina je veľmi veľká |
His father looks healthy | Jeho otec vyzerá zdravo |
His horse jumped over the fence | Jeho kôň preskočil plot |
His house is across from mine | Jeho dom je oproti môjmu |
His house is too long | Jeho dom je príliš dlhý |
His joy showed on his face | Jeho radosť sa prejavila na jeho tvári |
His mother was strict | Jeho matka bola prísna |
His new movie is disappointing | Jeho nový film je sklamaním |
His new novel is worth reading | Jeho nový román stojí za prečítanie |
His opinion was not accepted | Jeho názor nebol prijatý |
His proposals were adopted at the meeting | Jeho návrhy boli na stretnutí prijaté |
His room is twice as large as mine | Jeho izba je dvakrát väčšia ako moja |
His shoes are red | Jeho topánky sú červené |
His speech inspired all the boys | Jeho prejav inšpiroval všetkých chlapcov |
His sudden appearance surprised us all | Jeho náhly zjav nás všetkých prekvapil |
His wife is Indian | Jeho manželka je Indka |
His wife is one of my friends | Jeho manželka je jedna z mojich priateľov |
His voice was soft | Jeho hlas bol jemný |
His smile was good | Jeho úsmev bol dobrý |
His face was still young | Jeho tvár bola ešte mladá |
His laugh was low | Jeho smiech bol tichý |
His focus came back on her | Jeho pozornosť sa vrátila na ňu |
His gaze was to me | Jeho pohľad smeroval na mňa |
His laugh was humorless | Jeho smiech bol bez humoru |
His smile was so cute | Jeho úsmev bol taký roztomilý |
His voice was quiet | Jeho hlas bol tichý |
‘His’ sentences in other languages (40+)
Top 1000 Slovak words
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