Ecology vocabulary words in Somali and English - Common Somali Vocabulary

Learn common Somali vocabulary with this English-to-Somali list of Ecology vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Somali language skills through popular words and play Somali quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Somali language, then the 1000 most common Somali words will help you to learn the Somali language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Ecology vocabulary words in Somali.

Ecology vocabulary words in Somali and English - Common Somali Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Ecology vocabulary words in Somali with English Pronunciation

Learn Ecology in Somali, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Somali vocabulary for daily conversations.

Ecology vocabulary words - Somali

Air hawo
Ambiance hammiga
Aquatic biyaha
Arid oomane
Atmospheric jawiga
Beach xeebta
Blustery blustery
Brook durdur
Cavern godad
Cliff gabiga
Climate cimilada
Cloud daruur
Coast xeebta
Contamination faddarayn
Cove damac
Crag dhagax weyn
Craggy qaylo badan
Creek durdurrada
Dejection niyad jab
Deluge daad
Drench qoyan
Drought abaar
Ecology deegaanka
Effluent dareere
Energy tamarta
Evaporation uumi bax
Fertilize bacrin
Fossil fosyl
Glacial glacial
Grassland dhul daaqsimeedka
Graveyard xabaalaha
Grove geedo
Habitat deegaan
Landscape muuqaal
Ledge qarid
Meadow caws
Meander dhexdhexaadin
Misty ceeryaamo
Monsoon monsoon
Mossy maroorsan
Mound tuulmo
Mountain buur
Mud dhoobo
Mulch mulch
Nimbus nimbus
Ozone ozone
Parch dhir
Pollution wasakhowga
Pond balli
Promontory promontory
Prospector prospector
Protection ilaalinta
Quake gariir
Rainbow qaanso-roobaad
Rainfall roobka da'a
River webiga
Road wadada
Rock dhagax
Sea badda
Slum isku raran
Smog qiiq
Soil ciidda
Stormy duufaan leh
Stream durdurrada
Sultry macaan
Trough barkad
Turf cawska
Typhoon duufaan
Urban magaalo
Valley dooxada
Vapor uumiga
Verge qarka u saaran
Village tuulada
Volcano foolkaanno
Water biyo
Wave mawjad
Windfall dabaysha

Top 1000 Somali words

Here you learn top 1000 Somali words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Somali meanings with transliteration.

Eat cun
All dhammaan
New cusub
Snore khuurada
Fast degdeg ah
Help I caawi
Pain xanuun
Rain roobka
Pride kibir
Sense dareen
Large weyn
Skill xirfad
Panic cabsi
Thank mahadsanid
Desire rabitaan
Woman naag
Hungry gaajaysan

Daily use Somali Sentences

Here you learn top Somali sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Somali meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Subax wanaagsan
What is your name Magacaa
What is your problem waa maxay dhibkaaga?
I hate you waan ku necbahay
I love you waan ku jeclahay
Can I help you Maku caawin karaa?
I am sorry waan ka xumahay
I want to sleep Waxaan doonayaa in aan seexdo
This is very important Tani waa mid aad muhiim u ah
Are you hungry Ma gaajaysan tahay?
How is your life Sidee tahay noloshaadu?
I am going to study waxan wax baran doona
Somali Vocabulary
Somali Dictionary

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