Politics vocabulary words in Swedish and English - Common Swedish Vocabulary

Learn common Swedish vocabulary with this English-to-Swedish list of Politics vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Swedish language skills through popular words and play Swedish quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Swedish language, then the 1000 most common Swedish words will help you to learn the Swedish language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Politics vocabulary words in Swedish.

Politics vocabulary words in Swedish and English - Common Swedish Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Politics vocabulary words in Swedish with English Pronunciation

Learn Politics in Swedish, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Swedish vocabulary for daily conversations.

Politics vocabulary words - Swedish

Absolutism absolutism
Activist aktivist
Advisor rådgivare
Advocacy försvar
Agitation agitation
Agrarian agrar-
Agreement avtal
Amity vänskap
Assembly hopsättning
Authority auktoritet
Awareness medvetenhet
Civilization civilisation
Classism klassism
Coalition koalition
Cohabitation samboende
Collusion maskopi
Colonial kolonial
Committee utskott
Communism kommunism
Confederacy sammansvärjning
Conference konferens
Conflict konflikt
Constitution konstitution
Convention konvent
Corruption korruption
Council råd
Country Land
Countryman landsman
Court domstol
Crisis kris
Culture kultur
Debate debatt
Delegation delegation
Democracy demokrati
Demonstration demonstration
Deprecate avskriva
Deputize vikariera
Despotic despotisk
Diplomacy diplomati
Dissenter oliktänkande
Donation donation
Duty plikt
Dynasty dynasti
Economy ekonomi
Election val
Elective valfri
Elite elit
Embargo embargo
Embassy ambassad
Emblem emblem
Emigrant emigrant-
Empire imperium
Enrolment inskrivning
Environment miljö
Equality jämlikhet
Escape fly
Executive verkställande
Expenditure utgifter
Faction fraktion
Federation federation
Fund fond
Government regering
Inauguration invigning
Income inkomst
Inflation inflation
Institution institution
Leader ledare
Legation legation
Liberal liberal
Limpet limpet
Lobbyist lobbyist
Mandate mandat
Member medlem
Mutuality ömsesidighet
News Nyheter
Obeisance vördnad
Objector invändare
Oligarchy oligarki
Opposition opposition
Pact pakt
Parliament parlament
Patrician patricier
Policy politik
Politics politik
Population befolkning
Preside presidera
Prison fängelse
Proletarian proletär
Promulgate utfärda
Proponent förespråkare
Provoke provocera
Racialism rasism
Recant ta tillbaka
Recapture återta
Recuse återvända
Reform reformera
Relationship relation
Republic republik
Requisition rekvisition
Royalty kungligheter
Sanction sanktion
Society samhälle
Statute stadga
Success Framgång
Tax beskatta
Theory teori
Value värde
Voting röstning
War krig
Welfare välfärd
Wield svinga

Top 1000 Swedish words

Here you learn top 1000 Swedish words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Swedish meanings with transliteration.

Eat äta
All Allt
New ny
Snore snarka
Fast snabb
Help hjälp
Pain smärta
Rain regn
Pride stolthet
Sense känsla
Large stor
Skill skicklighet
Panic panik
Thank tacka
Desire önskan
Woman kvinna
Hungry hungrig

Daily use Swedish Sentences

Here you learn top Swedish sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Swedish meanings with transliteration.

Good morning God morgon
What is your name Vad heter du
What is your problem vad är ditt problem?
I hate you jag hatar dig
I love you jag älskar dig
Can I help you kan jag hjälpa dig?
I am sorry jag är ledsen
I want to sleep jag vill sova
This is very important Det här är väldigt viktigt
Are you hungry är du hungrig?
How is your life hur är ditt liv?
I am going to study jag ska plugga
Swedish Vocabulary
Swedish Dictionary

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