English to Albanian A-Z Dictionary

English to Albanian translation / English to Albanian Dictionary gives the meaning of words in Albanian language ending from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn Albanian through English in an easy way. English to Albanian translation helps you to learn any word in Albanian using English in an interesting way.

English to Albanian translation – Words end with Y

Here is a collection of words ending with Y and also you can learn Albanian translation of a word end with Y with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to Albanian translation – Words end with Y

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Albanian Dictionary – Words end with Y

If you want to know the Albanian translation of a word end with Y, you can search that word and learn Albanian translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words end with Y

Everybody të gjithë
Railway hekurudhor
Runaway i arratisur
Somebody dikush
Takeaway ushqim me vete
Weekday ditë jave
Apply aplikoni
Carry bartin
Employ punësojnë
Enjoy shijoni
Essay ese
Fly fluturojnë
Hurry nxitoni
Imply nënkuptojnë
Jury juria
Justify justifikoj
Pay paguaj
Qualify kualifikohen
Rely mbështeten
Reply përgjigje
Say thuaj
Spray llak
Stay qëndroj
Supply furnizimit
Try provoni
Worry merak
Agency agjenci
Anxiety ankthi
Army ushtria
Charity bamirësi
County qarkut
Currency valutë
Difficulty vështirësi
Entry hyrje
Grocery ushqimore
Honey mjaltë
Lady zonjë
Penalty penallti
Poetry poezi
Possibility mundësi
Priority prioritet
Sympathy simpati
Bloody të përgjakshme
Brainy mendjemadh
Busy i zënë
Cloudy me re
Dizzy i trullosur
Grumpy ters
Healthy shëndetshëm

Top 1000 Albanian words

Here you learn top 1000 Albanian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Albanian meanings with transliteration.

Eat hani
All të gjitha
New i ri
Snore gërhij
Fast shpejtë
Help ndihmë
Pain dhimbje
Rain shiu
Pride krenaria
Sense kuptim
Large i madh
Skill shkathtësi
Panic panik
Thank falenderim
Desire dëshirë
Woman grua
Hungry i uritur

Daily use Albanian Sentences

Here you learn top Albanian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Albanian meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Miremengjes
What is your name Si e ke emrin
What is your problem Cili është problemi juaj?
I hate you Unë të urrej
I love you Unë të dua
Can I help you Mund t'ju ndihmoj?
I am sorry me vjen keq
I want to sleep dua të fle
This is very important Kjo eshte shume e rendesishme
Are you hungry A je i uritur?
How is your life Se si është jeta juaj?
I am going to study Unë jam duke shkuar për të studiuar
Albanian Vocabulary
Albanian Dictionary

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