English to Assamese A-Z Dictionary

English to Assamese translation / English to Assamese Dictionary gives the meaning of words in Assamese language starting from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn Assamese through English in an easy way. English to Assamese translation helps you to learn any word in Assamese using English in an interesting way.

English to Assamese translation – Words start with P

Here is a collection of words starting with P and also you can learn Assamese translation of a word start with P with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to Assamese translation – Words start with P

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Assamese Dictionary – Words start with P

If you want to know the Assamese translation of a word start with P, you can search that word and learn Assamese translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words start with P

Panther পেন্থাৰ penthara
Pig গাহৰি gaharai
Pony পনি pani
Porcupine পোৰকুপাইন porakupa'ina
Puppy কুকুৰ পোৱালি kukura poraali
Parrot ভাটৌ bhatau
Partridge পাৰ্ট্ৰিজ partraija
Peacock ময়ুৰ mayura
Peahen peahen peahen
Pigeon কপৌ চৰাই kapau caraa'i
Palace ৰাজপ্ৰসাদ raajaprasada
Peg peg peg
Plaster প্লাষ্টাৰ plastara
Platform প্লেটফৰ্ম pletapharma
Plinth প্লিন্থ plintha

Top 1000 Assamese words

Here you learn top 1000 Assamese words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Assamese meanings with transliteration.

Eat খোৱা
All আটাইবোৰ
New নতুন
Snore নাক কটাব
Fast বেগাই
Help সহায়
Pain দুখ
Rain বৰষুণ
Pride গৌৰৱ
Sense জ্ঞান
Large ডাঙৰ
Skill দক্ষতা
Panic ত্ৰাস
Thank ধন্যবাদ
Desire আকাংক্ষা
Woman মহিলা
Hungry ভোকাতুৰ

Daily use Assamese Sentences

Here you learn top Assamese sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Assamese meanings with transliteration.

Good morning সুপ্ৰভাত
What is your name আপোনাৰ নাম কি
What is your problem আপোনাৰ সমস্যা কি?
I hate you মই তোমাক ঘৃণা কৰো
I love you মই আপোনাক ভাল পাওঁ
Can I help you মই আপোনাক সহায় কৰিব পাৰিমনে?
I am sorry ক্ষমা কৰিব
I want to sleep মোৰ শুবলৈ মন যায়
This is very important এইটো অতি গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ
Are you hungry ভোক লাগিছে নেকি?
How is your life আপোনাৰ জীৱন কেনেকুৱা?
I am going to study মই পঢ়িবলৈ ওলাইছো
Assamese Vocabulary
Assamese Dictionary

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