Arabic Alphabet
To learn Arabic language, Alphabets are the main part of language learning. Here you learn Arabic alphabet/Arabic letter. If you are interested to learn Arabic language, this place will help you to learn Arabic alphabet/character in Arabic and their pronunciation in English. Language is a communication tool in which knowledge, emotions and feeling convey to others. To learn Arabic language, first we learn Arabic alphabets and then learn Arabic alphabets with words and images and their pronunciation in English. Common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life conversations. Arabic is one of the popular languages over 300+ million native speakers and 400+ million speakers to communicates their language around the world. Arabic language is a Semitic language. Arabic alphabet is otherwise called Arabic abjad (abjad means, a language only uses consonants). Arabic language is the fifth largest language in the world. In Arabic language, there is no capital letter and small letter / upper-case and lower-case letters. The Arabic language can be written from right to left of the unique order. Arabic language is an official language of many countries such as Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Oman, Kuwait, Somalia, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Tunisia, Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Chad, Djibouti, Eritrea, Jordan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, Palestine, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Yemen and also a national language of Mali and Senegal. Arabic language is one of the most influential languages in the world.

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Arabic alphabet is called الأبجدية العربية (al'abjadiat alearabia). Arabic vowels are known as الحروف المتحركة (alhuruf almutaharika) and Arabic consonants are known as الحروف الساكنة (alhuruf alssakina). Arabic alphabet has 28 letters. There are no consonants in Arabic language. Arabic alphabet can write two ways
• Abjad (أَلِفْبَائِي) • Hija (هِجَائِي)
Arabic Abjad (أَلِفْبَائِي)
ARABIC ALPHABETS - Abjad (أَلِفْبَائِي)
English | Arabic | Pronunciation |
أ | a | alif |
ب | b | ba |
ج | j | jim |
د | d | dal |
ه | h | ha |
و | w | waw |
ز | z | zai |
ح | ḥ | ha |
ط | ṭ | ta |
ي | y | yah |
ك | k | kaf |
ل | l | lam |
م | m | mim |
ن | n | nun |
س | s | sin |
ع | rh | rhayn |
ف | f | fa |
ص | ṣ | sad |
ق | g | gaf |
ر | r | ra |
ش | sh | shin |
ت | t | ta |
ث | th | tha |
خ | kh | kha |
ذ | dh | thal |
ض | ḍ | dad |
ظ | ẓ | dha |
غ | gh | ghayn |
Arabic Hija (هِجَائِي)
ARABIC ALPHABETS - Hija (هِجَائِي)
الأبجدية العربية al'abjadiat alearabia
English | Arabic | Pronunciation |
ﺍ | a | alif |
ﺏ | b | ba |
ﺕ | ṭ | ta |
ﺙ | th | tha |
ﺝ | j | jim |
ﺡ | h | ha |
ﺥ | kh | kha |
ﺩ | d | dal |
ﺫ | dh | thal |
ﺭ | r | ra |
ﺯ | z | zai |
ﺱ | s | sin |
ﺵ | sh | shin |
ﺹ | sz | sad |
ﺽ | ḍ | dad |
ﻁ | tz | ta |
ﻅ | ẓ | dha |
ﻉ | rh | rhayn |
ﻍ | gh | ghayn |
ﻑ | f | fa |
ﻕ | g | gaf |
ﻙ | k | kaf |
ﻝ | l | lam |
ﻡ | m | mim |
ﻥ | n | nun |
ﻩ | ḥ | ha |
ﻭ | w | waw |
ﻱ | y | yah |
Read also: Numbers in Arabic and English
Top 1000 Arabic words
Here you learn top 1000 Arabic words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Arabic meanings with transliteration.
Daily use Arabic Sentences
Here you learn top Arabic sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Arabic meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | صباح الخير sabah alkhyr |
What is your name | ما اسمك ma aismak |
What is your problem | ما هي مشكلتك؟ ma hi mushkilatuka? |
I hate you | أكرهك akrahik |
I love you | أحببك ahababak |
Can I help you | أيمكنني مساعدتك؟ 'ayumkinuni musaeadatuka? |
I am sorry | أنا آسف 'ana asf |
I want to sleep | أريد أن أنام 'urid 'ana 'anam |
This is very important | هذا مهم جدا hadha muhimun jiddaan |
Are you hungry | هل انت جوعان؟ hal ant juean? |
How is your life | كيف هي حياتك kayf hi hayatuk |
I am going to study | سأدرس sa'adrus |
Arabic Vocabulary

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