Religion vocabulary words in Swahili and English - Common Swahili Vocabulary

Learn common Swahili vocabulary with this English-to-Swahili list of Religion vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Swahili language skills through popular words and play Swahili quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Swahili language, then the 1000 most common Swahili words will help you to learn the Swahili language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Religion vocabulary words in Swahili.

Religion vocabulary words in Swahili and English - Common Swahili Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Religion vocabulary words in Swahili with English Pronunciation

Learn Religion in Swahili, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Swahili vocabulary for daily conversations.

Religion vocabulary words - Swahili

Acolyte akoliti
Adulteress mzinzi
Angel malaika
Anointed kupakwa mafuta
Apologist mwombezi
Apostasy uasi
Atonement upatanisho
Baptise kubatiza
Basilica basilica
Beatification kutangazwa kuwa mwenye heri
Belief imani
Canonical kisheria
Ceremonial sherehe
Chapel kanisa
Chastity usafi wa moyo
Christian mkristo
Church kanisa
Cloister chumbani
Conclave conclave
Confession ungamo
Conformist kulingana
Congregation kusanyiko
Consecrate weka wakfu
Contrition majuto
Crucifix sulubisha
Cult ibada
Damnation laana
Deceitful mdanganyifu
Deity mungu
Demon pepo
Devil shetani
Dignitary mtukufu
Divine Mungu
Epiphany epifania
Exegesis ufafanuzi
Expiate maliza
Faith imani
Faithless wasio na imani
Fetish mchawi
Fiend rafiki
Fornication uasherati
Friar ndugu
Genesis mwanzo
Gentile mpole
God mungu
Hallowed takatifu
Heathen mpagani
Heaven mbinguni
Hell kuzimu
Heresy uzushi
Hermitage hermitage
Hindi kihindi
Holiness utakatifu
Holy takatifu
Hymnal wimbo wa nyimbo
Idolatry ibada ya sanamu
Immolation uchomaji moto
Incumbent aliye madarakani
Infidelity ukafiri
Inquisitor mdadisi
Interdict katazo
Intone sauti
Invocation maombi
Lecher lecher
Lectern lectern
Legate mjumbe
Legation legation
Litany litania
Liturgy liturujia
Lord bwana
Majesty ukuu
Malefactor mhalifu
Marvel ajabu
Miracle muujiza
Monastic kimonaki
Mortify kufa
Mosque msikiti
Mourner mwombolezaji
Mundane kawaida
Muslim muislamu
Nave nave
Nectar nekta
Nirvana nirvana
Nonbeliever asiyeamini
Nunnery nyumba ya watawa
Oath kiapo
Obedience Utiifu
Officiate simamia
Omen ishara
Omnipotent muweza wa yote
Oracular ya mdomo
Oratory mazungumzo
Ordination kuwekwa wakfu
Orthodoxy halisi
Pantheon pantheon
Papal papa
Papist papa
Parish parokia
Patriarch mzalendo
Patriarchate mfumo dume
Penance toba
Pilgrimage kuhiji
Pontiff papa
Porch ukumbi
Prayer maombi
Preach hubiri
Preacher mhubiri
Priest kuhani
Primate nyani
Priory muhimu
Profane chafu
Prophesy tabiri
Proselytize kugeuza watu imani
Providence riziki
Psyche akili
Pulpit mimbari
Rapt rap
Rebirth kuzaliwa upya
Recant kukataa
Recluse kujitenga
Rectory rekta
Refectory ukumbi wa michezo
Relic masalio
Religion dini
Religiosity udini
Reliquary reliquary
Remission msamaha
Repent tubu
Reprobate waliokataliwa
Requiem mahitaji
Resurrect kufufua
Resuscitate fufua
Reverend mchungaji
Revivalist mfufuaji
Rite ibada
Rosary rozari
Sacrifice sadaka
Secular kidunia
Seminarian mseminari
Sermon mahubiri
Sermonize hubiri
Shroud sanda
Sin dhambi
Spirit roho
Supplicant mwombaji
Surplice surplice
Synod sinodi
Tabernacle hema
Taboo mwiko
Tonsure toni
Transgress uvunjaji sheria
Travail uchungu
Trespass kosa
Tribulation dhiki
Trinity utatu
Trusting kuamini
Ungodly wasiomcha Mungu
Unholy wasio mtakatifu
Unorthodox isiyo ya kawaida
Untouchable asiyeweza kuguswa
Venerate kuabudu
Veneration heshima
Verily hakika
Vow kiapo
Worshipper mwabudu
Zealot mwenye bidii

Top 1000 Swahili words

Here you learn top 1000 Swahili words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Swahili meanings with transliteration.

Eat kula
All zote
New mpya
Snore koroma
Fast haraka
Help msaada
Pain maumivu
Rain mvua
Pride kiburi
Sense maana
Large kubwa
Skill ujuzi
Panic wasiwasi
Thank asante
Desire hamu
Woman mwanamke
Hungry njaa

Daily use Swahili Sentences

Here you learn top Swahili sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Swahili meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Habari za asubuhi
What is your name Jina lako nani
What is your problem shida yako ni ipi?
I hate you Nakuchukia
I love you nakupenda
Can I help you Naweza kukusaidia?
I am sorry Samahani
I want to sleep nataka kulala
This is very important Hii ni muhimu sana
Are you hungry una njaa?
How is your life maisha yako yakoje?
I am going to study naenda kusoma
Swahili Vocabulary
Swahili Dictionary

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