English to Aymara A-Z Dictionary

English to Aymara translation / English to Aymara Dictionary gives the meaning of words in Aymara language ending from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn Aymara through English in an easy way. English to Aymara translation helps you to learn any word in Aymara using English in an interesting way.

English to Aymara translation – Words end with R

Here is a collection of words ending with R and also you can learn Aymara translation of a word end with R with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to Aymara translation – Words end with R

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Aymara Dictionary – Words end with R

If you want to know the Aymara translation of a word end with R, you can search that word and learn Aymara translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words end with R

Oleometer oleómetro ukaxa mä juk’a pachanakwa lurasi
Optometer optómetro ukax mä juk’a pachanakanwa
Orator arst’iri
Osier osier ukax mä juk’a pachanakanwa
Ostler ostler ukax mä juk’a pachanakanwa
Ouster jaqunukuña
Out lander ukatsti lander
Outdoor anqankir jaqinaka
Outer anqäxa
Oyster ostra ukaxa wali sumawa
Packer packer ukax mä juk’a pachanakanwa
Pager pager ukax mä juk’a pachanakanwa
Palaver palaver ukax mä juk’a pachanakanwa
Pallbearer pallbearer ukax mä jaqiwa
Pallor pallor ukax mä juk’a pachanakanwa
Palter palter ukax mä juk’a pachanakanwa
Pamper pamper ukat juk’ampinaka
Pander pander ukax mä juk’a pachanakanwa
Pannier pannier ukax mä juk’a pachanakanwa
Par par
Parameter parámetro ukaxa
Paramour paramor sat jaqi
Paratrooper paracaidista ukham uñt’atawa
Parcener parcener ukax mä juk’a pachanakanwa
Parishioner parroquiano jaqe
Parlour parlor uñt’ayaña
Partner q'añu
Passimeter pasímetro ukax mä juk’a pachanakanwa
Pastmaster pastmaster ukax mä jach’a yatichiriwa
Pastor pastor sasaw sapxi
Pater pater ukax mä juk’a pachanakanwa
Patter patxaru uñt’ayaña
Pauper pobre jaqe
Pawner empeño luraña
Payer payllasiri
Peculiar mayninki
Peer parisa
Perpendicular perpendicular sata uñt’atawa
Peter Pedro
Pillar pilara
Pioneer precursorjamaw irnaqtʼäna
Pleader achikt’asir jaqi
Poster cartel ukan uñt’ayata
Pother pother
Powder ukatsti ukax mä polvo satawa
Premier nayrïr ministro
Quartermaster cuarto ukan irnaqiri
Quaver quaver ukax wali ch’amawa
Queer queer satawa
Questioner jiskt’iri

Top 1000 Aymara words

Here you learn top 1000 Aymara words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Aymara meanings with transliteration.

Eat manq'aña
All taqini
New machaqa
Snore ukatsti chhuxriñchjasiña
Fast jank'aki
Help yanapa
Pain usu
Rain jallu
Pride jach'arsta
Sense kunjama
Large jach'a
Skill awilirara
Panic asxara
Thank paychaña
Desire munta
Woman warmi
Hungry awtjata

Daily use Aymara Sentences

Here you learn top Aymara sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Aymara meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Aski alwakipana
What is your name Kunas sutimaxa
What is your problem ¿Kuna jan waltʼäwis jumatakixa?
I hate you Nayajj jumar uñisipjjsmawa
I love you munsmawa
Can I help you ¿Yanaptʼirismati?
I am sorry Nayax llakistwa
I want to sleep Nayax ikiñ munta
This is very important Ukajj wali wakiskiriwa
Are you hungry ¿Manqʼat awtjatätati?
How is your life ¿Kunjamsa jakäwimax utji?
I am going to study Nayax yatxatiriw saraskta
Aymara Vocabulary
Aymara Dictionary

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