Hospital things vocabulary words in Tatar and English - Common Tatar Vocabulary

Learn common Tatar vocabulary with this English-to-Tatar list of Hospital things vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Tatar language skills through popular words and play Tatar quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Tatar language, then the 1000 most common Tatar words will help you to learn the Tatar language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Hospital things vocabulary words in Tatar.

Hospital things vocabulary words in Tatar and English - Common Tatar Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Hospital things vocabulary words in Tatar with English Pronunciation

Learn Hospital things in Tatar, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Tatar vocabulary for daily conversations.

Hospital things vocabulary words - Tatar

Ambulance ашыгыч ярдәм
Anesthesia анестезия
Antiseptic антисептик
Aspirin аспирин
Bandage бинт
Blood кан
Braces кашыклар
Capsule капсула
Cardiology кардиология
Clinic клиника
Cough syrup йөткерүче сироп
Crutch балдак
Dentist теш табибы
Disabilities инвалидлык
Disinfectant дезинфекцияләү
Dispensary диспансер
Doctor табиб
Emergency гадәттән тыш хәл
Endoscopy эндоскопия
Face mask битлек
Family doctor гаилә табибы
Glasses стакан
Healer дәвалаучы
Health сәламәтлек
Infirmary авыру
Injuries җәрәхәтләр
Lotion лосьон
Maternity ана
Medicine медицина
Microscope микроскоп
Mortuary мәет
Nurse шәфкать туташы
Ointment майлы
Orphanage балалар йорты
Pathology патология
Patient пациент
Pharmacy даруханә
Pneumonia пневмония
Prescription рецепт
Psychology психология
Scalpel скальпель
Scan сканерлау
Scissor кайчы
Stethoscope стетоскоп
Stretcher носилка
Surgeon хирург
Surgery хирургия
Syringe шприц
Therapy терапия
Thermometer термометр
Toothpaste теш пастасы
Treatment дәвалау
Veterinarian ветеринария табибы
Veterinary ветеринария
Ward палатасы
Wheelchair инвалид коляскасы
Wound җәрәхәт

Top 1000 Tatar words

Here you learn top 1000 Tatar words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Tatar meanings with transliteration.

Eat ашау
All Барысы да
New яңа
Snore елау
Fast тиз
Help Ярдәм итегез
Pain авырту
Rain яңгыр
Pride горурлык
Sense мәгънә
Large зур
Skill осталык
Panic паника
Thank рәхмәт
Desire теләк
Woman хатын-кыз
Hungry ач

Daily use Tatar Sentences

Here you learn top Tatar sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Tatar meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Хәерле иртә
What is your name Атың кем
What is your problem Сезнең проблемагыз нинди?
I hate you сиңа нәфрәт итәм
I love you мин сине яратам
Can I help you Сезгә ярдәм итә аламмы?
I am sorry гафу ит
I want to sleep йоклыйсым килә
This is very important Бу бик мөһим
Are you hungry Син ачмы?
How is your life Сезнең тормышыгыз ничек?
I am going to study Мин укырга җыенам
Tatar Vocabulary
Tatar Dictionary

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