Job vocabulary words in Tajik and English - Common Tajik Vocabulary

Learn common Tajik vocabulary with this English-to-Tajik list of Job vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Tajik language skills through popular words and play Tajik quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Tajik language, then the 1000 most common Tajik words will help you to learn the Tajik language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Job vocabulary words in Tajik.

Job vocabulary words in Tajik and English - Common Tajik Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Job vocabulary words in Tajik with English Pronunciation

Learn Job in Tajik, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Tajik vocabulary for daily conversations.

Job vocabulary words - Tajik

Accountant бухгалтер ʙuxgalter
Answer ҷавоб çavoʙ
Bonus бонус ʙonus
Boring дилгиркунанда dilgirkunanda
Candidates номзадхо nomzadxo
Children кӯдакон kūdakon
City шахр şaxr
Company ширкат şirkat
Computer компютер kompjuter
Consulting машварат maşvarat
Conversation сухбат suxʙat
Country кишвар kişvar
Demanding серталаб sertalaʙ
Department кафедра kafedra
Design тарҳрезӣ tarhrezī
Details тафсилот tafsilot
Dull кунд kund
Employed ба кор даромад ʙa kor daromad
English англисӣ anglisī
Exciting ҳаяҷоновар hajaçonovar
Factory завод zavod
Finance молия molija
Formal расмӣ rasmī
General генерал general
Hired киро гирифтаанд kiro giriftaand
Industry саноат sanoat
Interview мусоҳиба musohiʙa
Involves дарбар мегирад darʙar megirad
Job кор kor
Leave тарк кунед tark kuned
Living зиндагӣ zindagī
Manager мудири mudiri
Marketing маркетинг marketing
Money пул pul
Museum музей muzej
Office идора idora
Place ҷой çoj
Promotion пешбарй peşʙarj
Question савол savol
Repetitive такроршаванда takrorşavanda
Resign истеъфо додан iste'fo dodan
Responsible масъул mas'ul
Restaurant тарабхона taraʙxona
Retired нафақахӯр nafaqaxūr
Rewarding мукофотонидан mukofotonidan
Salary маош maoş
Sales фурӯш furūş
School мактаб maktaʙ
Student донишҷӯ donişçū
Teacher муаллим muallim
Things чизҳо cizho
Tiring хастакунанда xastakunanda
Tough сахт saxt
Tours турхо turxo
Unemployed бекор ʙekor
Website вебсайт veʙsajt
Work кор kor

Top 1000 Tajik words

Here you learn top 1000 Tajik words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Tajik meanings with transliteration.

Eat бихӯред
All ҳама
New нав
Snore хурӯс кардан
Fast зуд
Help Кӯмак
Pain дард
Rain борон
Pride ифтихор
Sense ҳис
Large калон
Skill махорат
Panic дар воҳима будан
Thank ташаккур
Desire хохиш
Woman зан
Hungry гурусна

Daily use Tajik Sentences

Here you learn top Tajik sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Tajik meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Субҳ ба хайр
What is your name Номи шумо чӣ
What is your problem Мушкилоти шумо чист?
I hate you ман туро дидан намехоҳам
I love you Ман туро дӯст медорам
Can I help you Мумкин аст ман ба шумо кӯмак кунам?
I am sorry мебахшед
I want to sleep ман мехоҳам хоб равам
This is very important Ин хеле муҳим аст
Are you hungry Шумо гуруснаед?
How is your life Зиндагии шумо чӣ гуна аст?
I am going to study Ман ба таҳсил меравам
Tajik Vocabulary
Tajik Dictionary

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