English to Bosnian A-Z Dictionary

English to Bosnian translation / English to Bosnian Dictionary gives the meaning of words in Bosnian language ending from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn Bosnian through English in an easy way. English to Bosnian translation helps you to learn any word in Bosnian using English in an interesting way.

English to Bosnian translation – Words end with Y

Here is a collection of words ending with Y and also you can learn Bosnian translation of a word end with Y with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to Bosnian translation – Words end with Y

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Bosnian Dictionary – Words end with Y

If you want to know the Bosnian translation of a word end with Y, you can search that word and learn Bosnian translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words end with Y

Adultery preljuba
Adversary protivnik
Adversity nevolje
Advisory savjetodavni
Aeriality vazdušnost
Aerify aerify
Aerography aerografija
Affray affray
Agility agilnost
Agrology agrologija
Agronomy agronomija
Airily prozračno
Airy prozračno
Alacrity alacity
Alchemy alhemija
Alimony alimentacija
Allay smiriti
Allegory alegorija
Allelopathy alelopatija
Allergy alergija
Allopathy alopatija
Allotropy alotropija
Alloy legura
Ally saveznik
Almighty svemogući
Almonry almonry
Alterability promjenjivost
Ambiguity dvosmislenost
Amenity amenity
Amnesty amnestija
Amplify pojačati
Analogy analogija
Anarchically anarhično
Anarchy anarhija
Ancestry porijeklo
Animosity animozitet
Annuity anuitet
Anomaly anomalija
Anthology antologija
Antibody antitelo
Antipathy antipatija
Antiquary antikvar
Antiquity antike
Apiary pčelinjak
Aplenty dosta
Apoplexy apopleksija
Apothecary apotekar
Applicability primenljivosti
Arbitrary proizvoljno
Archaeology arheologija

Top 1000 Bosnian words

Here you learn top 1000 Bosnian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Bosnian meanings with transliteration.

Eat jesti
All sve
New novo
Snore hrkanje
Fast brzo
Help pomoć
Pain bol
Rain kiša
Pride ponos
Sense smisao
Large veliko
Skill vještina
Panic panika
Thank hvala
Desire želja
Woman zena
Hungry Gladan

Daily use Bosnian Sentences

Here you learn top Bosnian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Bosnian meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Dobro jutro
What is your name Kako se zoves
What is your problem Sta je tvoj problem?
I hate you mrzim te
I love you volim te
Can I help you Mogu li vam pomoći?
I am sorry zao mi je
I want to sleep Želim spavati
This is very important Ovo je veoma važno
Are you hungry Jesi li gladan?
How is your life kakav je tvoj život?
I am going to study Idem da učim
Bosnian Vocabulary
Bosnian Dictionary

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