List of Prefix in Swahili and English
To learn Swahili language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn Prefix words in English with Swahili translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Swahili Prefix words, this place will help you to learn Prefix words in Swahili language with their pronunciation in English. Prefix words are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Swahili.

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar
List of Prefix words in Swahili
Here is the list of prefixes in Swahili language with meanings and their pronunciation in English.
Deactivate | zima |
Debate | mjadala |
Decade | muongo |
Decent | heshima |
Decision | uamuzi |
Declare | tangaza |
Decode | simbua |
Decomposition | mtengano |
Decrease | kupungua |
Deduction | makato |
Default | chaguo-msingi |
Defeat | kushindwa |
Defend | kutetea |
Deforest | ukataji miti |
Deformation | deformation |
Degeneration | kuzorota |
Demand | mahitaji |
Disaccord | kutokubaliana |
Disaffection | kutopendezwa |
Disagree | kutokubaliana |
Disappear | kutoweka |
Disapprove | kutokubali |
Discharge | kutokwa |
Discipline | nidhamu |
Discompose | ondoa |
Discount | punguzo |
Discover | gundua |
Displeasure | kutofurahishwa |
Disqualify | ondoa sifa |
Impair | kudhoofisha |
Impassion | shauku |
Implant | pandikiza |
Import | kuagiza |
Impossible | haiwezekani |
Impress | kuvutia |
Improper | yasiyofaa |
Improve | kuboresha |
Inaction | kutochukua hatua |
Inactive | asiyefanya kazi |
Inadequate | haitoshi |
Income | mapato |
Incorrect | si sahihi |
Indirect | isiyo ya moja kwa moja |
Insecure | kutokuwa na usalama |
Inside | ndani |
Invisible | asiyeonekana |
Interaction | mwingiliano |
Interchange | kubadilishana |
Intermission | mapumziko |
International | kimataifa |
Internet | mtandao |
Interview | mahojiano |
Irradiation | mnururisho |
Irrational | isiyo na mantiki |
Irregular | isiyo ya kawaida |
Irrelevant | isiyo na maana |
Irreplaceable | isiyoweza kubadilishwa |
Irreversible | isiyoweza kutenduliwa |
Misaligned | iliyopangwa vibaya |
Misguide | potofu |
Misinform | taarifa zisizo sahihi |
Mislead | kupotosha |
Misplace | mahali pabaya |
Misrule | utawala mbaya |
Misspelt | makosa ya tahajia |
Mistake | kosa |
Misunderstand | kutoelewa |
Misuse | matumizi mabaya |
Non existent | haipo |
Non pareil | isiyo ya pareil |
Nonchalant | asiye na wasiwasi |
Nonfiction | yasiyo ya uongo |
Nonsense | upuuzi |
Nonstop | bila kukoma |
Overcharge | malipo ya ziada |
Overcome | kushinda |
Overflow | kufurika |
Overlap | kuingiliana |
Overload | mzigo kupita kiasi |
Overlook | sahau |
Overpower | nguvu kupita kiasi |
Overrate | kupita kiasi |
Overrule | kupindua |
Predefine | fafanua awali |
Prefix | kiambishi awali |
Prehistory | historia ya awali |
Prepay | malipo ya awali |
Prepossess | kumiliki |
Prevail | shinda |
Preview | hakikisho |
Proactive | makini |
Proceed | endelea |
Proclaim | kutangaza |
Profess | kukiri |
Profit | faida |
Profound | ya kina |
Program | programu |
Progress | maendeleo |
Prolong | kuongeza muda |
React | kuguswa |
Reappear | kutokea tena |
Reclaim | kudai tena |
Recollect | kumbuka |
Recommendation | mapendekezo |
Reconsider | tafakari upya |
Recover | kupona |
Redo | fanya upya |
Rewrite | andika upya |
Telecommunication | mawasiliano ya simu |
Telegram | telegramu |
Telepathic | telepathic |
Telephone | simu |
Telescope | darubini |
Television | televisheni |
Transfer | uhamisho |
Transform | kubadilisha |
Transgender | mtu aliyebadili jinsia |
Translation | tafsiri |
Transparent | uwazi |
Transport | usafiri |
Undo | tengua |
Unequal | zisizo sawa |
Unhappy | kutokuwa na furaha |
Unpack | fungua |
Unseen | isiyoonekana |
Unstable | isiyo imara |
Unusual | isiyo ya kawaida |
Update | sasisha |
Upgrade | kuboresha |
Uphill | kupanda |
Uphold | shikilia |
Upset | kasirika |
Upstairs | juu |
Upward | juu |
Top 1000 Swahili words
Here you learn top 1000 Swahili words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Swahili meanings with transliteration.
Daily use Swahili Sentences
Here you learn top Swahili sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Swahili meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | Habari za asubuhi |
What is your name | Jina lako nani |
What is your problem | shida yako ni ipi? |
I hate you | Nakuchukia |
I love you | nakupenda |
Can I help you | Naweza kukusaidia? |
I am sorry | Samahani |
I want to sleep | nataka kulala |
This is very important | Hii ni muhimu sana |
Are you hungry | una njaa? |
How is your life | maisha yako yakoje? |
I am going to study | naenda kusoma |
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