Plant names in Slovenian and English - Common Slovenian Vocabulary

Learn common Slovenian vocabulary with this English-to-Slovenian list of Plant names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Slovenian language skills through popular words and play Slovenian quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Slovenian language, then the 1000 most common Slovenian words will help you to learn the Slovenian language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Plant vocabulary words in Slovenian.

Plant names in Slovenian and English - Common Slovenian Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Plant names in Slovenian with English Pronunciation

Learn Plant in Slovenian, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Slovenian vocabulary for daily conversations.

Plant names - Slovenian

Acorn želod
Agriculture kmetijstvo
Angiosperm kritosemenka
Autotroph avtotrof
Axilary bud aksilarnega popka
Biennial bienale
Blade rezilo
Blossom cvet
Botany botanika
Bract ovršni list
Branch podružnica
Bromeliad bromelija
Bud bud
Cactus kaktus
Calyx čaša
Canopy nadstrešek
Carpel plodnica
Clover detelja
Cork pluta
Dicot dvokalica
Endosperm endosperm
Epicotyl epikotil
Evergreen zimzeleno
Fern praprot
Fertilizer gnojilo
Filament žarilna nitka
Flora flora
Flower cvet
Foliage listje
Garden vrt
Germinate kalijo
Ginkgo ginko
Grain žito
Grass trava
Grove grove
Grow rasti
Gum gumi
Hardy vzdržljiv
Hastate hiteti
Herb zelišče
Horticulture vrtnarstvo
Hybrid hibrid
Inflorescence socvetje
Internode internodij
Ivy bršljan
Jungle džungla
Juniper brin
Kudzu kudzu
Lamina lamina
Leaf list
Legume stročnice
Meristem meristem
Midrib srednji reber
Monocot enokaličnica
Moss mah
Nectar nektar
Needle igla
Node vozlišče
Nut oreh
Ovary jajčnik
Palm dlan
Palmate dlanasto
Peduncle pecelj
Perennial trajen
Petal cvetni list
Petiole pecelj
Phloem floem
Photosynthesis fotosinteza
Pinnate pernato
Pistil pestič
Pith jedro
Plumule plumule
Pollen cvetni prah
Pollinate oprašiti
Prickle zbadati
Rachis rachis
Reniform ledvična
Resin smola
Reticulate mrežasto
Rings prstani
Root korenina
Sap sok
Sapling mladika
Seed seme
Seedling sadika
Sepal čašni list
Shamrock deteljica
Shoot streljati
Shrub grm
Soil prst
Spine hrbtenica
Spore spore
Sprout kalček
Stalk pecelj
Stamen prašnik
Stand stojalo
Stem steblo
Stigma stigma
Stipule stipula
Stoma stoma
Succulent sočno
Sunlight sončna svetloba
Tap root koreninski koren
Thorn trn
Tree drevo
Trunk prtljažnik
Tuber gomolj
Twig vejica
Understory podrast
Vascular plant vaskularna rastlina
Vein žila
Venation žilanje
Vine trta
Weed trava
Whorled vijugasto

Top 1000 Slovenian words

Here you learn top 1000 Slovenian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Slovenian meanings with transliteration.

Eat jesti
All vse
New novo
Snore smrčanje
Fast hitro
Help pomoč
Pain bolečine
Rain dež
Pride ponos
Sense smisel
Large velik
Skill spretnost
Panic panika
Thank hvala
Desire želja
Woman ženska
Hungry lačen

Daily use Slovenian Sentences

Here you learn top Slovenian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Slovenian meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Dobro jutro
What is your name kako ti je ime
What is your problem Kaj je tvoj problem?
I hate you sovražim te
I love you Ljubim te
Can I help you Ti lahko pomagam?
I am sorry žal mi je
I want to sleep hočem spati
This is very important To je zelo pomembno
Are you hungry Si lačen?
How is your life Kako je tvoje življenje?
I am going to study grem študirat
Slovenian Vocabulary
Slovenian Dictionary

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