Healthcare vocabulary words in Somali and English - Common Somali Vocabulary

Learn common Somali vocabulary with this English-to-Somali list of Healthcare vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Somali language skills through popular words and play Somali quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Somali language, then the 1000 most common Somali words will help you to learn the Somali language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Healthcare vocabulary words in Somali.

Healthcare vocabulary words in Somali and English - Common Somali Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Healthcare vocabulary words in Somali with English Pronunciation

Learn Healthcare in Somali, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Somali vocabulary for daily conversations.

Healthcare vocabulary words - Somali

Abdominal caloosha
Abortion ilmo iska soo ridid
Accident shil
Abuse xadgudub
Addict balwad
Agony xanuun
Ailment jirro
Alcohol khamriga
Amputation goynta
Anaesthetic suuxinta
Bandage faashad
Bleed dhiigbax
Blind indho la'aan
Bruit nabar
Clinical caafimaad
Contusion wareer
Convalesce nasasho
Convulsion gariir
Cough qufac
Cramp casiraad
Cripple curyaan
Crutch cufan
Cure daawo
Dazzle wareer
Debility daciifnimo
Defecate saxaroodo
Dejection niyad jab
Deleterious tir tiraya
Delirious macaan
Dentist dhakhtarka ilkaha
Depression niyad jab
Detoxify sunta ka saar
Diabetes sonkorowga
Disease cudur
Doctor dhakhtar
Emission sii daynta
Erection kacsi
Febrile qandho
Felon dambiile
Fever qandho
Fracture jab
Gargle gilgilasho
Gash gash
Gasp neefsasho
Genetic hidde
Healer bogsiiye
Herbal dhireed
Lesion dhaawac
Ligament seedaha
Measles jadeeco
Medical caafimaad
Mental maskaxiyan
Mite caarada
Mutate isbedel
Nurse kalkaalisada
Ovulation ugxansidaha
Pain xanuun
Palpate calaacalaha
Panting hindhiso
Paralyse curyaan
Patient bukaan
Pervert qalloocan
Protein borotiinka
Probe baadhid
Pregnancy uurka
Poultice boorash
Relax naso
Relief gargaarid
Sperm shahwada
Spew tufid
Spine laf dhabarta
Shiner shineer
Shiver gariir
Shock naxdin
Sneeze hindhiso
Snivel dhuuso
Snotty cufan
Snuff buuriga
Suicide isdilid
Swelling barar
Tablet kiniinka
Taint xumaan
Temperature heerkulka

Top 1000 Somali words

Here you learn top 1000 Somali words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Somali meanings with transliteration.

Eat cun
All dhammaan
New cusub
Snore khuurada
Fast degdeg ah
Help I caawi
Pain xanuun
Rain roobka
Pride kibir
Sense dareen
Large weyn
Skill xirfad
Panic cabsi
Thank mahadsanid
Desire rabitaan
Woman naag
Hungry gaajaysan

Daily use Somali Sentences

Here you learn top Somali sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Somali meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Subax wanaagsan
What is your name Magacaa
What is your problem waa maxay dhibkaaga?
I hate you waan ku necbahay
I love you waan ku jeclahay
Can I help you Maku caawin karaa?
I am sorry waan ka xumahay
I want to sleep Waxaan doonayaa in aan seexdo
This is very important Tani waa mid aad muhiim u ah
Are you hungry Ma gaajaysan tahay?
How is your life Sidee tahay noloshaadu?
I am going to study waxan wax baran doona
Somali Vocabulary
Somali Dictionary

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