You sentences in Slovak and English
‘You’ sentences in Slovak with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Slovak translation of You sentences and play You sentences quiz in Slovak language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Slovak sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Slovak language in an easy way. To learn Slovak language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.
You sentences in Slovak and English
The list of 'You' sentences in Slovak language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Slovak translations.
You are a teacher | Si učiteľ |
You are always complaining | Stále sa sťažujete |
You are late | Meškáš |
You are my responsibility | Si moja zodpovednosť |
You are not Indian | Nie ste Ind |
You are very beautiful | Si veľmi krásna |
You are very brave | Si veľmi odvážny |
You broke the rules | Porušil si pravidlá |
You can ask John for help | Môžete požiadať Johna o pomoc |
You can go home now | Teraz môžeš ísť domov |
You are a good teacher | Si dobrý učiteľ |
You can go anywhere you want | Môžete ísť kamkoľvek chcete |
You can go if you want to | Môžete ísť, ak chcete |
You can put it anywhere | Môžete ho umiestniť kdekoľvek |
You can read this book | Môžete si prečítať túto knihu |
You are a teacher | Si učiteľ |
You are always complaining | Stále sa sťažujete |
You are late | Meškáš |
You are my responsibility | Si moja zodpovednosť |
You are not Indian | Nie ste Ind |
You are very beautiful | Si veľmi krásna |
You are very brave | Si veľmi odvážny |
You broke the rules | Porušil si pravidlá |
You can ask John for help | Môžete požiadať Johna o pomoc |
You can go home now | Teraz môžeš ísť domov |
You are a good teacher | Si dobrý učiteľ |
You can go anywhere you want | Môžete ísť kamkoľvek chcete |
You can go if you want to | Môžete ísť, ak chcete |
You can put it anywhere | Môžete ho umiestniť kdekoľvek |
You can read this book | Môžete si prečítať túto knihu |
You can't be serious | To nemôžeš myslieť vážne |
You don't have to get up so early | Nemusíte tak skoro vstávať |
You don't have to talk so loud | Nemusíš hovoriť tak nahlas |
You don't understand english | Nerozumieš anglicky |
You don't understand me | Nerozumieš mi |
You had plenty of time | Mali ste dosť času |
You have to come with me | Musíš ísť so mnou |
You have to study hard | Musíte tvrdo študovať |
You look busy | Vyzeráš zaneprázdnený |
You like it | Páči sa ti to |
You like me | Máš ma rád |
You love me | Miluješ ma |
you love me or not | miluješ ma alebo nie |
you love me so much | veľmi ma miluješ |
You make me happy | Robíš ma šťastným |
You may go | Môžeš ísť |
You may go home if you want to | Ak chceš, môžeš ísť domov |
You may read this book | Môžete si prečítať túto knihu |
You must be kidding! | To si robíš srandu! |
You may take the book | Môžete si vziať knihu |
You must study hard | Musíte tvrdo študovať |
You will make a good wife | Bude z vás dobrá manželka |
You will see the difference | Uvidíte ten rozdiel |
You should sleep | Mal by si spať |
You must go | Musíš ísť |
‘You’ sentences in other languages (40+)
Top 1000 Slovak words
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