List of Prefix in Spanish and English

To learn Spanish language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn Prefix words in English with Spanish translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Spanish Prefix words, this place will help you to learn Prefix words in Spanish language with their pronunciation in English. Prefix words are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Spanish.

List of Prefix in Spanish and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Prefix words in Spanish

Here is the list of prefixes in Spanish language with meanings and their pronunciation in English.


Deactivate desactivar
Debate debate
Decade década
Decent decente
Decision decisión
Declare declarar
Decode descodificar
Decomposition descomposición
Decrease disminuir
Deduction deducción
Default por defecto
Defeat fracaso
Defend defender
Deforest deforestar
Deformation deformación
Degeneration degeneración
Demand demanda


Disaccord desacuerdo
Disaffection desafección
Disagree discrepar
Disappear desaparecer
Disapprove desaprobar
Discharge descargar
Discipline disciplina
Discompose descomponer
Discount descuento
Discover descubrir
Displeasure disgusto
Disqualify descalificar


Exceed superar
Exchange intercambio
Exhale exhalar
Explain explicar
Explosion explosión
Export exportar


Impair perjudicar
Impassion apasionar
Implant implante
Import importar
Impossible imposible
Impress impresionar
Improper incorrecto
Improve mejorar


Inaction en acción
Inactive inactivo
Inadequate inadecuado
Income ingreso
Incorrect incorrecto
Indirect indirecto
Insecure inseguro
Inside adentro
Invisible invisible


Interaction interacción
Interchange intercambio
Intermission descanso
International internacional
Internet Internet
Interview entrevista


Irradiation irradiación
Irrational irracional
Irregular irregular
Irrelevant irrelevante
Irreplaceable insustituible
Irreversible irreversible


Midday mediodía
Midland del interior
Midnight medianoche
Midway a mitad de camino
Midwife Partera


Misaligned desalineado
Misguide aconsejar mal
Misinform informar mal
Mislead engañar
Misplace perder
Misrule desgobierno
Misspelt mal escrito
Mistake error
Misunderstand entender mal
Misuse mal uso


Non existent inexistente
Non pareil sin par
Nonchalant despreocupado
Nonfiction no ficción
Nonsense disparates
Nonstop sin escalas


Overcharge sobrecargar
Overcome superar
Overflow Desbordamiento
Overlap superposición
Overload sobrecarga
Overlook pasar por alto
Overpower dominar
Overrate sobrevalorar
Overrule anular


Predefine predefinir
Prefix prefijo
Prehistory prehistoria
Prepay pagar por adelantado
Prepossess predisponer
Prevail prevalecer
Preview avance


Proactive proactivo
Proceed proceder
Proclaim proclamar
Profess profesar
Profit ganancia
Profound profundo
Program programa
Progress progreso
Prolong prolongar


React reaccionar
Reappear reaparecer
Reclaim reclamar
Recollect recordar
Recommendation recomendación
Reconsider reconsiderar
Recover recuperar
Redo rehacer
Rewrite volver a escribir


Telecommunication telecomunicación
Telegram telegrama
Telepathic telepático
Telephone teléfono
Telescope telescopio
Television televisión


Transfer transferir
Transform transformar
Transgender Transgénero
Translation traducción
Transparent transparente
Transport transporte


Undo deshacer
Unequal desigual
Unhappy infeliz
Unpack deshacer
Unseen invisible
Unstable inestable
Unusual inusual


Update actualizar
Upgrade mejora
Uphill cuesta arriba
Uphold defender
Upset decepcionado
Upstairs piso superior
Upward hacia arriba

Top 1000 Spanish words

Here you learn top 1000 Spanish words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Spanish meanings with transliteration.

Eat come
All todos
New nuevo
Snore ronquido
Fast rápido
Help ayudar
Pain dolor
Rain lluvia
Pride orgullo
Sense sentido
Large grande
Skill habilidad
Panic pánico
Thank gracias
Desire deseo
Woman mujer
Hungry hambriento

Daily use Spanish Sentences

Here you learn top Spanish sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Spanish meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Buenos dias
What is your name Cuál es tu nombre
What is your problem cual es tu problema?
I hate you te odio
I love you Te quiero
Can I help you puedo ayudarte?
I am sorry Lo siento
I want to sleep Quiero dormir
This is very important Esto es muy importante
Are you hungry tienes hambre?
How is your life cómo es su vida?
I am going to study voy a estudiar
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