Household items names in Somali and English - Common Somali Vocabulary

Learn common Somali vocabulary with this English-to-Somali list of Household items names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Somali language skills through popular words and play Somali quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Somali language, then the 1000 most common Somali words will help you to learn the Somali language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Household items vocabulary words in Somali.

Household items names in Somali and English - Common Somali Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Household items names in Somali with English Pronunciation

Learn Household items in Somali, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Somali vocabulary for daily conversations.

Household items names - Somali

Blanket buste
Bolster xoojin
Bolt bool
Bottle dhalada
Box sanduuqa
Brick leben
Broom xaaqinka
Brush buraash
Bucket baaldi
Computer kombuyuutar
Colors midabada
Chair kursi
Towel shukumaan
Dryer qalajiyaha
Eraser masax
Almirah almirah
Apartment guri dabaq ah
Ash dambas
Attic saqafka sare
Basement dhulka hoostiisa
Basket dambiisha
Bathroom musqusha
Bed sariir
Bedroom qolka jiifka
Button badhanka
Candle shumaca
Carpet rooga
Casket sanduuq
Cauldron digsi
Ceiling saqafka
Fan taageere
Floss xashiish
Foam xumbo
Gym Jirdhiska
Garbage qashinka
Globe caalamka
Gate irid
Grater shabaggeedii
Glass muraayad
Kettle kilsilad
Kernel kernel
Umbrella dalladda
Uniform lebis
Utensils maacuunta
Atlas atlas
Book buug
Bag bac
Barometer barometer
Blender blender
Clothes dharka
Containers weelasha
Camera kamarad
Grain hadhuudh
Garment maro
Hammer Dubbe
Hearth Qalbidhagax
Hose tuubada
Hook jillaab
Heater kuleyliyaha
Headphones sameecadaha dhegaha
Ruler taliye
Pen qalinka
Iron birta
Ice Cream Jalaato
Jar jar
Juicer casiirka
Jam macaanka
Jewelry dahabka
Kite qaniinyo
Key furaha
Kitten bisad
Kitchen jikada
Knives mindiyo
Lingerie dharka gudaha
Lamp laambad
Lock quful
Ladle ladle
Light iftiin
Mugs koobabka
Medicines daawooyin
Mail boostada
Magnets magnets
Mop xaaqid
Makeup isqurxin
Fryer shiilan
Plums plums
Perfume cadar
Knife mindi
Pitcher weel
Printer daabace
Quilt guntiyo
Radio raadiyaha
Raincoat jaakad roobaadka
Ribbon xarig
Rifle qoriga
Rouge Rouge
Refrigerator qaboojiyaha
Rugs roogag
Range kala duwan
Stereo stereo
Shades hadh
Socks sharaabaad
Stamps stamps
Spoon qaaddo
Stapler stapler
Sneakers kabaha kabaha
Scarf cumaamad
Telephone telefoonka
Trumpet buunka
Tapestry cajalad
Throws tuuro
Timers saacadaha
Tissues unugyo
Toaster rootiga rootiga
Oven foornada
Torch toosh
Vacuum faaruq
Vent hawo
Vase weel
Washer dhaqe
Watch daawo
Wardrobe armaajooyin
Hanger daldalaad
Yardstick mitir
Yogurt caano fadhi
Yarn dunta
Zipper siibadaha

Top 1000 Somali words

Here you learn top 1000 Somali words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Somali meanings with transliteration.

Eat cun
All dhammaan
New cusub
Snore khuurada
Fast degdeg ah
Help I caawi
Pain xanuun
Rain roobka
Pride kibir
Sense dareen
Large weyn
Skill xirfad
Panic cabsi
Thank mahadsanid
Desire rabitaan
Woman naag
Hungry gaajaysan

Daily use Somali Sentences

Here you learn top Somali sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Somali meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Subax wanaagsan
What is your name Magacaa
What is your problem waa maxay dhibkaaga?
I hate you waan ku necbahay
I love you waan ku jeclahay
Can I help you Maku caawin karaa?
I am sorry waan ka xumahay
I want to sleep Waxaan doonayaa in aan seexdo
This is very important Tani waa mid aad muhiim u ah
Are you hungry Ma gaajaysan tahay?
How is your life Sidee tahay noloshaadu?
I am going to study waxan wax baran doona
Somali Vocabulary
Somali Dictionary

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